Comments on: Isn’t Competing Against Yourself Kinda Lonely, Aspy and Pathetic? /isnt-competing-against-yourself-kinda-lonely-aspy-and-pathetic/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: 雷撃 /isnt-competing-against-yourself-kinda-lonely-aspy-and-pathetic/#comment-1000507181 Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:49:26 +0000 /?p=29630#comment-1000507181 I found even competing against myself was to much stress. I know, I know, I should just record and compare later but that’s not how it works in my mind! When I’m recording I’m think about the comparison that I will have to make at some point. And one thing I hate is loosing face against myself. So i’m thinking about the results when I’m recording.

I found the solution though…. wait for it…. I said WAIT…. Don’t record!

My life has been a lot better when I know I don’t have to improve, because I don’t have any facts to compare to. I don’t even know how much time I spend on doing Japanese stuff. Part of that was me trowing out the SRS (except for kanji, gotta do kanji man…)

The best part is to just let the improvement hit you! You will have moments when you think “Damn, am I really reading this?? Look at it, all kanji and everything”. So, yeah, my mind still records stuff, that’s what it does, can’t help it. But it’s not putting any stress on me. Not like those horrible numbers do.

I guess everyone has to find there own way. Some people like to compete with others and it drives them forward. If that is you, don’t hold back, compete to your hearths content. But if you’re as lazy as me, just have fun and stop caring. Set up the environment, get into good habits and enjoy the ride.

By: yubizaki pillow /isnt-competing-against-yourself-kinda-lonely-aspy-and-pathetic/#comment-1000197898 Sun, 22 Jun 2014 22:39:20 +0000 /?p=29630#comment-1000197898 allot of toilet-flushing-dripping-action here.

yes we ironically often start to think after robbery and castrations. that’s the default error that happens en masse.
To find the right path in thinking, you have the start with nothing when literally nothing is missing.

thinking of nothingness as being the truth creates a theoretical climate profoundly alien for complaining people, something different then any differentiation through opinion can bring to light. animals are bastards, and they backup everything as a lack, becoming so alienated that the contact with a mind that originated from wealth is a thread. ‘reprove him who offends the lack’ echo’s from collective of bastards everywhere.

the fundamental discovery of modernity is not that the earth revolves around the sun, but that money encircles the earth. so deal with it. D.E.A.L.
here power kicks in. but screw power, all vested interests and all these complicated circular movements in data and the bullshit cosmic fart universe we live in. woman win anyway.

you are right: it is aloneness not loneliness. loneliness is just an old everlasting habit since ‘birth’ to be nurtured.

the dogma of the ‘primary loneliness of man’ is created and maintained by modernity. even outside the non-transparent america.
people want to be radical and deep, being marketed more triumphantly than ever before.

to speak with a moral voice, just freaking heat your private life above the freezingpoint – and do what you want.

also don’t try to be Tim Ferriss, not because americans are:

1. enchanted in the american religion of ‘quality and results’ trying to collect ‘experience/thoughts/declarative memory’
2. a collective of bastards

so NO! that’s all wrong to begin with. to do list or not to do list, different means, same shit end.

i like being an NPC.

NPC’s seem half-stupid, but they are not.

they seem local, master of repetition, lobsided, but it’s the opposite!

By: Pingfa /isnt-competing-against-yourself-kinda-lonely-aspy-and-pathetic/#comment-1000186040 Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:41:52 +0000 /?p=29630#comment-1000186040 When I learned Chinese, I was only competing against myself. Later someone I knew tried to learn Korean, but competed with me and gave up after 2-3 weeks. ‘If I did Korean as much as you did Chinese I would be fluent by now’ they would say.
Well, duh.
The only difference was this person wasn’t mentally up to it, because rather than learning the language for their own sake they were trying to impress others. This person announced to everyone that they were learning Korean and boasted about their progress within the first week or two, but eventually the pressure became too much.
By contrast, I kept my Chinese learning secret from my immediate family and friends. I learned it for my own sake. Even now that I can understand Chinese media made for Chinese people, most of my common acquaintances don’t know I understand any Chinese, because it was never about them.

As you say, the only reason people do anything is to experience the emotional state they desire. Even if they deliberately inflict suffering on themselves, the ultimate goal is personal security.
Thus, I learned Chinese for my own well-being. That’s why it has stayed with me. The problem most people have is that they learn so other people think they are doing well, and since people have minds of their own this is a flimsy excuse to do anything.

I once read a quote along the lines of ‘once one understands how to be alone, they will never be lonely’
了解孤獨, 就不寂寞。
Mindset is everything.

By: Willi /isnt-competing-against-yourself-kinda-lonely-aspy-and-pathetic/#comment-1000181927 Tue, 17 Jun 2014 06:30:37 +0000 /?p=29630#comment-1000181927 This is what I keep telling people, they think I am very weird except they can’t explain why I look 18 still and I am 31.

Cause all those little moments add up and break you down, can’t you use compound interest and accomplish the same thing in the grand scheme anways?

Like the Gorillaz, it’s a band with 2 people. They created an anime world to describe the things they want to teach, but they didn’t have to find the cast of their band. They just created them.
