Comments on: I Meant To Do That /i-meant-to-do-that/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: William (Wim) /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-1000532150 Tue, 15 Sep 2015 21:49:36 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-1000532150 Maybe it’s a Dutch thing. I have the same thoughts about this matter as you. I can’t bear to cut myself off from the good things that I enjoy with English and Dutch to some extent (was born in NZ to Dutch immigrants). I value my ‘head space’ and can’t bear to have it filled with TV and radio. BTW, I’m intrigued to learn that Khatzu has a British education background. He’s a well-rounded gentleman. I’m curious to learn how you’ve progressed in the 8 years since you commented.

By: Ron /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-1000517541 Tue, 24 Feb 2015 07:38:07 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-1000517541 I really like the Sean or is it Shaun guy. I do however have some difficulty accepting the idea that when I mess up then to say, “I meant to do that”. Perhaps at some level the idea of making a mistake or messing up is not the best way of thinking because as you say “all is exploring” and I really do like this idea. I need to get my head around this idea. I am beginning to adopt the SRS on a daily basis and am beginning to see good results. Cheers.

By: Why The System Won’t Set You Free | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-1000024134 Thu, 16 May 2013 09:37:06 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-1000024134 […] A system you can’t change is a prison. A man-made system you can’t change is a cult. The assumption is that the system was perfect when it was created. This is arrogance of the bad kind. (Yes, there is a good kind). […]

By: All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. » Potheads, Planners and Players /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-30628 Fri, 01 Jan 2010 08:21:18 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-30628 […] tires blow up, we have a freaking problem. And a giggly little: “Whoops! Haha – I meant to do that!“, does not cut […]

By: Erik /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-27922 Fri, 13 Nov 2009 21:33:34 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-27922 The only thing I do differently is I watch 1 show that comes on once a week in English as a way of saying good job for making it through the week in Japanese. I guess thats a bad thing to do but I still plan on being immersed the other 99% of the time and still use the SRS so *shrugs*

By: Vincent /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-14192 Sat, 13 Dec 2008 02:08:00 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-14192 I’ve been accepting many things of this site, but there’s one major aspect I, well, personally don’t follow through on. And that, basically, is the extremeness of the immersion suggested on this site. I immerse myself plenty in most ways, I believe, but I don’t really cut out anything from my old life so much. That is, I still do things very much in Dutch (my native language) and English, as well. Maybe that’s because my passion isn’t the Japanese language per se so much as languages in general (and among that, yes, the Japanese language is of course way ahead of any other languages momentarily). I still really enjoy other languages too, including Dutch and English. It might be so that this method will severely slow my learning process (although it really still feels like it’s going very well/fast), but it’s just one thing that I’m not willing to let go of: my other languages. I’m sure when I go to study a fourth language after Japanese, I won’t want to let go of Japanese either, besides Dutch and English.

So that’s one point at which I’m going my own way. It might be a rather big diversion from what’s being told on this site (after all, the way I do it doesn’t really sound so much like it’s All Japanese All the Time), but I’m still getting a lot from this place. The very idea of focusing more on kanji at first came from here, as well as the improved use of my SRS (I was using a bit, but… not as much as I should have been and am now).

Anyway, I guess I want to say that I’m glad to have read you, er, say (write) that it’s okay to tinker a bit. Even though you did say not to tinker with the immersion bit. It still made me feel a bit better, even though I already knew theoretically I was doing it the way I wanted to do it. And I really am still immersing.

Also, I should just get off my chest that I really loved the anecdote with Sean/Shaun in the beginning of this post here. It was the finest piece of writing I’ve yet discovered on this site, in my humble opinion, and I’ve read tens of articles already. By the way.

By: Serge /i-meant-to-do-that/#comment-1769 Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:59:16 +0000 /i-meant-to-do-that#comment-1769 The way I’m learning German right now was completely influenced by what you said,although the only thing left standing is the SRS, because I don’t really like German music ,nor reading newspapers ,comic books, books etc. even in my native language.
I do read ,but I prefer to watch TV much more, so listening is for me the best way to repeat what I’ve learnt.
One day I may even have the courage to take up on Japanese,just gathering the strength there.
