Comments on: Language is Like a Video Game /language-is-like-a-video-game/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Samurai Online Learning: How I Use Japanese Pod 101 | Samurai Mind Online /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-239445 Sat, 08 Sep 2012 11:35:39 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-239445 […] Now my oldest daughter has to explain to me what she is saying in Japanese.   This is ajatt (Language is Like A Video Game) and antimoon stuff.   The pixie dust and nitty gritty of real life. Share […]

By: nippyon /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-59166 Sun, 31 Oct 2010 04:59:57 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-59166 lol just like how I’ll never forget “fuinki” from the usage on this site, now i’ll never forget 美人局. Strangely, 不陰気seems to be used all the time in celebrity interviews and on tv these days. Every time I hear it, I go “Ah! IT’S AJATT AGAIN!!” I love using random weird words like that, so I keep on looking them up in the dictionary. Every once in a while, I bust out a completely anti-textbook word in a conversation with my Japanese-class friend and she’ll go “ええ?何それ? What the heck does that mean?” Then I explain to her (in Japanese) and then she’ll say “That’s not in our textbook, is it?” Now she even uses fuinki haha

Random weird, but very applicable words are so much better than textbooks. I love learning Japanese this way >..<

By: Morticia /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-30147 Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:07:06 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-30147 Haha, and I know one of the points was to NOT try to be all fancy and use cool words… but now that I have learned the word 美人局 I, too, am very tempted to use it in a sentence now… or five different sentences… how I would find a way to work that in I do not know!!! XD

By: Ken /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-25455 Mon, 28 Sep 2009 04:54:13 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-25455 The irony is now a whole bunch of us are going to know “美人局”, and never forget it, all because we read it here.

Hopefully we can avoid working it into *too* many conversations.

By: Guest /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-12893 Tue, 11 Nov 2008 01:45:45 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-12893 Since I popped the bubble let me blow you a new one (O_o).

Video games (continuing with fighting games) are indeed like language. I have a friend (Friend A) who has played SF3 (Street Fighter 3) since it’s release (all of them). As someone complete new to SF3 I played against him and lost… a lot.

I have another friend (Friend B) whom has played SF3 for a little while. Playing against him I won around 40% of the time. Significantly better. To become better I went over to Friend As house and played against him (and several other people) once a week for several months.

I can now win around 7% (better then nothing) of the time against Friend A. However when I play against Friend B (whom has not played during any of this time) I win 90% of the time.

What was the point of that spill, how is that like language? Like language, you will suck in the beginning, you will. You have to practice to suck less. If you don’t, you get worse.

By: Linkf1 /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-12809 Sat, 08 Nov 2008 18:03:27 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-12809 First of all you must know that I will be posting comments all the time on your site. because is quite interesting.

Secondly, I am totally agree with you, (and let me tell you that I have only read two pages of the whole web site.
I am doing a bachelor degree in languages. I am from Mexico and I am learning English and Japanese the latter by my own, and I have been learning this semester about Language Learning Methods in my school ( Facultad de Lenguas-Deparment of Languages)
All you have said until now is exactly what we, the languages learners think.
I have to say that the fact that you link the language learning with the Japanese language is pretty interesting.
Anyway I must say congratulations for such a great site and by the way I really like the part in which you say: ““Well, babies are magical”, people say. Bollocks. Babies are stupid and ignorant.” Because that is what I learnt in Learning and Acquisition of a Second Language.
So good web site and hope learn more Japanese.

By: Smilax /language-is-like-a-video-game/#comment-8438 Mon, 21 Apr 2008 19:37:00 +0000 /language-is-like-a-video-game#comment-8438 I really like this article because I can relate to it so much. Just today I had a speaking (oral) exam in Spanish. I was doing well until I couldn’t remember a verb for the life of me. I swear, I was like, paused for a whole minute with my mouth gaping, trying to think of the verb (esconderse, which means to hide). So I beat around it with adjectives like “scared”, “afraid”, and “shy”, even though they weren’t so direct. I passed with a 95%.

I’m absolutely shocked to have read something so relevant (and well-written =D) to my incident today that I just had to share.

Keep up the great articles!
