Comments on: It Worked For Me, Why Not You? The Success Story of a Frenchman In The Netherlands Who Learned English (and Now Japanese) The AJATT Way /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Hugo /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000508176 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:36:51 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000508176 That’s it bro. I was born in Brazil and never had traveled out of my country. Sure I can’t talk english that good, but I can understand a lot of things. Just because I used to play videogames when I was a child. I never went to a English class but sometimes my language knowledge is better than friends that studied for years. I even don’t have someone I could talk to train my english, perhaps my conversation is not so good. But reading lots of texts and movies really helped me out. I’m also learning japanese too.
Sorry for grammatical errors, but I really don’t give a f*

By: What’s Wrong And Right With Vocabulary Lists — How To Use Them Without Being Used By Them | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000243692 Wed, 09 Jul 2014 20:37:13 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000243692 […] It Worked For Me, Why Not You? The Success Story of a Frenchman In The Netherlands Who Learned Engli… […]

By: From the Mouths of Babes: A High School Girl Shares Her AJATT Success Story | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000068414 Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:07:17 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000068414 […] It Worked For Me, Why Not You? The Success Story of a Frenchman In The Netherlands Who Learned Engli… […]

By: Felipe /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065845 Tue, 25 Feb 2014 07:39:02 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065845 (in other words… if you know some words that use that kanji, or if you are already familiar with it, then give it a good grade, without necessarily giving the right keyword)

By: Felipe /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065844 Tue, 25 Feb 2014 07:36:38 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065844 Hey Khatz, I have a Kanji SRS approach that I wanted to share. It’s very lazy, but it’s only convenient when you already have a relatively big Vocabulary and have been reading japanese books for a while, but I think anyone can incorporate this technique:

SRS question: 残
now the question is, do you know how to use this kanji in a word or sentence?, if so, grade yourself accordingly. If you don’t quite recognize it, give yourself a bad score.

The thing is… now you have some vocabulary, there’s no need to associate kanji with keywords… you already know the kanji, so.. good grade!. (smoother and lazier SRS, and a lot faster)

Also, this is only good for people who wanna practice kanji recognition only… I dont give a crap about handwriting.. its useful to learn it better, but not worth the effort IMO 🙂

By: アマンダ /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065837 Tue, 25 Feb 2014 01:23:26 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065837 I most certainly am not fluent in Japanese yet, but I can say that I relate. When I first started learning, I thought that taking a class would teach me everything I needed to know. I knew nothing about the art of language learning, much less immersion. After a couple of years of classes, I realized I was learning nothing. And guess why? Because I was doing the exact opposite of what this guy did. I was only doing the class required assignment, passing tests and quizzes but not using Japanese at all during my daily life. Then, I came across this site, and the rest as they say, is history!

I started to increase my consumption of Japanese media, listening to Japanese music, watching the dramas, the variety shows, reading Japanese websites, etc. Being an English major, 100% AJATT-ing wasn’t possible, since I had to read texts in English, write essay in English and do research in English, But I certainly was using Japanese everyday. Again, I haven’t reached the point of 100% fluency, but I have had small victories. I finished RTK 1, I no longer need subtitles for anything that I watch in Japanese (well, barely anything, unless the vocabulary is full of jargon), and I can read manga, articles, etc. Once small victory I have had recently is listening to a podcast I began listening to when I decided to take on immersion. Before, I only understood words here and there. This was about last year. I listened to the same podcast recently and understood basically everything! There are times when I wonder, “why even bother?” and hoo boy have I fallen off regular vocabulary acquisition. But achieving victories like that inspires me to go on.

I get asked occasionally how to learn Japanese. I constantly answer “watch Japanese movies, anime and dramas. Read and listen to Japanese everyday. Constant exposure, if not 100% immersion is the key. But people never want to listen. I think they expect me to tell them the name of a textbook or some quick fix method. I recently heard someone say that they had temporarily put Japanese study on hold because “it’s too hard to learn by yourself.” It’s not! Who said language learning had to be a group activity? It’s something that is perfectly do-able on your own. Sigh. Anyway, I’ve ranted enough.

By: Lunar /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065735 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 11:50:57 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065735 So much of this article matches my experience it’s almost freaky. I could pretty much write the same exact thing and save for the ‘Frenchman in Netherlands’ it would hold true :p

Since I made the decision to learn Japanese, I’ve been looking back at the way I learned English a lot. It’s actually rather difficult to remember how I did it, but I somehow did it, without the aid of classes and textbooks (well, I had English at school, but I never really studied for it and I hardly ever did homework). And I wanted to know how I could do it again, but with Japanese this time around.

Even though I don’t want to give up using English at home completely, which means I might not progress as fast as those who do take the plunge, I did just order my first completely Japanese video game – Final Fantasy X HD! This is going to be one hell of a ride, since my level of comprehension is still pretty low 😀

Oh, also – I am taking Japanese at my university. It’s not all bad, at least a few of the classes are with a native speaker who seems to greatly overestimate our ability to understand her and has switched from like 70% English 30% Japanese to 90% Japanese 10% English. And that’s good. I find myself understanding more than I expected, so it’s a nice little confidence boost. The kanji classes on the other hand are pretty bad, I mean c’mon, we spend 1.5h ‘working’ on a set of 12 kanji. I can learn 12 kanji in ~20 minutes! I certainly won’t remember them well until after a few weeks of SRSing and I won’t remember all readings but… neither will those who use the classroom method. The textbook also kinda sucks (suprise, suprise), for no reason other than the fact that it’s dreadfully boring. Yes, it covers all important grammar points, yes it has dialogues which show how those grammar structures might be used, but it’s just dull, completely unengaging and repetitive. Even the teachers repeatedly told us they think the book sucks, in which case I don’t understand why they won’t ditch it altogether.

By: Livonor /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065715 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 03:29:42 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065715 だよね。偶にこのサイトは学園アニメの部のような現実のクラブだって想像する

By: Livonor /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065713 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 03:02:17 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065713 つか、カツは記事にサムネを付けた、もしかしたらようやくサイトのデザインがゴチャゴチャせずに?

By: Livonor /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065712 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 02:55:22 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065712 そんな「便利で日常な文章」って便利や日常じゃないね

By: Amir /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065709 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:37:32 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065709 Yo Polish brother! 😀
In my opinion, it’s not you who’s at fault (with being lazy and stuff) but the educational system. I mean who the heck wants to learn a DRY shoplist. How would somebody even define lazy? I’m sorry, but I’d rather watch an awesome movie in Spanish than study a pointless list. Everybody with common sense would probably do the same. 😉

By: Amir /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065708 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 01:29:33 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065708 ああ-そっか。でもあのゲームは日本語版あるんでしょう?
笑!他の学生の意見はどうでもいいだろう。俺にとってあなたのやり方は正しいだと思うよ。ここはおそらく誰でもそう思うんだ、安心しろよ。 (´▽`)ノ

By: Adrian /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065703 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 21:10:20 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065703 Picked English up the same way in the UK when I came from the icy, post-commie fields of northern Poland.

I didn’t even know that it was AJATT method (or any other official method). ‘It learned it’ I didn’t learn anything. All I remember was that my 11 year old friend (who was slovakian) told me not to speak Polish to him or I’ll never learn English, and he was right. (Polish & Slovakian are very similar, speaking one you ALMOST speak the other.)

When I went to high school my ‘school spanish’ was mediocre. Because I am lazy, and didn’t like learning shopping lists. This was good because it shattered any of my perceptions about ‘being good at languages’.

You know, I remember we spent about a year preparing and memorizing this speech that we would be tested on. It was about what kind of holiday I prefer to go on.

Now, this pre-memorized, pre-checked speech felt good. It was IMPRESSIVE to those (who didn’t have an effin’ clue) around me. Like a good circus trick. I was ‘speaking spanish’. But heavens forbid you actually asked me something (other than ‘how old is your sister?’) I think the very fact that we say ‘Do you SPEAK Spanish’ distorts people’s reality of what a language is, and what it is for. You can speak, and not understand fluently, but you can’t understand fluently, and not speak. Understanding/being used to is what language ultimately comes down to.

A lot of people will feel like because they’re not learning stock ‘phrases’ every month that the method is not working.

This is normal.

However, although I know all this, I’m at AJATT BECAUSE I’m lazy. Because my circumstances aren’t forcing me into a corner. AJATT tells me it’s okay to be lazy, and that instead of trying to kill my character, I should just find ways of doing things that match my character, that there’s no need to beat myself up in the pursuit of the honorable pie in the sky that’s reserved for the ‘hard worker/dilligent blah blah’ and all those other words that turn me off.

ありがと Khatz.

By: Livonor /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065698 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 20:07:53 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065698 俺もチーム・フォートレス2とフォールアウトのおかげでそんなに英語を分かれるように成った。あの頃の俺その二つのゲームが日々や趣味としてた。でも日本語の為に二つを塵箱に捨てた。「せっかく英語をペラペラに成ったから英語を諦めて無理!」っていう意見は本当に無理、実際に英語は俺の母語だから大切にしたくないんだ。あんなの教室の英学生が同意してないかも知れない

By: Livonor /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065697 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:38:07 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065697 前回では昔の記事のように「身の上投稿」を掲載してみる方がいいじゃんって思った、俺の目の前に何故か勝元が又俺の心を読んだかも

By: Amir /it-worked-for-me-why-not-you-the-success-story-of-a-frenchman-in-the-netherlands-who-learned-english-and-now-japanese-the-ajatt-way/#comment-1000065694 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:09:28 +0000 /?p=28575#comment-1000065694 ) Which you are going to accept of course, I mean Khatz師匠 loves his AJATT 後輩達 , rigghhht? ;P My kanjis are already done, and I'm currently at around 7000 sentences|MCD's. So that stuff can wait, I'm back off to playing some Tales of Destiny remake with my brother on the PS2. Ahhh you don't know how awesome it feels do finally play those games I've always wanted to play. I actually don't suck that much anymore, well I'm able to understand the main plot. (which actually doesn't matter, ask my lil bro, even though he doesn't understand sh*t what's going on in the game, he's still having a blast, but COME ON dawg, THAT battlesystem! :D) -Amir]]> Yo Greg what’s up brotha, I’m currently living in Luxembourg which is pretty close to the Netherlands, anyways my story is EXACTLY the same. There is a gaming series I love, where some of the games are only available in English(no German,French), and the whole series ONLY in Japanese. It’s the “Tales of” series (Symphonia, Phantasia, Destiny…) I hadn’t even started English in school yet, and my English was REALLY limited only words like “Hello” and “F**k” you know, the words everybody knows, haha. But that didn’t stop me from playing my favorite games. That what happened afterwards is already beautifully explained by handsome Greg. At the beginning with my first game, I didn’t really understand anything, but after arround 30 h of gameplaytime (it’s a JRPG series, that means lots of Text, Voiceacting,Story etc., lots of sentences and words to pick up :P) I actually started to understand what was going on at the last part of the game, especially the most dramatic stuff that happened, like when somebody dies etc. Those are also the epic lines that are still stuck in my head, that I just memorized out of the emotions I felt during the entertainment I was getting through my gaming. What happened afterwards could be described as a chain reaction, I just wanted to play more of this series, since my English had already gotten better, I started going on Youtube etc. (around 2006, where everything(all the good stuff) was pretty much still in English on the internet) where I found other addictions, Youtube channels, websites and other immersion media I liked. The most amazing thing was, when I finally started to have my first English classes arround the age of 13. Let me tell you, I was(and still am 😉 ) quite a lazy student, but the results I was rocking, dear GOD, I was ALWAYS first in class, I hadn’t seen any grammar rules before, but I simply did everything automatically. I understood everything while others were having trouble at the most basic things. I NEVER studied for ANY test, not even a bit, I just kept my awesome environment and immersion(=FUN baby) on. (which proves to me that classes suck) And you know the annoying girl “Stacy”(AJATT celebrity ;P) , who is always in every class, and wants to be best and annoys the hell out of everybody. Haha, that jeaulousy in her eyes, she tried so hard to catch up with my grades, but never could. My immersion and fun I that I was having in English where way too much. I’m sorry Stacy-babe, not living in the environment of the language you’re trying to learn and only studying for the test that is up ain’t gonna work. No matter how many 臥薪嘗胆「がしんしょうたん」and 努力「どりょく」you do it ain’t gonna work. Don’t hate me, don’t blame me. Blame the way society works and blame your unfortune for not finiding this amazing blog. 😉 (well at that part of time I didn’t know of AJATT aswell, but I was convinced that it had to do with my environment, and Khatz師匠 eventually confirmed that belief to me.)
Last year, I was trying to learn Japanese the same way, but it doesn’t work exactly the same as in English. I had to find a way to learn the Kanji (and Kanas). And that’s how I found this blog, thanks to which I am now able to maintain my amazing Japanese environment. Thanks Greg and Khatz for this amazing post.
My full follow-up story will come after I suck even more less in Japanese. That means when I feel like it.
気のまぐれってことさ。 (-‿◦☀) Which you are going to accept of course, I mean Khatz師匠 loves his AJATT 後輩達 , rigghhht? ;P

My kanjis are already done, and I’m currently at around 7000 sentences|MCD’s. So that stuff can wait, I’m back off to playing some Tales of Destiny remake with my brother on the PS2. Ahhh you don’t know how awesome it feels do finally play those games I’ve always wanted to play. I actually don’t suck that much anymore, well I’m able to understand the main plot. (which actually doesn’t matter, ask my lil bro, even though he doesn’t understand sh*t what’s going on in the game, he’s still having a blast, but COME ON dawg, THAT battlesystem! :D)

