Comments on: 10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin! /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: A New MCD Card Format for Japanese (Even Lazier and More Effective Than Before) | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000565737 Wed, 06 Mar 2019 17:37:14 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000565737 […] 10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin! […]

By: A bit of history…. The Legend of AJATT – Spaced Intervals /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000544832 Mon, 28 Mar 2016 06:14:19 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000544832 […] If you want to see a longer list of MCD attributes, here’s the AJATT post. […]

By: Gabriel /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000516741 Fri, 13 Feb 2015 15:21:49 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000516741 Anybody with any clue how many MCD cards is a good number? I have about 21000 right now which seems possibly excessive. I delete all the time but I’m still in the virgin cards and keep finding more passages to add haha. Anybody?


By: Holiday Magic! Omnibus: The Mother of All Sentence Packs | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000063745 Wed, 25 Dec 2013 03:07:40 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000063745 […] 10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin! […]

By: Raphael /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000062964 Thu, 12 Dec 2013 20:22:06 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000062964 In short, yes, you will get what words mean.

That and constant exposure to native material.

I think the reason why people are bitter towards Khatz about his zero grammar approach is that they have the idea drummed into them that language learning is a series of rules that you have to follow from the wider society of killjoys known as traditional language teachers. They seem to forget the way that kids learn languages, through experiencing them in context. You can completely ignore the grammar books because you don’t need them. With MCDs, you start linking different grammatical structures to contexts which become familiar to you through SRS. Like if the context is about how you spent your day yesterday, you might come across a grammatical structure involving the word ‘play’. (e.g. I played, which is in the past tense). You might look up the word in the dictionary to find the infinitive (to play). The point of that is to get the basic sense of the word. The different grammatical nuances are inferred through context (if the context mentions the word ‘yesterday’ for instance, that might give you a clue to the fact that the ‘playing’ occurred in the past, when you see the same sort of pattern in different places and you notice there’s a similar context involving times before the present, you’d be tempted to think that perhaps this isn’t a coincidence). As you add more and more cards, earlier cards become clearer. And the good thing with the MCD approach is that you say the word out loud. That gets you used to saying the correct thing in the context. Once I realized this, MCDs have become so much more clearer and so much more fun.

By: Zombies and Japanese, Or, The Halloween Horror Sentence Pack: Available Only Until, Well, Halloween | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000060613 Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:07:20 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000060613 […] (FREE) The Full MCD Revolution Kit […]

By: If Anime Is Bad For Your Japanese, Then Nursery Rhymes Are Bad For Your English | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000055793 Fri, 16 Aug 2013 20:07:27 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000055793 […] Yeah, immigrants. That wasn’t typo 1. That was deliberate ironic prejudice. Picture this. Vancouver. Iranian cab driver. What mistakes do you think he made in his English? Hint: He didn’t talk like Dr. Seuss. He did, however say “too many” when he meant “so many”. Another Punjabi guy said “can’t” when he meant “won’t”. It was the little things. The little things that, I would add, MCDs pound you on. […]

By: How To Make The Monolingual Transition in Baby Steps | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000053763 Sat, 06 Jul 2013 01:07:30 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000053763 […] Free MCD Revolution Kit, to take you to ever greater heights of awesomeness […]

By: The 5 Best Web and Phone Apps for Learning Mandarin Chinese | Chunks /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000044876 Sun, 16 Jun 2013 15:26:43 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000044876 […] as a question, the word or words will be replaced with an ellipsis (…). This mode allows for Massive context cloze deletion (MCD) – a memorizing method worth looking […]

By: kyub /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-1000028274 Wed, 22 May 2013 17:20:04 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-1000028274 It makes totally sense. I’m actually starting to use this method for Spanish,and i have noticed improvements.

But just for clarification, finding sentences aren’t that hard, just hit up some news website or forum, but should I be sentence mining for sentences with translations in L1(in my case english)? Or should I gathering L2 sentences, and just makes cards while cloze-deleting words I don’t know but will eventually learn (since it is in context)?

I guess what I am asking is should I be looking up every word I dont know or based on this method, through constant SRS reps I will just GET what words mean?

BTW i use a grammar book so translations are already there, I just want to see if I would be able to move past the grammar book to L2 media and learn combined with the MCD method.

By: Alissa /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-318982 Sat, 16 Feb 2013 19:03:24 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-318982 Bwhahahahaha, “Look. I know I’m young and thin and beautiful and handsome, okay? I know I have nice thighs and a perky butt, okay? I know I look like Michelangelo’s David, okay? Wait…pull back. But you know what? Even I’m not perfect.” As a fellow blogger in a completely different niche (parenting) I so hear you and I wish I could use this answer sometimes. It wouldn’t fly for me, but that really made me laugh, thank you.

Ok – off to continue reading about acronyms language learning and whatnot. You’ve really helped me in my German learning; I’m so curious to read more about what you’re doing now.

Thanks again!


By: The Moë Sentence Pack, 2013 Edition: The Most Dangerous and Sinfully Sexy Sentence Pack Ever Created (Now Even Sexier and Sinfuller!) | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-318643 Fri, 15 Feb 2013 05:07:09 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-318643 […] free copy of the MCD Revolution Core Kit (for free, yo), so you can learn how to get the most out of your MoëSP. This alone is worth […]

By: Diario – Mese #2 « Baka Neko! /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-314996 Sun, 03 Feb 2013 21:02:50 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-314996 […] un mazzo nuovo con le mie frasi (prese da fonti native certe, dizionari, ecc.), ma utilizzando le Clozed Deletions per imparare nuovi vocaboli. In questo caso posso anche importare le frasi di Core 2000 […]

By: 12 Free MCD Examples | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-259682 Tue, 09 Oct 2012 01:17:43 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-259682 […] entry is part 8 of 8 in the series MCD RevolutionMCD Revolution10,000 Sentences Is Dead10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin!What is it about these MCDs? Part 1: IntroductionWhat is it about these MCDs? Part 2: The […]

By: My First Sentence Pack (2012~2013 Edition) + FREEBIES | AJATT Plus /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-207761 Fri, 18 May 2012 14:51:03 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-207761 […] your name and email here to get your copy of the My  First Sentence Pack (2012~2013 Edition), with freebies and lifetime access to updates and […]

By: Squimpleton /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-198723 Tue, 27 Mar 2012 19:42:19 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-198723 There’s been quite a few posts in the past week on MCD’s. I don’t know how you could have missed them. They explain both the how and the why of MCD’s. People’s comments on those posts even further explain.

By: Natsu /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-198495 Mon, 26 Mar 2012 16:45:08 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-198495 I was hoping that after waiting all that time for this to come out, there would be some sort of explanation as to what MCD’s really ARE. Not just, “MCD is short for Massive-Context Cloze Deletions”.  I wanna know what Massive-Context Cloze Deletions ARE. How they WORK… D:

I don’t wanna buy something without knowing first what it is. It’s like going to the Trading Cards section, closing my eyes, and picking out a pack of cards and then buying them without looking to see if they’re the kind of cards I actually collect… Okay, not the best example, but I’m sure you get it.

For you, Khatz, I actually might buy it anyway just because I trust you to be the eyes of the blind (in the sense of being blind toward what’s good for your language learning) in these situations. But I’d rather not rely merely on trust when spending my rarely-earned money. (I’m mentally too young for a real job, and only have a tiny “career” which is barely getting me anywhere because it hasn’t truly started yet.)

I’ll look it up and come back to you, though. 🙂 Hopefully I’ll find something.

By: Shawn /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-197898 Sat, 24 Mar 2012 13:28:19 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-197898 Khatz is this included for silverspoon members? 

By: Santayana /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-192758 Thu, 08 Mar 2012 08:46:46 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-192758 Hi,
I’m the handsome Santayana, the man who gave rise, a long time ago, to the celebrated post by Khatzumoto titled “How to Be a Capablanca,” or something like that. By the way, I would love to insert a reply to that post sometime. I think I probably have some interesting things to say on that topic.
At any rate, I’m not a learner of Japanese, the only foreign language I study being English. Yes, I only dabble in English as a Second Language, Since I employ exclusively Krashen-influenced learning strategies, I’ve been following AJATT rather devoutedly over the years. This website is full of nuggets of gold on the Krashenite approach to foreign language acquiring. I have never registered to the “Plus” version of AJATT though, and that’s because, well, its galore of resources are designed for Japanese language learners, and I’m just not one.
I don’t think I’m the only learner of a language other than Japanese that keeps an eye on AJATT. Alas, I believe the non-Japanese-learning readership of AJATT make up for a remarkable, if minor, part of the whole readership of the website.
So… Any chance that Mighty Khatz explains what MCDs are in a decently detailed fashionto people like me, i.e. people that for understandable reasons have not upgrading to the commercial area of this website? What about a small demonstration of how a few MCDs items, let’s say a dozen of them, would read if the language at hand was English?
Unleash the Krashen!

By: 名前 /10000-sentences-is-dead-long-live-mcds/#comment-192258 Tue, 06 Mar 2012 16:01:57 +0000 /?p=6605#comment-192258 When I first started with sentences I was pretty overwhelmed and missed most of the readings for the kanji since I literally didn’t know any words before this point. I tried vanilla sentences and was getting discouraged because of how often I would fail them during reviews. I then gave MicroMCDs a try and the amount of cards I failed went down dramatically. What I did for my JE sentences was: Japanese and English on the front, and close out one part of the Japanese sentence (word, particle, kanji) and then grade myself based solely on whether or not I could, and at what difficulty I could, produce what was in the clozed text and if I knew its reading. Since they’re just one sentence per card, I would always read the whole sentence, but even if I didn’t understand parts of it not in the cloze, I still wouldn’t score myself based on that.
As for being able to speak it, I don’t factor that in my grading, but I often read out my cards if I have a desire to, but honestly I think that my immersion environment has done more for making my speaking sound better than actively working to improve it. (I’m not too far along, so it still isn’t great)
