Comments on: Chinese Project Notes 1: On Shopping Trips and Sentence Sources /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Harold /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources/#comment-28442 Sat, 21 Nov 2009 23:26:26 +0000 /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources#comment-28442 Why Taiwanese books?

These are some reasons that appeal to me.

They are written in Traditional characters which is where I am starting.

They are the only place you can get bopomofo which I find much more accurate in the pronunciation of Mandarin than pin yin. I know both and studied in Taiwan.

There are many more interesting books available because Taiwan unlike China doesn’t censor what it allows to be published.


If you want to learn simplified characters and don’t really care what you read and…
then go with books from China.

Either way, just stick with it and follow the edicts of our Supreme Leader, the Honorable Lao Ka Tsuh.

By: efeilliaid /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources/#comment-21775 Thu, 02 Jul 2009 10:48:34 +0000 /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources#comment-21775 Dear Khatz,

I love Infernal Affairs! Seldom have I seen such a good thing on the screen. Do you know if there is any Japanese “comicization” of this trilogy available?


By: Kanji Hanzi /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources/#comment-14975 Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:35:28 +0000 /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources#comment-14975 (I screwed up here ’cause i mixed up the TEXTBOOK and the WORKBOOK at first. Hope I managed to untangle the mess I made, before posting 🙂 )


# 美金:12.95元
# 定價:583元

for the WORKBOOK


My memory didn’t serve me well: 67.00 CNY = 9.80041 USD for the TEXTBOOK


and # 美金:34.95元 # 定價:1748元 for the textbook

in Taiwan. Kind of different prices.

By: Kanji Hanzi /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources/#comment-14974 Fri, 09 Jan 2009 12:04:24 +0000 /chinese-project-notes-1-on-shopping-trips-and-sentence-sources#comment-14974 Hi there,

Time to read your Chinese Project from start to most post. I am currently checking out to see if it’s something I could use too. But why Taiwan and not proper China (if the Taiwanese folks forgive me for such a label 🙂 ). It must be MUCH cheaper there, huh?? I just got the second part of New Practical Chinese Reader from my library, but you can buy that from the publisher and pay an embarrassingly low price (like 30 Yuan/book!).

OK, maybe you’ll get more shopping done in the next parts of these Chinese projects posts. I’m just taking one step at the time.
