Comments on: But I Don’t Have Time For Immersion!: How To Immerse Even When Your Time Is Controlled By Others /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Why America Doesn’t Win Wars Any More and What (Ironically) That Can Teach You About Learning Languages | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-1000567912 Sun, 18 Aug 2019 12:38:58 +0000 /?p=461#comment-1000567912 […] everything sets you free to ignore most things and simply not bother in the first place. Thus, a lack of freedom is, paradoxically, the source of your freedom. […]

By: fabions /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-1000562503 Sun, 02 Sep 2018 16:41:12 +0000 /?p=461#comment-1000562503 For, the best way to deal with school BS and all the homeworks and tests is very simple: cheat as much as possible. Even though it’s incorrect cheating on test and this stuff, it will save a loooooooot of time, ’cause, when your cheating on exams you can just use the time in class to japanese, maybe having you earphones on, in a way that it superpasses the teachers voice, and may be writting or reading in japanese, plus you’ll never have to study no any exam anymore.
As I said, I know it’s not “right” to cheat, but when I decided that I want japanese and not all that BS tha school tries to force to us, I actually came to think that the real not right thing is to have to waste my time on some shit that I don’t want to know and isn’t going to take anywhere :). Although, this is just an option if you really don’t give the very little possible shit about school, ’cause if you still want to go to an university, you better follow Khatz advice instead of mine. I hope this little text can help any AJATTer’s that are still going to school like me :).

By: Brandon /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-1000547133 Thu, 26 May 2016 08:16:14 +0000 /?p=461#comment-1000547133 Ironic that I’m going to be writing to you, almost 6 months later… but you’re writing a response to someone nearly 6 years later. Said person, may already be fluent at this point ^_^

IMO – I ignored Kanji too much in the beginning and realize in hindsight that you learn not only vocab, but the derivation of many words (a lot of which really ends up making sense). Recommendation for those that read this post in the future, check out (google search) for WaniKani. Great SRS kanji system that teaches in about 1 – 2 years (depending on individual pacing), ~2000 kanji and some ~6000 vocab.

By: Ali Khalid /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-1000538540 Thu, 17 Dec 2015 06:04:39 +0000 /?p=461#comment-1000538540 Dude, just forget the Kanji for now, seriously. If you’re planning to write Japanese more than listen, then study Kanji, if you’re aiming to listen and speak in Japanese, screw the Kanji… for now.

By: Lucy /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-1000054010 Sat, 13 Jul 2013 00:46:32 +0000 /?p=461#comment-1000054010 So I have always thought immersion, listening, reading, and just getting int the “real” language would be the best way to learn. However I have continually struggled with finding Japanese music, books, movies,… ect. I have watched anime and that helped me get down a few words but there our few things I can find that I can actually take with me. Where do you get your things to read and listen to? And what do you recommend for learning Kana and Kanji?

By: IL /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-1000007957 Sat, 13 Apr 2013 02:45:29 +0000 /?p=461#comment-1000007957 Try if no one has mentioned it yet…

By: Insiya /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-264834 Wed, 17 Oct 2012 01:50:42 +0000 /?p=461#comment-264834 Another thing: If you like video games, get the Japanese version. I wonder where I can find the Japanese version of Pokemon Soulsilver….

By: Insiya /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-264832 Wed, 17 Oct 2012 01:49:33 +0000 /?p=461#comment-264832 In response to the end of your article: You can still learn a lot at school, even if you don’t have Japanese speaking friends. You can always print out kanji and their meanings and study them at lunch or after tests in class. I almost never listen to morning announcements because I’m too busy doing little kanji and kana worksheets (I make them myself– it’s fun to make them and you can’t cheat because the answers are at home). I know most schools don’t allow iPods and all, but it’s very easy to memorize a Japanese song once you have the lyrics. Just hum them quietly and scream them out loud in your head. At least try writing your homework down in Japanese. Fill the cover pockets of your binders with small kanji posters. And whatever happened to good old-fashioned flashcards?

By: Miss Language Learning /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-149913 Wed, 26 Oct 2011 10:12:23 +0000 /?p=461#comment-149913 By the way, I agree, some silence is necessary to calm down, but try to keep the silent periods to a minimum.

By: Miss Language Learning /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-149912 Wed, 26 Oct 2011 10:11:24 +0000 /?p=461#comment-149912 Thanks a lot for this article and for all the comments. I really needed that. Yesterday, I almost felt like giving up. I’ve amassed thousands of hours of listening already, but I was too depressed to go on. Now, I feel better.

By: 魔法少女☆かなたん /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-96594 Thu, 05 May 2011 12:36:39 +0000 /?p=461#comment-96594 I find it sometimes difficult to write long and complex analyses in English for my current work while listening to a different language. What I found I could do was just take a break for a couple hours. Just a short little break in a long-term project. Then I could listen and write at the same time for a couple hours. And when I came back to listening to Japanese later, it felt like “yes! yes! oh, yes~!” It was pretty intense.

But anyway, I think it’s important to the make the time you do have as enjoyable as possible, not to try to force yourself to do too much. It’s not a race to see who can get ten thousand hours the fastest.

By: FH /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-96443 Wed, 04 May 2011 18:40:11 +0000 /?p=461#comment-96443 Phew, yeah…. me, I work 8 hours per day. I tried listening to music with my mp3 player while working but found it didn’t work out because I really have to focus on working and the music distracts me too much.
Plus, I sometimes just need some quiet time. Without music, TV etc. But otherwise, I listen to japanese radio oder stuff on my mp3 player most of the time.
I think the most important thing is to do it regularly, on a daily basis. Not once a week but once a day. Even if it’s just a little.

Any ideas on how to immerse yourself in Japanese while not distracting yourself from work? I think it’s pretty difficult.

But OK. Since I have listened to Japanese music and watched anime & stuff for a few years now, I guess I already collected a few of these 10.000 hours.

What’s next? There’s a Japanese bookstore that also imports magazines so… I’ll subscribe to Shounen Jump. I read some of the mangas anyway. I can also spend my manga reading time learning Japanese. Even though Shounen Jump is about twice the Japanese price here…

By: Traci /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-62161 Mon, 29 Nov 2010 04:03:00 +0000 /?p=461#comment-62161 I know firsthand how much more you learn while using music and simply immersing yourself. I did this with two other languages besides English (French and Spanish) and I’m learning Japanese. I’m taking classes (GASP in horror I know) but I needed to major in something and it was the only thing that I was interested enough in to do. So. My classes are BS (Seriously I didn’t really learn anything and I’m doing Japanese 3 and 4 aka intermediate level and I’ve gotten straight As…) I would much rather spend my time listening to music and watching dramas (I loved my boss my hero btw). I can write in Japanese fairly well but for whatever reason when it comes to me reading it I am so slow. Frustratingly slow even. I’m going to be taking two semesters off to finish the remainder of my degree (science and math and electives ftw!) and won’t be taking classes till next fall. Challenging myself to at least get halfway fluent. Classes in the fall will be ENTIRELY in Japanese which will help immensely. I practice all my languages by translating what I want to say into either french or spanish then to japanese. sounds odd but sometimes makes a sentence easier to understand that way.
And wow that got long so I’m going to wrap it up with another suggestion. If you want to find people in your area who speak your target language, try using and look for people who want to meet up for coffee or something and speak with them. Even learners of a language will help you improve!

By: 星空 /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-62144 Mon, 29 Nov 2010 01:22:27 +0000 /?p=461#comment-62144 I squeeze whatever i can into japanese. notebook margins work teh best.
and if you’re an aspiring writer (in my case, 漫画家) write as few RO-MAji as physically possible. do it in [whatever] 日本語.

and does “bilingual multitasking” reallly work?
eg. read AJATT while listening to music (or vice versa)

Monolinguist haterss have been addressed, so have people that are too scared to break away from their comfort zone. but what about 1/2 & 1/2? I’m talking about 日英語 JAPANGLISH
[or whatever variation of the concept you happen to be dealing with]

I sent khatz an email………
but i fear it’s at the bottom of his massively overloaded inbox(es?)…

If anyone has any advice on either of those, i’d appreciate it, J or E.

By: nippyon /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-55682 Sun, 19 Sep 2010 18:02:24 +0000 /?p=461#comment-55682 I’m a highschool senior, so I never have any time either. Not limited time, NO TIME. But I always either:

1)Play Japanese music, podcasts, drama cd’s, or audio ripped from a drama while doing my homework(this especially helps when I have no time to watch a drama)
2)Put all need-to-memorize material on Anki so that I HAVE to go to Anki to study. While I’m there, might as well do some kanji reps.(This also improves your school study habits)
3)Try to mentally translate random phrases into Japanese whenever I feel like it.(I wonder what Dalton’s Atomic Theories would be in Japanese…hmmmm…)
4) I always keep manga in my backpack or purse in case I have a free moment. Only comedy though. If it’s complicated or too deep, I’ll never bother reading it. I also keep a mini notebook to write vocab in. And a dictionary. It’s alot of books, but with the size of my textbooks, it’s nothing. If all else fails, manga is key.
5) If you have a Japanese friend, tutuor, teacher, neighbor, anyone who speaks Japanese, talk to them( in Japanese). Also ask them to correct your mistakes no matter how many there are. Sometimes people will think they are being rude to correct you, and will be embaressed(picture yourself correcting a foreigner who speaks really bad English..embarassing isn’t it). Assure them that you want to be corrected. This will help your Japanese A LOT.
Pretty much, I find that multitasking will get you to do the most. Easy,quick tasks are second best. It’s better you do something tiny than nothing at all. がんばって!

By: Megan /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-55182 Mon, 13 Sep 2010 16:41:25 +0000 /?p=461#comment-55182 I have a lot of free time since I’m a stay at home housewife. My husband gets home at 4 p.m. and goes to bed at about 7 p.m. plus he’s home all weekend, but otherwise I’m in the middle of nowhere by myself.

It also means that I have no personal income and my husband’s income goes to little luxuries like food and electricity. He’ll buy me the occasional Japanese concert (like for my birthday, if we can afford to get me anything at all) but, really, he hates Japanese music and doesn’t care to learn to speak it either, though he is otherwise encouraging of my determination to learn. So I can’t replace our stuff; I can only add to what we have… and I’m being quite literal when I say there is 0 money to spend on movies and books in Japanese.

The music, well, I had 11 years of collecting that so I’m good on that front; it’s all I’ve listened to for so long that I already had a nice collection before I became a stay-at-home wife.

Any advice on ways I can, within those limitations that I cannot change, make this the most immersive environment possible? I’m gonna start looking for websites in Japanese and try to use Japanese whenever I’m talking to myself (which is embarassingly often) or my cat. I have a word processor that lets me type in Japanese easily so I was thinking I’d start with getting all my romanized song lyrics into proper Japanese and delete the old romanji ones plus turn the file names and tags of my digital backups of my music collection to Japanese.

I got the Anki program to do SRSing also but beyond this, I’ve run out of ideas to make this an immersion environmet. My mom says when I was a little kid I used to read the dictionary for fun (I know, I know… wierd kid, huh?) so I was thinking if I could find a free online Japanese dictionary (not a language to language one but an actual all-Japanese dictionary) that’d be great. It’d be like when I was a little girl wanting to learn all the words I could.

Sorry this is so long of a comment; it’s just that after reading all of this stuff from the AJATT site, it’s gotten me all excited about the thought of not only understanding what they’re saying in the songs I can sing along with but also what they say in the skits they stick in the concerts I got before we were completely broke LOL

By: scott /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-49949 Mon, 26 Jul 2010 04:27:48 +0000 /?p=461#comment-49949 I have read a fair bit of this site (it is very good btw), but have not come across the answer to this question:

What do you mean by “fluent” when you say you became fluent by 18 months? Could you provide descriptions of the type of communication you were comfortable with by that time? Thanks.


By: Celene /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-35654 Sat, 20 Mar 2010 22:43:34 +0000 /?p=461#comment-35654 im a sophomore in college now. my high school was super easy, and college is rather easy as well (although I always try to take the maximum number of units per semester)…
I’m using a site called to help me keep to my goals. You basically wager money on yourself…so if you follow through on what you are supposed to do, you keep the money. Otherwise, you lose it XD I’m using it for SF4 (I want to compete), finding a job, starting my own company (I realized…i want to become a CEO anyway…so why not start now XD) and soon for Japanese (like today XDXDXD) 🙂
I just turned 20, sooo im studying abroad when i turn 21 (nothing to do with drinking though XD), and basically not wasting my time on socializing (except for some business clubs and stuff)
I know it depends on the person/school, but my state uni. is very easy sooo i think college is still an easy time to learn Japanese. 🙂 Also, someone mentioned how they waste time a lot…I recommend using leechblock for Mozilla (and deleting any other browsers). They have a whitelist feature so you can only view certain websites. X3 this can sooo help stop you from wasting time..i used to waste around 5-10 hours per day online until using leechblock. 😀
Good luck (and yea, i know this is late…but haha)
ps: also, i highly recommend music/mnemonics as study aids. i studied abroad in Chile when i was 15 with only 1 semester of high school spanish and became fluent…and i hardly even studied. XD
Good luck!!! 🙂

By: Travis /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-28060 Mon, 16 Nov 2009 03:08:51 +0000 /?p=461#comment-28060 >On the weekends, I really struggle to learn anything new and just about manage to do my reviews so anki (my srs) doesn’t pile up the reviews. Though I feel like I should be able to do lots as I don’t have to work. Doesn’t seem to happen thou.

I hate that! It happens to me every time… I always say I’m going to get a ton done over the weekend but I always end up doing what you described. Guess it goes back to the “People with all the time in world get nothing done”.

By: Surreal /but-i-dont-have-time-for-immersion-what-to-do-when-youre-a-high-school-student-whose-life-is-ruled-by-others/#comment-27692 Tue, 10 Nov 2009 20:41:30 +0000 /?p=461#comment-27692 I’m a bit late, but I think this can help. Before proceeding, I should say that parts of what I say highly depends on what kind of person you are and noone should force themselves to use it It’s worth noting I’m a 20-year old uni student.. Anyway.

Music: Find good japanese music and listen to it, when you’re at a high enough level start looking up the texts and make sure you understand the whole song (mining what you feel like too, of course). Then when you can’t use your iPod, tune into the songs. I don’t know how common it is to be able to do it, but I can be listening to japanese music in my head while simultaneously listening to teachers, friends anyone and being able to respond if I need to. I hear it more clearly if I can sit tapping my foot too. If you can’t do this, then try at least remembering fragments of conversations, thinking about grammar points or other stuff that can be worked with mentally to make you used to the mindset.

Not just iPod everywhere but book everywhere: if you have ANY japanese books make sure you have one with you whenever you can. Again, if you can multi-task it, read during lessons. (yes, ideally you mentally play music while reading in Japanese and listening attentively in English) An important reason all this works is what Khatz says in later posts about skipping. Most of what your teacher says isn’t that important. You can ‘skip’ it, you don’t need to hear every word just understand the meaning of it. Usually I’m able to follow the lesson better than others in fact because I’m NOT BORED. How could I be? I’m reading an awesome story while listening to cool music, writing mindmaps in a creative way (not in Japanese yet in my case tho) and at the same time learning interesting stuff.

Now, remember. You’re like, what, 16? You probably have a long way to go in many ways, and you NEED friends. You cannot deny them in the same way, make a choice in the same way 20-somethings can. If you do you will be incredibly pissed at yourself. Believe me, I tried doing that (for reasons other than Japanese) and yes, worst decision of my life so far. Share your Japanese interest as much as you can, but don’t push friends away even though you won’t go back on studying Japanese. Of course, if you can find Japanese friends too that’s a huge bonus, but either way you need your friends and family. Make sure you seriously sit down and decide just how important you want Japanese to be for you, to what degree you can let it affect other aspects of your life. And remember to not limit your influences too much, don’t make your world too narrow (oh hey I just thought about something. GO LOOK AT A WORLD MAP RIGHT NOW. There’s a huge risk that you have a very skewered view of the world and this hopefully gives you a wake-up call in that case. Look at it for real, checking wikipedia for random countries just seeing how huge everything is.)

Last paragraph, promise.
Let your interests influence your Japanese learning, look up gamer communities, cooking shows, popular Japanese sports, whatever in Japanese related to your interests.
Let Japanese affect your interests; maybe there’s an association where a lot of people with Japanese background go in your town? Look up culture you meet through your immersion; try asking your religions teacher what she or he knows about Shintoism.
Use the skills you’ve gained from learning other stuff, if you find you’re really good at remembering with the help of making acronyms well apply that to Japanese, of course, and remember that even though Japanese culture is different and you’re speaking a different language, your social skills make all the difference.
And the other way around is DELICIOUS. I was doing pretty good for myself in high school but ho boy, if I knew all the things I’ve learned from Japanese then school would be a breeze. Try to see not only the Japanese you learn but what you learn on a more general level: simultaneous input, memorization, creativity from those wacky RTK stories, leading a more relaxed and fun life that leads to success in your goals, staying humble. Use it in your daily life and you will hopefully find you have more time on your hands for doing Japanese, which will make you grow even more, and SO ON!

You’re doing more than just learning Japanese. You’re becoming a good dude. An even gooder dude. While having FUN! Good luck.
