Comments on: Japanese Websites: Comedy Talk Radio with Bakushou Mondai /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: khatzumoto /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-104138 Wed, 15 Jun 2011 02:27:38 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-104138 パニックフェイス!

By: ダンちゃん /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-103991 Tue, 14 Jun 2011 12:27:30 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-103991 Hahaha.

Really is classic. I think I listened to every episode available on podcast about three or four times last year.

妙に変だなあ was the greatest. Especially when it went all Angela Aki for weeks.

By: ドーミエ /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-103898 Tue, 14 Jun 2011 00:17:38 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-103898 Erotic Face!

By: Natasha /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-44224 Sun, 30 May 2010 03:30:36 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-44224 Hey Khatzumoto

I originally saw a video clip of you hanging out with TkyoSam, and then I saw you again talking about your method of learning Japanese and just submerging yourself into everything Japanese.

You’re method really makes sense to me, so I’m going to use it and hopefully it’ll work for me too. I listen to Japanese music on youtube, and just now I started playing the podcast of Bakushou Mondai Cowboy.

I have been looking for Japanese radio shows online to listen to, but on Windows media player, all I find are anime radio stations, or stock market radio, and there’s only so much of that I can listen to haha. I know you said that Japanese radio can be hard to find, but if you know of any could you please suggest other radio stations online that I can check out so I can spice up my listening.

Also, do you think my North American radio will work in Japan? Or would I be better off purchasing a Japanese radio when I move?



By: All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. » Link-O-Mania: Mostly Japanese Websites — Blogs, Think Tanks and Some Inspiration /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-11678 Sun, 12 Oct 2008 09:25:08 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-11678 […] I know I’ve put this up in some form before (indirectly), but that was to a sub-site. This is the main TBS Radio Podcasts site. They have some […]

By: vgambit /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-10199 Sun, 31 Aug 2008 00:20:13 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-10199 The podcast is on iTunes (and can be downloaded from there much faster than their website, in my experience), so I downloaded *every* episode and put them on my iPod.

It must be Tanaka who keeps saying ”アナルセックス!!!” or just ”セックス!” That alone is funny, even when I understand maybe one word per hour.

By: shiisa /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-7420 Sat, 09 Feb 2008 13:12:19 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-7420 “Interestingly, in the TV drama ケイゾク…”

Ooh, so you watched some of them? I love that show. Perhaps by now you’ve seen enough to know that Miyabi (the girlfriend) is still in high school…

By: khatzumoto /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5887 Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:05:54 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5887 Yeah…this whole, “but is it masculine/feminine?” thing that has so many Japanese learners worried is nothing but premature optimization. Yes, there is that guy who learned from his girlfriend, but first we need to worry about whether it’s Japanese or not. You need to build the house of Japanese first. The color of the tablecloth in the dining room (i.e. the gender style of speech) can wait till last.

Interestingly, in the TV drama ケイゾク, the head of the investigative section, a middle-aged man, has a young (20-something?) girlfriend. And, because of all the time he spends with her, his speech at work sometimes has inappropriately youthful or feminine slang and 語尾…but…why am I telling you this?

Anyway, build the house first. When it’s time to pick tablecloths, because you know Japanese, you’ll know what color to pick.

By: Rin /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5837 Sat, 22 Dec 2007 21:37:49 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5837 Ah, ok.
I know the difference between girl’s speech and guy’s but I tend to copy what I hear in Japanese for practice regardless if I understand it all, so I was just a little worried that I might pick it up.
Thanks for calming my fears and thank you for your great website!
It’s my favorite Japanese learning blog.
(I don’t usually comment on blogs much but since I’m a big fan of your site,
I figured I’d give it a try. )

By: khatzumoto /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5346 Fri, 14 Dec 2007 03:44:56 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5346 @Rin
I wouldn’t worry about it. As in English, there are speech forms/styles that are primarily masculine and primarily feminine, but, there is also a healthy middle ground. Masculine speech in Japanese is mostly grunts (ああ,おう, 別に); feminine speech is mostly squealing (わー!すーーーーーごーーーーーい!, 日本語上ーーーーーーーー手ううう!, ありがとうございますううううう!). Both are stoopid, IMHO. As a girl, just stick to 私 and limit the number of ぞs and ぜs in your 語尾s and you’re golden. [Having said that, in certain dialects, both men and women use 俺 8) ]. Anyway, enough theory! Let’s all quit worrying and listen to the show! No need to bracket or limit your Japanese…just focus on enjoying yourself.

I mean, even if one were to have the wrong gender speech style, which you won’t, but even if you were to pick it up, on a scale of 1 to 10, Japanese that has native-like accent and word usage but the wrong gender still earns a 9. There are tomboys and 僕少女 in Japan, too.

By: Rin /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5313 Thu, 13 Dec 2007 11:38:34 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5313 Ooh, sounds like fun.
I just hope I don’t end up talking like a guy…

By: khatzumoto /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5261 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 23:38:40 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5261 >get weird looks both on the train and just now at lunch thanks to listening to these on my iPod and cracking up…
I know THAT feeling… 8) , everyone’s like “what the fwhaaaat?”. Imagine if people knew it were BSMD that you’re listening to; they might, in fact, die of shock.

By: shiisa /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5245 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 04:08:04 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5245 Love Bakusho Mondai, had no idea they were doing a podcast. Thanks for the heads up! I’ve managed to get weird looks both on the train and just now at lunch thanks to listening to these on my iPod and cracking up…

By: Sutebun /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5132 Fri, 07 Dec 2007 16:03:47 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5132 @Quendil

They have the same thing in American Amazon….$0.01 books.

When you sell something over amazon, amazon credits you $3.99 for regular shipping. So these people have some way to ship very cheaply, and make money off of the shipping credit Amazon gives them.

I don’t know if there’s a way to bundle used things from the same user for saving shipping costs, but typically since you will buy each item individualized you will pay shipping cost times how many items you buy.

So the 1 yen used mangas would be great if you could buy a ton of them and pay 500 yen shipping for them all, but I think you have to pay the shipping for each of them so it’s just cheaper to buy it used at the bookstore (or get it new for the same price…)

(Selling back college books is a great way to learn about Amazon’s auction system!)

By: khatzumoto /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5096 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 23:28:38 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5096 Only relevant ones

By: Jen /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5090 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:24:42 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5090 This doesn’t really have anything to do with your post, but just a quick question.. when you’re putting definitions for words that you don’t understand in your srs, do you think that you should put all definitions for a word, if say, there are four or so, or just the ones which are relevant to the sentence that you’re trying to understand? So far I have just been putting the ones relevant to the sentence, but I’m not sure whether this is the best way to do it or not…

By: Nivaldo /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5086 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 19:07:39 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5086 Oh, it’s embassy not ambassade, right? I confused with the swedish/other version which I saw in its corresponding embassy. Now I’m learning both English and Japanese. Great! Just kidding. The one is japanese.

By: Nivaldo /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5082 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 17:55:31 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5082 Just wanted to say some more things like:
When I’m listening to japanese music, sometimes I begin not to understand it but to follow the sounds almost fluently and sometimes even without a single break. Did it ever happen to you?
Everytime it happens, it inspires me to go further and then comes my brother to watch TV **CONFLICT**. Also, about my english, I think you may not remember but I said it was due to many subbed movies, songs and will to speak english. As that kind of material here is almost if not free(on TVs and Radios), I just had to get my ears working and my eyes pointing to the right textual input. But with japanese, it’s been a little more difficult, though not impossible, for example, I managed to get 333 MB of japanese music and some GB of anime. That’s why I’m going for it. It’s my dream since I was 8, damn it. It’s not too late although I’m 19 by now, right? Well, see you.

By: Nivaldo /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5081 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 17:53:29 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5081 Oops, I think I posted two comments in the wrong place, so I’m posting again:
“Wow, thanks Khatz! I didn’t know I had such a great chance(some 60% based on their student-master culture) of success. Well, the people I found here are near my house so I hope they accept the suggestion. However, they look busy but yep, my brother said that once, one of them got out for a lunch while reading the “Domingo(sunday)” newspaper. It could mean that at least one of them is trying to learn portuguese. To be honest, I was thinking about talking to them today, but I was waiting for your reply to see if it was correct. My father doesn’t even want to know about Japan but kept reading some magazines about Japan I had brought from the ambassade for 3 HOURS. I don’t really understand him but I don’t care, I’m going and that’s all. My brothers aren’t going to collaborate either as the computer is near the TV, **Conflict**. So, I began thinking about all possibilities(almost scientifically), and this one came up. I’ll let you know about the result.”

By: khatzumoto /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai/#comment-5077 Wed, 05 Dec 2007 17:19:20 +0000 /japanese-websites-comedy-talk-radio-with-bakushou-mondai#comment-5077 No catch…except:
1) Most ship within Japan only
2) Shipping costs ~340 yen

You might need to use Danke Danke: /shopping-japanese-online-stores-from-abroad
