Comments on: Classes Suck /classes-suck/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: H4 /classes-suck/#comment-1000134607 Sat, 31 May 2014 08:34:20 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-1000134607 I like the idea of Classes if I could afford them, but you’ve got the method wrong. “I won’t abandon the learning completely before I can make the time to start your method later this year”. Firstly, his method IS learning, as long as you spend time on targeted SRS as well as immersion. Also, you don’t need time:

I’m going through a period of 29 exams in the course of 4 weeks, 8 of which are other foreign languages and none of which are Japanese. Yet I can still make ALL my short leisure time Japanese (they tell you to take 15 min breaks between study sessions, you know) by watching Let’s Plays in Japanese, anime from (unlimited, legal and free), and listening to music and podcasts when I’m travelling. Heck, I even have Let’s Plays in the background when I’m practising maths questions because the mathematical logic and language comprehension are very different skill sets that don’t interfere with each other. And I make time for an hour of SRS before bed.

By: Jeff Dillon /classes-suck/#comment-1000104122 Tue, 20 May 2014 02:58:20 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-1000104122 I don’t understand this website! How do I get to the part where you take the money? I read a thousand sentences, but not likely any from the MCD collection. Sorry, if you can’t help me, but you said I could learn Japanese, but Ai can’t understand the words and letters. Please help, if you can. Signed a subscriber.

By: The Value of the Beginner Language Class | EAS Student /classes-suck/#comment-1000065228 Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:18:32 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-1000065228 […] Classes Suck (AJATT) […]

By: Creating your habit environment, Language learning edition - Here and there /classes-suck/#comment-1000056380 Wed, 21 Aug 2013 14:00:56 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-1000056380 […] Language classes usually provide all the standard environment that push you on the way and keep the language learning habit going: a syllabus guiding you along the way, peer pressure with/against your classmates and accountability through exams. That is until you realize the syllabus itself does not reflect the real language or that learning in classes in itself sucks. […]

By: Neutrino: What If Learning Japanese Could Be As Addictive As Crack, Gambling and Abusive Relationships? | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /classes-suck/#comment-272722 Mon, 26 Nov 2012 08:30:41 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-272722 […] made Neutrino because practically everything else sucks. Hard. Especially classes. Classes suck. Hard. It’s a fact. I know it. You know it. We all know […]

By: Dakota /classes-suck/#comment-232854 Wed, 01 Aug 2012 23:50:50 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-232854 Ahhh. Of course, of course. Thank you for notifying me of that. (Now I know I have a good reason to embarrassed)

By: 玄野 /classes-suck/#comment-232853 Wed, 01 Aug 2012 23:31:55 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-232853 It’s that the sentence sounds unnatural and incorrect, Which goes against the 日本語力…

By: Dakota /classes-suck/#comment-232846 Wed, 01 Aug 2012 22:29:24 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-232846 I know. But it’s still fun to say to people who don’t understand what I’m saying, and being able to say it makes me feel cooler than I really am.

I’m not quite sure why my last comment got so many thumb-downs though. Did I say something rude? Was it off topic? Was it too long of a run-on sentence? Or was my profile picture just plain cocky looking? Seeing it makes me kind of embarrassed now. O_O

By: 玄野 /classes-suck/#comment-232699 Tue, 31 Jul 2012 22:37:37 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-232699 No offense, but you aren’t in the position for much 自慢 right now.

By: Dakota /classes-suck/#comment-232656 Tue, 31 Jul 2012 16:02:27 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-232656 I’m taking Japanese classes in college, but only so I have it on my study record. The Japanese ‘study’ and Japanese ‘acquisition’ are two different things, although I sometimes to both simultaneously, and by that I mean study Japanese in Japanese. People will look over at me, see my notes, and say “Dude, why are you in this class?” and I’ll say “簡単だよ。退屈だったから、俺は日本語力があると自慢する為にここに行った。”

By: How not to learn a language | Quest for Epicness /classes-suck/#comment-212425 Tue, 05 Jun 2012 12:42:41 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-212425 […] One of the biggest mistakes people make while learning a foreign language is taking classes. You sit in a class for 2 hours a week with a whole bunch of gals and guys, the teacher is talking and most of the time you are listening to your own language, not the one you want to learn! One of the most ineffective ways of learning. You cannot learn in your own speed, as the teacher has to keep all students in mind, there is too much talking in the original language going on and student interaction with the target language is kept to a minimum. Basically, a private tutor, self study, a tandem partner…anything else is a better investment of time than taking classes. This is such a big thing that even Tim Ferriss, Mr.Productivity himself, posted something about it right here. Khatzumoto from All Japanese All The Time has some pretty strong opinions on classes, too. You can read his article right over here. […]

By: Major language learning mistakes « Ilhan M. Akcay /classes-suck/#comment-203256 Sun, 22 Apr 2012 19:26:50 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-203256 […] One of the biggest mistakes people make while learning a foreign language is taking classes. You sit in a class for 2 hours a week with a whole bunch of gals and guys, the teacher is talking and most of the time you are listening to your own language, not the one you want to learn! One of the most ineffective ways of learning. You cannot learn in your own speed, as the teacher has to keep all students in mind, there is too much talking in the original language going on and student interaction with the target language is kept to a minimum. Basically, a private tutor, self study, a tandem partner…anything else is a better investment of time than taking classes. This is such a big thing that even Tim Ferriss, Mr.Productivity himself, posted something about it right here. Khatzumoto from All Japanese All The Time has some pretty strong opinions on classes, too. You can read his article right over here. […]

By: Miss Language Learning /classes-suck/#comment-150030 Wed, 26 Oct 2011 16:11:06 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-150030 And nobody cares because you’re the one who wants to become literate, right?

By: Jason /classes-suck/#comment-130200 Tue, 30 Aug 2011 17:48:21 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-130200 People who are illiterate can still speak their own native languages very fluently.
My grandmother was illiterate, and she spoke fluently.

By: The Great Khatsumoto | aiton english /classes-suck/#comment-117883 Tue, 19 Jul 2011 06:27:00 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-117883 […] is, but at its core, it’s also about responsibility. There neither time nor room here to blame classes for sucking, teachers for boring lessons or classmates for being stupid and dragging you down. Even though all […]

By: Ryan /classes-suck/#comment-106820 Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:17:29 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-106820 “Meanwhile in the US there are people who didn’t go to class, and are illiterate, despite being immersed in English 24/7 right?”

You seem to imply that the US has a lower literacy rate here, which according to a bit of searching turns out to be false. Both Japan and the US share a literacy rate of 99.0%

I can understand what you’re trying to convey, at least I think I can. The thing is everything is relative, as I’m sure you know, and education isn’t perfect. Many feel it needs to be improved. I think Khatzumoto’s Japanese fluency is a testament to the basic idea.

By: shiruba /classes-suck/#comment-106781 Wed, 22 Jun 2011 07:11:40 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-106781 Yeah, classes suck, except when they don’t. I’m not going to stand here and tell you that classes are the answer to everything, but they are part of a well balanced study diet. Have you ever met an articulate person who speaks English but has never been to school? Neither have I. They may get by, but in order to speak normal, proper English, they actually *do* have to learn the rules somewhere. People don’t tend to naturally know whether the period goes before or after the comma, or how to figure out subject-verb agreement in complex sentences. or how to spell words like “receive”. And the problem is that these kinds of things, while actually important in real life, aren’t exactly fun to study. You need someone who knows to teach you, and you probably need to be forced to learn it as well, or you’ll skip on over to watching cartoons, etc.

On the other hand, you can learn all the grammar and spelling in the world, and it won’t make you a fluid speaker or creative writer without practice. To be sure, people should practice as much as possible, and thus immersion (natural or artificial) is a very useful method. To say it replaces class, though, is like saying that cheese replaces vegetables in your diet.

I think part of the problem is assuming you can make everything “fun”. Sure making it fun is, well, fun, and a good thing as far as it goes. At the end of the day, though, if you want to do something, you need some attention span and tolerance for the “boring”. Just like I need to suck it up and go to the dentist sometimes if I want to keep my teeth in good shape. We all hate going to the dentist, and I also don’t love doing kanji drills, but the *reason* we have 99% literacy here in Japan is because we *do* have Japanese classes for everyone, and they *do* have to do the boring stuff as well. Meanwhile in the US there are people who didn’t go to class, and are illiterate, despite being immersed in English 24/7 right?

There are things about class that are.. less than optimal, but let’s not throw the baby out with the onsen here. Most important is that school provides a higher base to start with. Granted my Japanese classes were .. normal Japanese classes at a Japanese school, not Japanese classes for foreigners overseas, but I am very sure that f.e. the three years I spend in high-school were useful in most subjects, including Japanese. In short, classroom learning does have value, but anyone who doesn’t study beyond that of course won’t make it far. That’s true with not just Japanese, but Computer Science, Medicine, etc.

By: AJATT SilverSpoon: You Will Be Fluent in Japanese 595 Days From Now | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /classes-suck/#comment-95764 Sun, 01 May 2011 03:56:09 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-95764 […] Classes suck. It’s a fact. I know it. You know it. We all know it. […]

By: To Class Or Not To Class « T.G In Tokyo /classes-suck/#comment-86668 Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:52:06 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-86668 […] (remember him?) questioning the obvious with one of his ever-radical posts, blatantly named Classes Suck. Allow me to include an […]

By: Gerson Rocha /classes-suck/#comment-85320 Sat, 12 Mar 2011 00:08:07 +0000 /classes-suck#comment-85320 Hi everybody!

I’m Gerson and I’m 15 (made in Brazil!). I am really confused because, I take advanced level classes in an English private school in my city, and I’m almost fluent in English but, I really want to take Japanese classes. The fact is that I’ll have to leave the English school to learn Japanese (Money issues), and after reading this I just don’t know what to do.
I have downloaded some really cool stuff to learn Japanese on my PC (I learned Hiragana alone!), and I’m having feedback.
Please guys help me!
