Comments on: It Counts If You Let It /it-counts-if-you-let-it/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: ajatt /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000042735 Tue, 11 Jun 2013 01:00:38 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000042735 “my vocabulary gets bigger every time I learn one puny word. Not so puny.”

By: Kayla /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000039782 Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:12:56 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000039782 I’m guilty of doing this but every little word counts.
Every minute counts. If they didn’t matter at all, then nothing would matter because hours are the sum of these “sustained” 1-second efforts and my vocabulary gets bigger every time I learn one puny word. Not so puny.

By: Push ‘n Play Samurai: Small Steps Big Results | Samurai Mind Online /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000027223 Tue, 21 May 2013 11:04:51 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000027223 […] thinking small is powerful.   Khatz, the dude over at, calls his immersion service Neutrino.  Teeny tiny particles.  According to wikipedia, my vast […]

By: 必勝 /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000023571 Wed, 15 May 2013 11:49:14 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000023571 勝元よ、この胸の内に涼風を呼び込んでくれるのは今はもう……お前の雲りなき闘志だけだ!


書けるようになったのに。頑張ってぺらぺら話せるようになったのに。かつて夢にも見なかったことができるようになったのに、今はまだ完璧ではないからとて自分が積んできた努力を全て棒に切るつもりか? ふん、まさか。そんなわけがあるまい。


By: Pingfa /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000022952 Tue, 14 May 2013 14:05:18 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000022952 Just saw this on AJATT’s Twitter: “You don’t “speak” a language. You use it. Language is software. Want more features? Install them.”

I don’t know why but this quote is possibly the most personally motivating in a while. It’s a great way of looking at it.

I’ve been putting off learning Japanese for a while, not because I didn’t believe I could do it (I’ve already reached proficiency in Chinese, after all), but because I didn’t want to go through the long process again, months to a year or more of barely understanding anything about anything…
Yet thinking of it this way, “You don’t “speak” a language. You use it.” puts things in perspective. I don’t have to learn Japanese, but I can use it. I can use it right now.
Maybe the software is a little barebones right now, but I can always install more features later.

In any case, I’ve already familiarized myself with most of the romanization, and, and, get this, I browsed through the first few minutes of One Piece with Chinese and Japanese subtitles, as well as Gantz manga with Chinese and Japanese side-by-side, and from what I saw the majority of the Kanji is either the same as Chinese or so similar it’s easy enough to figure out by context. This takes a huge load off me.
One of my main issues when learning Chinese was not being able to figure out what is actually a word, what to look up, what goes where… but with the Kanji the context is much clearer. A lot of the stuff in between the Kanji are often just chain words and ending particles and such, too.

Besides that, I’ve been familiar with basic Japanese greetings and perfunctory jibba jabba from Japanese media exposure for years, so I already have a bigger advantage than when I started Chinese. After learning the romanization, it was exciting for me to even be able to understand basic expressions like ‘oi!’ or ‘arigoto’ without being able to look them up.

Thus, I’ve already gained a number of victories before I’ve even started. It counts, buttface!

By: ta132 /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000023136 Mon, 13 May 2013 22:55:25 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000023136 RT @ajatt: There are no large victories. Just jillions of tiny ones that we lazily sum up and call a single, large victory.…

By: wolferey /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000021981 Sun, 12 May 2013 17:02:24 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000021981 RT @ajatt: There are no large victories. Just jillions of tiny ones that we lazily sum up and call a single, large victory.…

By: ajatt /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000021982 Sun, 12 May 2013 17:00:21 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000021982 There are no large victories. Just jillions of tiny ones that we lazily sum up and call a single, large victory.

By: Livonor /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000021893 Sun, 12 May 2013 14:48:55 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000021893 lolz, I don’t have those feelings since last year, I don’t even remember how it is being stressed and frustrated about that stuff called “progress”, I’m always feeling awesome about being the f#####ing damn master of the japanese compared to everybody around me and myself some months ago. Thanks Khatz for changing completely my way of thinking.

By: Erik /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000021661 Sun, 12 May 2013 04:31:22 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000021661 I was just having a conversation about this with a friend of mine…My friend was like “Wow you can read RAW manga without using a dictionary!?!” And I’m all just like “yeah…but I can’t even read books so maybe I just suck at this Japanese thing”. I guess the irony is I can already do things I couldn’t even come close to about a year ago and I never thought about it. It’s like I have a fear of acknowledging success because It could lead to complacency.

By: dave /it-counts-if-you-let-it/#comment-1000021572 Sun, 12 May 2013 00:25:23 +0000 /?p=24451#comment-1000021572 You made me laugh out loud once again. I’ve started to grow accustomed to the feeling you describe in this post. That feeling that you’re numb to the awesomeness that you’ve achieved simply because of the time and effort and experience you spent achieving it. I take to be a bellwether, a sign that I’m moving in the right direction. Hopefully.
