Comments on: When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing Sentence Reps Any More… /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Mindful Repetition: The Mother of All Skills « Samurai Mind Online /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-187512 Sat, 11 Feb 2012 17:51:03 +0000 /?p=506#comment-187512 […] This idea really jelled for me because Khatz at keeps hammering the message of fun and the importance of deletion. […]

By: Anne /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-96556 Thu, 05 May 2011 09:23:50 +0000 /?p=506#comment-96556 I guess, you’re right. However, it strikes me that I lack these words often, ’cause you see they appear even in contexts that do interest me. I probably don’t need economic terms detailed, but it would be nice to actually remember 経済, 企業, 営業 and so on, as they do appear often. Still a sentence like ‘due to the economic recess, our sale’s numbers went down recently’ will never ever be an interesting sentence to me, no matter whether it’s about book sales or some pharmaceutical nonsense. 😛

I see, I’ll just have to go for it anyway… :S

By: ブライアン /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-96502 Thu, 05 May 2011 02:29:32 +0000 /?p=506#comment-96502 Do you need them? Really?

Unless you find economics or medicine interesting, there’s no “need” for that vocabulary. I know plenty of perfectly fluent English speakers who have trouble with political or economic terms. (Much less medical/scientific terms.)

Do everything you want to be able to do in Japanese. SRS what you need to do those things. If you need to know, say, 経済(economics), you’ll find it in a good context. If you don’t run into it, guess you didn’t need it.

There’s no magical cut-off point to learning a language. You’ll be learning new words until you stop having Japanese input or stop breathing. So don’t worry so much about what you haven’t learned.

By: Anne /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-96498 Thu, 05 May 2011 01:26:05 +0000 /?p=506#comment-96498 I’ve got a question…. 🙂
It’d be great if anyone could help me with that. I didn’t do sentences up to now. I studied vocabulary. However, if I went for sentences (which is an appealing thought) and I just took the ones I like or find interesting (which is even more appealing), I know that I won’t cover a lot of vocabulary. My problem is: I just don’t know the vocabulary that isn’t interesting to me. So, I do know the vocabulary for everyday’s conversation or for food and literature and flowers and so on. But I don’t know the words for economy or medical issues (diseases or parts of the body etc.) However, in order to be fluent in Japanese, I also have to study the vocabulary for things that bore me even in my mother tongue. How do you do that?
I mean, sure you can study that, but how can you avoid those things being ‘shoulders’?

By: Zach /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-60581 Tue, 16 Nov 2010 17:25:08 +0000 /?p=506#comment-60581 Thank you Khatz for all your sharing and help. I have come to a point myself where I stopped doing Kanji and sentence reps for 2 weeks (sort of). I have been doing them consistently for 6 months. I had been using premined sentences for a while. But I found that they were either A: too boring, or B: too hard.

Although I did learn a lot about how the language worked from these sentences, I just found myself beating my head againts a brick wall and I’d slow down. So I would avoid doing reps and just watch anime or movies intead.

The Kanji was stopped completely a week before that. I just hated reading through the damn story again. And your article about the new way to do it has now given me the motivation to just restart. Restart the whole kanji learning process. I had gotten through RTK 1 and got my feet wet with RTK 3.

I found myself only wanting to do sentences. The Kanji became a real pain. I think because the stories are in English so it’s like, HEY! I NEED JAPANESE PLEASE! I can’t waste my time on English.

But Everything has been coming a long. I’m comprehending more and more in movies and anime and when my friends speak to me.

Today, I chatted with my freind in Japanese only! I was going to go back to english to explain a few more things, but I just decided not to! Yeah!

By: Joe Keller /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-43762 Mon, 24 May 2010 10:08:38 +0000 /?p=506#comment-43762 I have a question regarding Chinese grammar. I’ve picked up a book called “road to success.” I can’t quite seem to keep all the grammar in my head. It’s not difficult to understand but, I can only use the grammar in limited ways.. Any help Kuazi, is much appreciated! i am currently working up to 1500 hanzi characters. I’ve been studying chinese for 10 months. My current method is to write a sentence that comes to mind after reading the grammar explanation.

By: Drewskie /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-39693 Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:01:42 +0000 /?p=506#comment-39693 I used to suspend instead of deleting. I think the first time I every went back and looked through suspended cards convinced me it was pretty much a waste. I just deleted them all. None were appealing, and they were all too far from the context I found them in to be of any use.

That’s just me though, I think there are other people who suspend around here, maybe they can comment.

By: Nick /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-39516 Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:31:28 +0000 /?p=506#comment-39516 Oh i forgot to ask/add…

What about suspending cards. Say you have a bunch of cards that are just as u mentioned “shoulders” like sentences you should know vs ones u want to know. instead of deleting, how about suspending for indefinite amounts of time. if later an occassion presents itself where u need to know the word, u can look it up in your anki as if it were a personal dictionary.


By: Nick /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-39515 Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:27:03 +0000 /?p=506#comment-39515 Yeah I have completely stopped SRSing, i should really delete some cards. came here for some inspiration.
Also i have started a japanese to japanese deck that is only japanese(did i need to say that part? lol). i want to focus on that.

By: Jaybot7 /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-33187 Sat, 30 Jan 2010 09:06:12 +0000 /?p=506#comment-33187 I’ve come across this recently (of course), in fact, I just checked my SRS and the first sentence to pop up was:

帰りましょう 今が チャンス!

Really obvious meaning (totally relevant to this discussion, weird), I learned it a looong time ago, yet it’s fun enough to not delete. If I get it right, I don’t see it for 1.2 years. I’ll mark it as right then.

一方, On the other hand, the next card to come up was… no, okay 30 cards later this came up:


Actually, I got it right, and I wouldn’t have to see it again for 2 months. But, it’s a stupid onomatopoeia which I’ve never seen more than once and it pretty useless, so it get’s deleted.

And just for kicks, I deleted 祖母, because I always want to read it as そば because of 曾祖母 (with ひばば and ひいばば and ひおおば). I don’t care how important it is, I fark it up every time and it it’s flat out not important to クヨクヨ over.

In fact, I just started deleting everything that ain’t a sentence, so these also went (even if I got them right and knew the meaning):

粉雪、鱈場蟹、睨み (already have this in a great sentence)、達人、画工, 事情, 幼少​, 熱海 (静岡県), 幼時, 幼齢 (lot’s of 幼’s), 留守 (yeah, i know how important it is), 緒戦, 特徴、微か、農村, 会員​, 修道, 災害, 学者, 表札, 軍拡, 導入, 残念乍ら, 悟了, 倍増, 骨頂, 操作, 不慮​, 行動, 戸棚, 泰平無事, 浦人, 傷病, 発意, 等々々… (extra points if you know why I had all of these random words).

And stupid sentences: 改めて会合を開きます, and 真央ちゃんはぶさ可愛いと思うよ (I may regret deleting this when the olympics are on TV, but whatever)

Oh, and 可変式風向 was far too random, so I added some lame context like: 僕の 暖房は … が有りますよ.

I find that at first, it takes just as much time to delete entries as it does to review a sentence; but as with anything else, the more you do it, the better and faster you get at it. In that case, Khatz gave great advice with 1) Delete 2) Review 3) Add sentences, in that order of importance.

Your final (if ever) 10,000 sentences is yours to choose, it’s your canvas, your masterpiece or whatever, so you really only want the best, most interesting, relevant stuff in it that you enjoy.

By: アメド /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32988 Thu, 28 Jan 2010 00:29:26 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32988 finally got ff13 today!! and i’m suprised that i could understand+read 90% of the tutorials in the game!

@Grilled Pineapple
That happens to me alot, but it seems to be happening more and more as i expose myself to Japanese and trying to understand it more in depth. After a while it will all come to you.

By: Grilled Pineapple /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32986 Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:26:39 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32986 @ Drewskie

Have you ever had a moment where you read a sentence and even though it had a word you didn’t “know” you were able to figure out what it meant? Or maybe you looked up a single word in a sentence and what was a meaningless jumble of words suddenly became crystal clear? And with those moments came that “whoa” feeling? Maybe try adding only those sentences. The ones that aren’t so difficult that they require a page of definitions, not so easy that they bore you, but just right, and most importantly have some sort of impact on you personally (whether it be excitement, interest, etc.).

Also remember that immersion is 90% of AJATT. The SRS is just there to help you remember _what_you_already_know_.

By: TripleJ /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32948 Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:11:11 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32948 @Drewskie
I guess I didn’t understand what you meant in that previous post. I have had some experience with this problem too, although I don’t think I have any great quick fixes.

I think there are a specific set of words that are really often used in the dictionary, I found myself seeing them again and again, they’re mostly sort of academic abstract ideas, for example: 範囲 (boundary) or 対象 (subject). I found that after I got over this set I had a lot easier time understanding the dictionary. Also, It’s okay to use English! Immersion isn’t a strict law. I use English definitions from time to time, or I click back and forth between English and then look at the Japanese definition again. This will kind of give you a direction for the kanji that you might understand even if you don’t get the words. When I find myself clicking through opening tons of tabs in the dictionary, I try to just click until theres one I can understand and throw that in the SRS, saving the other words for later.

Lastly, language for cards can come from anywhere online. I’ve found that the funnest way to find example sentences is google images. You can look at pretty pictures, (but seriously on’t google images 異物 unless you want to see open surgery on tumors) which is funner than the dictionary definitions, and you have a little caption of text to let you browse through several examples quickly.

I hope this is helpful for anyone, but writing about it makes me realize that I don’t have all the answers. I’d like to hear other peoples Ideas about Drewskies dictionary problem too.

By: Drewskie /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32923 Wed, 27 Jan 2010 05:01:13 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32923 Re-reading my post, I wasn’t really clear on what the problem is, I think. It’s not that I try to account for every definition of a word. It’s that I look up a word, and there’s another I don’t know, so I look that one up, and its definition has one I don’t know, and so on until I have 10 tabs open. Timeboxing has helped stop excessive depth (no more lookups after 10 minutes), so that really isn’t my concern anymore.

I’m more concerned with the fact that most of my J-J sentences are coming out of a dictionary. My favorite question when I’m AJATTing is “Would I be doing this if I were using English right now? Would I like it? Would this be ‘spare time’ or work?” Reading a dictionary strikes an extremely negative chord with me. So you may say, “Hey, you don’t like the dictionary, you like fun sentences, get fun sentences!”

The issue is that I constantly feel vocabulary starved. “Fun” sentences, for me, are sentences that are grammatically interesting, use a word I don’t have a feel for but have a definition in my deck for, or have a word I don’t understand in a context I do understand. With a very limited vocabulary, satisfying “in a context I understand” is really difficult, so the incentive to milk the dictionary for more words is difficult to resist. I’m just worried I’m driving myself into a wall here, and I just can’t tell yet.

So I guess what I’m asking for is if anyone has had similar experiences. If you’ve taken a lot of definitions from dictionaries in the past, did you get tired of them? Did you use them as a stepping stone, then clear them out later? Are they still hanging around? Should I even bother being concerned?

And thank you, Triplej. Nice to get such a well-sourced response. 🙂 I actually needed that ‘there is no grammar’ article re-read, even if it’s not related to this post.

By: Triplej /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32916 Wed, 27 Jan 2010 03:18:28 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32916 @Drewski
About your trying to get every definition of a word into your SRS, I’ve had some experiences with this problem, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that it’s not necessary. You’re right that words often have multiple uses, but just like “there is no grammar,” “there are no multiple meanings of a word.” Just enter each word as a card in the way it is used in your source. Case by case is the safest, funnest and most organic way to do it, and causes the least confusion for me personally. (Some uses of a word are rare and strange anyways.) I’m just quoting and extrapolating from Khatzu, but I think these posts are pretty similar to what I’m saying:

By: Drewskie /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32907 Wed, 27 Jan 2010 00:44:20 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32907 Be careful about what you gleefully identify Kanji from. While I was doing that phase, every day on the way into work I’d drive by a Chinese church with several characters on their road-side marquee. I don’t think it was very safe to stare at them every time to see if I recognized any new ones. I did it anyway. 😛

By: Maya /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32897 Tue, 26 Jan 2010 21:15:50 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32897 @Ken: cool! 🙂 I actually never thought of using packaging from Asian food stores/products (although I have SRS’d a sentence that I found on a package of soba noodles). Thanks for the idea 🙂 I’ll try it out and see how it goes.

By: Ken /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32886 Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:31:39 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32886 Two suggestions for people who are in a rut with their kanji SRSing (like me):

1. Get the Kanji Stroke Order Font, very cool:

2. Skip around. (Heisig isn’t going to come to your house and beat you up if you go out of order, is he?) Knowing simple kanji is easier to start with, but knowing useful kanji is a lot more fun.

Go to the Asian market and buy some rice crackers, and then learn all the kanji on the front of the package. It’s easy to learn (there’s probably only a couple kanji you won’t know), and next time you go you will be able to read an entire package, on the shelf. I find it’s always way more fun to be able to apply what I’ve learned, and it’s also easier to remember if I can associate it with something in the real world. I also know all the signs on the Chinese restaurants on my bus route. 🙂

By: アメド /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32819 Tue, 26 Jan 2010 03:58:06 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32819

walkthrough to FF8 in full japanese! it has other games as well.

By: Roasted Grapefruit /i-just-dont-feel-like-doing-sentence-reps-any-more-dude/#comment-32773 Mon, 25 Jan 2010 20:22:20 +0000 /?p=506#comment-32773 @ Macca

Don’t forget that to really understand, to really have a feel for a word, it has to be seen thousands of times in hundreds of contexts. Losing that one card with that one context isn’t going to hurt much. =)

Also don’t forget that a good immersion environment acts like free SRS reviews. All of the words, phrases, sentences being spoken, sung, shouted through your headphones are constantly causing your brain to subconsciously review those words, without any effort at all. It’s almost cheating.
