Comments on: From the Mouths of Babes: A High School Girl Shares Her AJATT Success Story /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Ek /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000520626 Mon, 30 Mar 2015 13:28:42 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000520626 Thanks for sharing this! It’s a really wonderful success story and is just the kick I needed.

I hope you get into EJU!

By: Why the Way You Ask People for Advice is Totally Messed Up and Is Never Going to Get You Anywhere — And How to Fix It | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000120644 Mon, 26 May 2014 07:37:14 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000120644 […] From the Mouths of Babes: A High School Girl Shares Her AJATT Success Story […]

By: 私の名前は"名前"です! /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000071355 Sat, 26 Apr 2014 01:33:13 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000071355 Wow. This is really cool. I’m basically in the same position that you were in when you started, and I’m hoping to achieve this level of awesomeness in Japanese by the time I’m about your age… do you think you could elaborate a little on your learning process? I would really appreciate the help.

Thanks! 🙂

By: Sleeve /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000069250 Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:49:43 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000069250 This is where MCDs can come in handy, it gives the best of both worlds. Find the word you want to learn in a real native sentence or paragraph and just cloze the word you want to learn.

If you are still in the bilingual stage then you can add an English translation to the front of the card. Paper, electronic and online dictionaries are a good source of example sentences. This will teach you the English meaning naturally and help you guess the cloze. Never translate it yourself if you are at this stage, find pre-translated text or just provide the definition of the word on the back.

Your only goal is speak aloud the clozed text. Some people suggest writing out the clozed text but personally this wasn’t necessary and just killed my enthusiasm.

Don’t read the whole context text if you don’t need/want to, just read enough to be able to guess the cloze deletion.

This will give you the benefits of sentence cards and the convenience of single word cards. Even though you don’t have to actively recall anything from the sentences it will be benefiting you.

By: Lunar /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000069033 Mon, 14 Apr 2014 22:23:16 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000069033 Maybe this isn’t exactly the right place but I have a bit of a question.

Recently I made a deck for learning vocab – basically, two cards for each item, one where I have to type out the reading from kanji and the other I had to type out the English meaning, also from kanji. But since learning words in isolation isn’t exactly the best method, I switched to sentences. I still have myself type out the reading of the new word I’m trying to learn, because I feel like it involves me more in the reps, but anyway- my issue is that when I’m learning words in isolation it’s easy to recall the readings, while in sentences I tend to have a lot of trouble remembering the readings (meanings are ok). I wonder why that is and what I could do to make it easier on myself…

By: Livonor /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000068728 Sun, 13 Apr 2014 15:21:25 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000068728 Anyone here knows how to apply to EJU outside of Japan

By: Amir /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000068420 Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:23:27 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000068420 Awesome story Mariah!
Just be sure to not quit anymore, because that’s the biggest mistake an Ajatteer can make. ;]
Keep your position and fight for your dreams, the confidence you have right now needs to be that ,which keeps you going ! (^_-)-☆ It’s great to hear that japanese is a part of your life now and that you’re happy doing it!

By: Jumi96 /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000068399 Thu, 10 Apr 2014 19:19:03 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000068399 Wow, that sounds awesome! I think I would also like to write something like Mariah in a year probably? Because the progress that I made in Korean within 6 months… I really want to show it to other people that they can see another proof that immersion is a worthy effort ^^

By: Mariah /from-the-mouths-of-babes-a-high-school-girl-shares-her-ajatt-success-story/#comment-1000068430 Thu, 10 Apr 2014 15:23:41 +0000 /?p=29305#comment-1000068430 Hey Khatz, thanks so much for putting up my story!! I realized after the fact that I meant, not Thanks again!!! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
