Comments on: Advanced Immersion in 3 Steps: How To Get Immersed and Stay That Way /advanced-immersion-in-3-steps-how-to-get-immersed-and-stay-that-way/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: SoSheree /advanced-immersion-in-3-steps-how-to-get-immersed-and-stay-that-way/#comment-1000236529 Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:12:11 +0000 /?p=27985#comment-1000236529 You have no excuse Three Dots! 🙂

Change your phone language to Japanese, download podcasts, get tuneIn Radio app on your computer or phone and stream Japanese radio. You have Youtube as well.

Download LINE – messaging app and find your favourite Japanese artists and try and read their posts. Twitter, facebook etc etc. There’s online dictionaries as well as a free guide to Japanese grammar (just search Tae Kim).

You can totally do it. 🙂

By: three dots /advanced-immersion-in-3-steps-how-to-get-immersed-and-stay-that-way/#comment-1000199795 Mon, 23 Jun 2014 15:46:41 +0000 /?p=27985#comment-1000199795 I’d love to be able to do all of these things. .. but what if I happen to not have access to these resources? Like, with BlueBubbles17… I’d really like to be able to listen to Japanese podcasts and such but I don’t have the internet quota to download them. I’d like to have more otaku merch, real copies of raw manga… but I don’t have these things. What do I do?

By: 30 Days of Japanese Immersion: What I learned and How I Stayed Sane /advanced-immersion-in-3-steps-how-to-get-immersed-and-stay-that-way/#comment-1000100749 Sun, 18 May 2014 10:58:26 +0000 /?p=27985#comment-1000100749 […]  I followed advice from the AJATT website  to setup my immersion environment. You have to hide your native language away from yourself.  I […]

By: BlueBubbles17 /advanced-immersion-in-3-steps-how-to-get-immersed-and-stay-that-way/#comment-1000063026 Fri, 13 Dec 2013 22:38:08 +0000 /?p=27985#comment-1000063026 I guess this goes with setting up your environment so that it is providing you with L2 no matter where you are.

I have multiple iPods that all have different purposes and content. A 64GB iPod Touch that I has a crap battery life and horribly cracked screen, so instead of tossing it, I leave it hooked up to the charger and it plays Japanese talk-radio or podcasts from the Japanese iTunes store (so that is all L2, no English) whether I’m there or not. That way, I don’t have to make myself turn on the Japanese when I come back to my dorm; it’s already there, playing. (It also plays as I sleep).
I have a old 32GB iPod Touch that has nothing but anime and dramas (I would love to use this for talk radio and the other for videos, but this one has great battery life). I carry that one around with me, and I listen to it whenever I’m not in classes. I have a bluetooth headset (Jawbone) that I have in my ear so that I’m wireless and discreet. Whenever I can, watch something, but most of the time, I’m listening to shows that I have already watched. When I want to listen to music or just Japanese people talk, I have a 8GB iPod Nano with it’s own earphones that I keep in my backpack.
I have a 160GB iPod Classic that I keep everything on. I don’t use this one very often, as I got it as a thing to keep all my media on no matter the language. So it just serves as a backup of all my music and podcasts.
Lastly, I have an 16GB iPhone that I don’t keep any media on because it’s too small. All I have is Tae Kim’s Guide, a few 4コマ apps, and Anki. It’s really fun to be listening to something like キルラキル or ONE PIECE while doing reviews.

I reach at least 10 hours of passive listening every day using this set up.

Listening is really important to me, and I’m starting to add in more reading. I keep manga and novels with me in my bags and snippets of articles, parts of novels I typed up and printed off, and 4コマ in my pockets (I can’t bring myself to tear up a book). I find that having the snippets are really effective and fun.

At this point, it feels completely unnatural to not hear or see Japanese at every moment and I can’t wait to get back to Japanese material after my classes end.

By: Dan /advanced-immersion-in-3-steps-how-to-get-immersed-and-stay-that-way/#comment-1000062891 Wed, 11 Dec 2013 04:27:33 +0000 /?p=27985#comment-1000062891 It seems that every issue that I come across during this Japanese journey, Khatz comes out with post that helps. Thank you so much Khatz for what you do, truly an amazing site!
