Comments on: KhatzuMemo Update–Recycle Bin, View Text As Image /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Kay /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image/#comment-6998 Mon, 21 Jan 2008 20:35:50 +0000 /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image#comment-6998 I have a request!

Please make the “Good job!” 100% done page not redirect automatically, and just let people click on a continue link. Getting to that page is hard work! I want to gaze at it for a moment in all its glory…

By: khatzumoto /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image/#comment-5262 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 23:39:00 +0000 /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image#comment-5262 @Cush
It’s an CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) computer text processing thing, but:
107 is full-width,
107 is half-width (and narrower than 107).
I don’t know exactly why the difference exist, probably in order to fit Arabic numerals and Roman text seamlessly with CJK text; full-width fits better. Having said that, half-width seems fashionable lately. Half-width is what you generally use if typing, say, English.

By: Cush /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image/#comment-5246 Tue, 11 Dec 2007 04:45:35 +0000 /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image#comment-5246 What does it mean to make text ‘full width’ ?I look at the pictures of the chinese text at the top and i can’t tell the difference. thanks.

By: beneficii /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image/#comment-3086 Fri, 14 Sep 2007 00:56:49 +0000 /khatzumemo-update-recycle-bin-view-text-as-image#comment-3086 With regards to the “text as image,” this is interesting. Perhaps one thing you can do is set up an option to have the image show without clicking on the button to push it. That way it’s up right when the user comes to the entry. This would be useful in the event that, say, a user is using a computer without Japanese text support (say, a certain work computer).
