Comments on: Do “Wide Standards” Apply To Immersion?: High Achievement Despite Low=Wide Standards /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: When Are You Going to Stop Trying to Score Only Three-Pointers, Start Making Friends with Mediocrity and Start Realizing That Excellence Comes From the Rejection of Perfection? | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-1000565340 Tue, 12 Feb 2019 18:39:00 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-1000565340 […] is your enemy. Mediocrity means sustainable, doable progress, and progress is your friend. Mediocrity is your friend. Mediocrity wants to cut you some slack. Mediocrity wants to allow you to be […]

By: Immersion Strategy: Your Ears Are Sacred | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-1000059247 Sun, 29 Sep 2013 05:37:59 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-1000059247 […] could go into how auditory exposure acts as a pivot/lever: a small effort on the front end yielding big results and a cascade of knock-on effects (like the […]

By: The First World Problem is Choice, Or: Which Language Should I Learn? | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-326635 Wed, 20 Mar 2013 02:07:13 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-326635 […] Back in the (“AJATT Hardcore”) day, I never felt deprived of English because I wasn’t. I was just doing Japanese now. English would still be there; English-speaking friends would still be there, and I could come back to them any time. Life is surprisingly long — in a good way — there’s time enough to do what you want if you just pick what you want (for that time) and do that…run with that…for a while…see where it takes you; you will get to pick again. […]

By: The Gaijin TV Exclusion Paradox | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-242511 Fri, 14 Sep 2012 15:00:11 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-242511 […] Gaijin TV Exclusion Paradox September 14, 2012By khatzumotoNikolai sayeth: My friends/coworkers even get mad at me at work too when I change the TV to a Japanese channel, and […]

By: ニコライ /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-237130 Wed, 29 Aug 2012 10:54:12 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-237130 I never read this post before (well, in it’s entirety). Weird, I know (I am on day 73 of SS Vanilla). I got to say, it made me feel A LOT better about my level of immersion. I live in Japan, so a plus there, but I am in the Navy, and work in a 100% English speaking environment. My friends/coworkers even get mad at me at work too when I change the TV to a Japanese channel, and not stupid AFN (Armed Forces Network or something, basically USA channels wherever there is a base). But, when I am at home, or in my car, (basically AWAY from the base) nearly everything else I do is in Japanese. Unless I am at the Chu-Hi stand, and that’s only on Fridays! 😉

By: Ken Seeroi /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-183453 Tue, 17 Jan 2012 13:33:59 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-183453 I feel that.  Whatever I do throughout my day, I always think in Japanese.  Once in a while,  I hit a wall and think, “Wait, how do I say that in Japanese?” or more probably, “I’d say *this*, but is it actually correct?” Then I go accost some Japanese person and check it.

By: Chagami /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-178704 Fri, 23 Dec 2011 16:08:31 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-178704 I think some of these newer gems need a place in the table of contents 😀

By: Kimura /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-178513 Thu, 22 Dec 2011 18:55:47 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-178513 ブライアン: I did it for my DS (not sure if an American 3DS can, have to wait till I get mine on Sunday), and the PS3 can but it doesn’t seem to like my USB keyboard in 日本語 mode. Either way, it’s irrelevant unless the game itself supports Japanese, and hardly anything stateside does.
ライトニング: My 78GB \steamapps\ folder says できない. And the problem with finding good manga (price and unfamiliarity aside) is that at my local Kinokuniya, the shelves are literally in no particular order whatsoever. Not English alphabetical, not Japanese alphabetical, barely even sorted by language O_O And I already found out from Japanese Level Up about the “block the subs with a small Windows Media Player window” method.

By: ライトニング /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-178146 Wed, 21 Dec 2011 08:32:05 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-178146 To combat the japanese OS problem, i get the 90 day enterprise trial from MS in japanese, and every 90 days just back up and reformated 超ちょろいだぜ、ちょろい!
If you have a ps3, you can change the interface, and sell your old games for japanese ones (or jap versions) Also, any system up to GC can be emulated, it’s how I play my old games like FFV and Ocarina of time in japanese!
For books and movies, first off try with your favorite genres when you were in english, and if not, just experiment. Not endorsing torrenting. Ok, maybe I am,仕方ないww but it’s the only way I can get my old anime that will cost me 八千以上ドル if I tried buying it.
tkyosam made a video about blocking the subs, just put a piece of paper across the length of the monitor at the bottom.

By: ブライアン /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-178080 Wed, 21 Dec 2011 01:48:18 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-178080 I’ll bet you can switch system language on your consoles.  I set my 360 to Japanese, and a surprising number of games have Japanese language interface (sometimes even full localization (notably: the entire Halo series)) on the US release.  As for books, the internet will hook you up.  (「無料小説」をぐぐったら).  It’s a game, if you don’t look for more than one way to accomplish your goal, you’re doing it wrong.

By: Kimura /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-178076 Wed, 21 Dec 2011 01:34:04 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-178076 Let’s see… Already changed Firefox since I spend so much time on the interwebs. Can’t change the Windows UI because Micro$oft only lets you do that in Win7 ULTIMATE!!!1! Edition… Do programming stuff in Japanese? Last time I did that, Minecraft exploded (but the upcoming 1.1.0 has multilingual support :D). Gaming consoles and 3DS? Region Locks. Books and movies? Not sure what series are good, and お金がない. Do at least have Kuroanime (have to block out the subs though).
Huh. Guess I’ll have a higher score at that game once I take a few more levels in Employability.

By: Freddy /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-177991 Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:11:17 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-177991 “Instead of playing the “where can I sneak in five more minutes of Japanese game?” we can now play the, “Where can I remove English so it’s less convenient to use it” game.”

Very good point! I’d even say that if you are not in a time-rich situation, you can still do this.

By: e_dub_kendo /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-177474 Sun, 18 Dec 2011 06:55:09 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-177474 they’d get better results with a deliberate focus on maximizing the immersion function at all times and in all places.”
Just realized that, even here, a wide-standard applies.  For people struggling against an environment that wont allow them to immerse anything like a genuine 100%, applying the principle quoted above has to become a game if it isnt to become some kind of self-torture device instead.  This means giving yourself credit for all the little wins all day long. So you are applying a wide standard every time you give yourself credit for figuring out a way to cram a little more japanese in your day.

For those of us in the situation Khatz described as “time-rich,” though, the only thing we struggle against are our own psychological limitations, and so its difficult to see it in the same, game-like perspective, and why I earlier failed to see how to apply wide-standards to immersion, though it is very clear now. For those of us in this position, leveraged immersion provides a new game within which to attempt to achieve the principle behind AJATT : “All Japanese All the Time.”  Instead of playing the “where can I sneak in five more minutes of Japanese game?” we can now play the, “Where can I remove English so it’s less convenient to use it” game. 

By: Andrew /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-177416 Sun, 18 Dec 2011 01:33:10 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-177416 I used to refuse to allow myself to touch any object until I could tell you what it was called in Spanish.  If I went to make a sandwich I would say to myself aloud, in Spanish, “Opening the refrigerator…” and if I could think of the word for refrigerator or spatula or pan or butter or what-have-you, then I’d have to grab the dictionary and look it up first 😀
I’m weird.

By: Agent J /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-177228 Sat, 17 Dec 2011 06:48:15 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-177228 Ah a decent sized post. Makes me feel warm inside.
Like old times.

By: e_dub_kendo /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-176808 Fri, 16 Dec 2011 09:02:40 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-176808 The interesting thing is that this isn’t really a compromise. It’s just a different way of framing the experience. Basically you just back up a step and say, “If the goal is All Japanese All the Time, what points in my environment can I leverage to get me closest to that goal” and doing that instead of trying to overcome human psychology. This way has the same ultimate goal: As much japanese as possible, and the same results: Exposure to a lot of Japanese, It just accepts the fact that English probably will creep in , in places and at times, and provides a way to accept that without having to feel guilty, because you can know you have created a system/environment that will take care of things.  Doing all your management up front, and then letting go and not micro-managing yourself to death. And thats a good thing, because all that energy we normally waste on feeling guilty, now we can apply to doing some SRS reps or something.

By: Dmitry /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-176635 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 22:40:08 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-176635 >Besides, mathematicians seem to go insane and commit suicide at an alarmingly high rate. Forget that
Being a mathematician who also happens to study Japanese in a perfectionistic way for fun, I find this statement highly doubtful.
Mathematicians tend to do quite well in life.  Though I agree that efficiency demands practical compromises.

By: Kimura /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-176616 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 21:27:55 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-176616 Definitely makes me feel better. With all the other stuff I’ve been having to do lately, it’s only about an hour or two a day that I can actually do Japanese, mostly Anki reviews and trying to rebuild my RTK knowledge. Since wide standards apply to immersion too, I don’t have to worry about “oh, I *have* to listen to anime in the background when I’m playing Gmod or working on that Minecraft mod” (the former doesn’t work because I found out I can only get a playable framerate in fullscreen, which breaks alt-tab and mutes background windows, and last time I tried the latter, my Java compiler exploded because I typed “雪ボールを落とす” instead of “drop(Item.snowball)”), I can just focus on “during that time that I can 日本語をする, it should be 100%”.

By: Project Learn Mandarin /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-176503 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 13:41:27 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-176503 I absolutely agree with this, I did this with my Chinese, and yielded awesome results. doing it with Japanese and progress is still pretty damn fast XD only can say that ur methods are just too superior 

By: Freddy /do-wide-standards-apply-to-immersion-high-achievement-despite-lowwide-standards/#comment-176404 Thu, 15 Dec 2011 07:14:42 +0000 /?p=6080#comment-176404 One last thing, when I am doing Japanese, I am a bloodhound with it, because I know I can’t fully immerse, I owe it to myself to be a beast when it comes to the limited time I have. Ain’t no half-steppin’

~ fv 
