Comments on: If You Played Songs The Way You Read Books, You Would Hate Music /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Mikw /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-1000523710 Sat, 09 May 2015 00:23:25 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-1000523710 Hahaha, the same happened to me 🙂

By: Erik /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-1000059106 Thu, 26 Sep 2013 02:08:13 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-1000059106 I think this was kind of the slap of reality I needed. Lately I’ve come to hate reading anything Japanese because it seems all so boring. I would download a manga or light novel of a show I liked or something that looked cool but then they would just go on and on with exposition and things like that and I got bored quickly. I’m gonna make an attempt to skip a lot more than before (which was pretty much none. Ironic since I skim when I read English.).

By: Ana-chan S2 /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-326136 Sat, 16 Mar 2013 22:05:15 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-326136 Keep this website forever! Not only for me, but for the generations to come , they must have access to all this. Thank you so much. Arigato gozaimastu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =^-^=

I came here to improve my japanese…I’m improving my life.

By: “Stare at Who You Want to Become” | Samurai Mind Online /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-325093 Tue, 12 Mar 2013 11:10:18 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-325093 […] get into the sounds of the foreign language you want to acquire . . . no self-loathing because you don’t understand it yet just let yourself bathe in it . . . find the fun, funny and inspirational and move on … see on this one […]

By: 魔法少女☆かなたん /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-323893 Thu, 07 Mar 2013 14:25:16 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-323893 My experience is that when I read through something I don’t like, I end up not remembering most of it anyway. Why waste time on such a useless experience?

By: jim /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-323747 Wed, 06 Mar 2013 21:50:52 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-323747 Personally I disagree. Some of my favourite bands were found through listening after not initially liking them. I see how this method can work for people who don’t usually read, but being able to read a book to the end without skipping a large chunk, or listening to an album from beginning to finish. Well that’s an awesome feeling, and if that’s not possible then you just gotta find authors/artists that you can enjoy that much!

I mean if you’re bored during a movie do you just fast forward and watch the 20 mins you like, or do you go find another movie to watch?

By: Play the Money Game, Samurai | Samurai Mind Online /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-323230 Mon, 04 Mar 2013 11:57:09 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-323230 […] of books.  How?  First, enjoy the heck out of them.   (Check out ajatt’s article “If Your Played Songs The Way You Read, You Would Hate Music.“)Go to the parts that you like.  Skip around.  Read the book that you really liked again […]

By: さんたく /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322990 Sun, 03 Mar 2013 15:30:05 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322990 Dear Khatzumoto, the earlier post about all the books ever written actually being just one big book was pretty good, but didn’t quite get the point. But I think this post did the trick.

I also really enjoy your humor.

Thanks for another great post!


By: Carl /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322916 Sun, 03 Mar 2013 07:05:23 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322916 There are so many things I want to say, but maybe everyone has already said it. (I’ll say them anyway)

1) Another freeing article. It again frees me to do whatever I want towards the language until I get locked in the box of my own doubts again.
2) “Just do it. Just do something.”
3) The irony of it all, I read the whole article. Actually I skimmed through it then read it all. So maybe, not irony. Just using the advice you have given.
3) Who is the Syrian you’re referring to?
4) You’re so correct about music. I skip music all the time, and the songs that I loved a long time ago, I don’t even listen to anymore.
5) Principles trump commands. The way one thinks affects how they will do something or how they live their life.
6) Maybe I can do this (skimming) with anything: books, movies, anki, friends (?), etc.
7) I always appreciate your humor. It maybe a little coarse but it always brings a smile to my face.

And for all that, thank you for writing this article.

By: Livonor /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322804 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 21:05:42 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322804 I had a great idea to boost immersion: a program that automatically downloads random movies, mangas and anime episodes to your PC so you don’t need no search for them, you just keeps the program downloading suff while you work and when you go back to your home there’ll be lots of material waiting for you to explore

By: ペスト /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322803 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 21:04:13 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322803 As a Jew who skims, I feel simultaneously vindicated and blamed.

By: The Real CZ /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322740 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 15:30:18 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322740 “I love music. I love Japanese hiphop. But only because I, like, buy, rent or download 10 albums at a time and throw away all but 1~2 songs per album (and sometimes, all songs).”

I bet you listen to all of the songs in m-flo’s Planet Shining album. That album is gold and I can never skip a song while listening to Planet Shining.

By: Take a Little Off the Top (and the Sides), Samurai | Samurai Mind Online /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322712 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 13:09:25 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322712 […] AJATT has a really interesting new article on the importance of skimming.)  I could complain that I don’t have all the time in the world to write the great samurai […]

By: Anonymous /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322612 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 03:33:05 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322612 (I wanted to add this to my previous post, but forgot it until just now.)

Also, having read something before does not guarantee that I will have much of an idea of what’s going on, at least based on the text itself and not memories from before. For instance, I’m reading the script to FF7 as practice (courtesy of AJATT), but even for moments I remember kinda well, I still have to pull up the dictionary because I can’t make heads or tails of the situation. I’m aware that I could just bump down to a lower difficulty text, but the problem is less in the difficulty in the text and more in that I don’t know how to approach the text in general, making them all of about the same very hard difficulty.

By: Anonymous /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322611 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 03:28:32 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322611 Wow, that sounds absolutely insane. (Colloquially.) It sounds like if I were to do that, I’d just skip around so much that I wouldn’t be able to get anything out of anything. Then again, I don’t understand the concept of skimming before being able to read in general, much less skimming in something for the purposes of entertainment. I can understand skipping large portions of, say, Moby Dick if I’m writing an essay about it and only vaguely remember where the quote I need is, but not if I’m reading out of a sense of entertainment.

By: Octonion /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322608 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 02:27:34 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322608 I’m pretty much still flopping around on the ground myself, but I think it might help to expand the notion of “engaged” to include anything that strikes your interest even for a moment or two, and expand “reading” to encompass any gleaning of meaning and pronunciation from printed material.

Here’s a live on-the-spot example. I’m interested in gravitational waves, which tells me is “重力波” in Japanese. I do a google search for that (oops, getting a lot of Chinese, better search for “重力波が”) and get a list of pages, and for whatever reason
this one catches my eye. Click. Bunch of text that’s not calling to me… oh, pictures. And below that some text “重力波の検出実験はウェーバー…” Oh, hey, I know 実験, and now 重力波, but not the word in the middle. I should take this to, but I’m feeling lazy so back to Jisho. Oh, of course! I should have been able to guess that from context. And ウェーバー must mean Joseph Weber. I now have the material for a few new MCDs. I can kind of guess at the meaning of the rest of the sentence from a few key bits I already know (1960, 現在 and レーザー) but this is starting to feel like work. I’ll bookmark this page in case I want to come back to it. But for now I’m gonna go do an image search for 猫が一杯…

So, I had a little moment of engagement, read the phrase “gravitational-wave detection experiment,” got a sense of the context it was in and moved on before it got boring.

The same general process can work for books. Start with things you already know you’re interested in, stories you already know and love either because you read them in English or because you’ve seen the anime, drama, movie, etc that was the basis for or was based on the book. This stacks the odds in favor of it being interesting, it gives you context to help understand, and it avoids the risk of spoilers (the last point, by the way, being my only real objection to skimming/scanning. I would hate to ruin the author’s carefully-constructed drama over whether character A is going to die on page 287 by having already seen her enjoying a cup of tea on page 310). Oh, and of course having pictures helps too, both in terms of providing context and generating interest, making manga a natural choice if you happen to like any.

By: kai /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322540 Fri, 01 Mar 2013 18:57:11 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322540 “Great story about the kids who come to play under the window of the writer. He pays them to go play elsewhere. Eventually, he stops paying them. They stop playing. ”

By: Erik /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322523 Fri, 01 Mar 2013 17:33:41 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322523 Wow I feel like this is directed at me. Got Naruto volume 1 the other day and I got bored of it about 10 pages in….I guess I should skip the exposition and go straight to the ninja battles already.

By: Andy77 /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322486 Fri, 01 Mar 2013 13:49:00 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322486 actually, you’re right; this was a really great article; and I STILL SKIPPED some of it… it felt liberating…

By: Arthaey /if-you-played-songs-the-way-you-read-books-you-would-hate-music/#comment-322446 Fri, 01 Mar 2013 08:07:42 +0000 /?p=22608#comment-322446 Wow, I’m so the opposite of you! I loved buying a new CD, bringing it home, and listening to it straight through while reading the liner notes. Then I’d listen to it a second time through. 🙂

And for (fiction) books, I’m aghast that people skim! If a novel isn’t interesting enough for me to want to read every word, then I put the entire book down and find one I like better.

My point is — if you hate listening to an entire CD and you skim books, then do that. But not everyone is that way. In language-learning (as in life in genera), the important thing is to know yourself and do what works for you. 🙂
