Comments on: Lazy Kanji Cards: A New (?) SRS Card Format /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: luffy /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000574133 Sat, 09 May 2020 16:52:42 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000574133 I wasn’t even born!

By: Why I deleted my RTK and Sentence Decks – En Route to Fluency /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000548183 Sat, 16 Jul 2016 23:21:59 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000548183 […] when I’ve been employing my recent Hanzi/Kanji study method, along with one mentioned by Khatz over here, I’ve just found my RTK to be downright boring and tedious to do. I would open up my RTK, do a […]

By: cophnia61 /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000503327 Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:34:16 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000503327 Man, from where did you took that definition for 膂? Please let me know and I’ll love you even more!

By: asdf /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000140978 Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:35:07 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000140978 I’ve completed RTK using this method and I have barely retained any of the kanji, I tried really hard but I don’t think this is a good method.

By: Erik /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000069261 Tue, 15 Apr 2014 23:28:09 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000069261 Just thought I’d say I finished RTK1 using this method today. I plan to move onto RTK 3 and the supplemental added kanji for a total of 3030 kanji. I’m not sure if this method is better than the original one last I did it but I am sure of one thing. It made it a lot easier. I didn’t feel as stressed this time and I’m confident that there will never be a repeat of forgetting and neglecting my kanji deck again. So just wanted to say thanks for showing me this method.

By: Yar /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000065524 Fri, 14 Feb 2014 05:55:57 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000065524 Hi Khatz! I’m wondering what dictionary you used to make the back of the card. I have tried most of the online dictionaries you created bookmarklets for to no avail. They all give very little information.

By: Kai /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000054213 Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:03:16 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000054213 I think learning the components first would be perfect. First of all many of them are already characters. Second of all It makes the looking away and writing part way easier, thus it makes the memorizing easier.

By: Start Dirty: Why A Clean Slate Is Bad For You and What To Do About It | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000054144 Tue, 16 Jul 2013 00:07:24 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000054144 […] on, when I developed and shifted to the “Lazy Kanji” method, I didn’t start clean. I didn’t go back and lazy-kanjify old kanji 4. I just started […]

By: Finally Hit 1800 Kanji! | The Japanese Chronicles /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-1000050120 Sun, 23 Jun 2013 14:00:20 +0000 /?p=753#comment-1000050120 […] so i tried different things, and last year i deleted my old deck and started over with the  lazy kanji format . I gotta say i really like it. Not having to stop and think of a picture for every kanji really […]

By: thomas /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-321091 Sun, 24 Feb 2013 05:04:31 +0000 /?p=753#comment-321091 I wasn’t a fan of heisig so I began doing this, but I have a recommendation for anyone who wants to use this method successfully. Every time you draw a kanji, do the following:
0. Recognize the meaning of the kanji (Don’t even write it if you don’t know the meaning)
1. Look at the kanji on the card for about 10 seconds and try to remember how it looks
2. Try writing it after looking away without looking back at the card
3. Compare your writing of the kanji to the card and make note of what is wrong
4. Write the kanji again while looking at the card
5. Write the kanji a third time from memory while repeating the keyword in your head over and over. If you write it wrong, go back to step 3.

So you only write it 3 times this method, but it gets in your head a lot better. First of all you’re focused on figuring out how to write it from step 1, and if you make a mistake on the first writing and notice it right away it is more likely to stick in your head as a reminder if how the kanji is written. I have no been doing this long but if people want to try it and tell me how it works for them, I’d be interested.

By: A (Slightly) Different Approach to Kanji | Jeff弁 /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-279483 Sat, 08 Dec 2012 14:56:39 +0000 /?p=753#comment-279483 […] kanji) is unnecessarily painful and leads to some problems that are addressed by Khatzumoto’s lazy kanji […]

By: Debido /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-279230 Sat, 08 Dec 2012 04:47:10 +0000 /?p=753#comment-279230 Does somebody know what dictionary khatz used for this kanji card (膂)?
Every online dict I checked just has something like this..

膂[音]リョ(漢) 背骨。「膂力」

very short definitions without any example or explanatory sentences.
Thanks for your help!

By: Insiya /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-266327 Tue, 23 Oct 2012 01:05:51 +0000 /?p=753#comment-266327 Thanks so much for making Surusu. It’s a cherry-flavored lifesaver!!!!!!!!(my fav flavor is cherry)

By: マルク /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-229630 Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:18:30 +0000 /?p=753#comment-229630 That’s a good question I’ve been wondering myself, however, I’d say it is worth it to have your own Lazy Kanji RTK deck. The reason why is that you learn stroke order, where primitives/radicals are likely to show up in new kanji and exactly what they’ll look like and how to write them, and you’ll also have a firmer image of the kanji in your mind when you go to write them or when you look at them and are trying to differentiate between similar kanji.

However, if you think it’s worth it to just jump straight into MCDs, it might be worth trying for 2-3 months to see the results. As long as you’re not in a hurry, experimenting is lovely. If MCDs first with no RTK works better, you’ll save yourself and lots of others’ time. Good luck, either way =) 

By: Cuz /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-228950 Fri, 20 Jul 2012 01:04:52 +0000 /?p=753#comment-228950 […] already I'd have flexibility built in for recognition (not sure if you're doing it traditional or lazy kanji style). But if it's "crimson" and you say "red" you got that mo'fo right. I'm […]

By: Chris† /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-203526 Tue, 24 Apr 2012 09:34:12 +0000 /?p=753#comment-203526 Lately I’ve been wondering about kanji.
The meaning are so off the mark sometimes, only (maybe) 5% of kanji are used alone and, well, when you learn a new word (mcd), you learn each one of the kanji anyway so… Is there really any purpose to learn kanji alone in another deck ? Is it just a waste of time ?

By: Eri /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-189235 Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:09:30 +0000 /?p=753#comment-189235 Go to the deck and click on ‘browse items’ (the magnifying glass). Select the cards you want to flip, go ‘Action -> Generate Cards…’ and have only ‘Reverse’ selected in the window that pops up. Then you’ll have to delete the old cards if you don’t want them anymore.

By: Kimura /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-189134 Wed, 22 Feb 2012 06:57:16 +0000 /?p=753#comment-189134 Okay then… Anki question: How do I swap the kanji and keyword fields, for every card in the deck at once? I want to try this method, but don’t want to have to start all the way back at 一 (I’m using the Japanese Level Up RTK Mod deck).
Or… I could just get the “Lazy Kanji + Mod” deck, and Meh my way through the first few hundred or so (I’m up to 600, but the past 200 keep falling out of my brain), deal with having a [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]-load of “reviews” for about a week, and go from there. I dunno, I *really* don’t want to have to give up my progress with adshap’s deck…

By: Zhiren /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-185505 Mon, 30 Jan 2012 04:49:05 +0000 /?p=753#comment-185505 Also, if I do not know the readings how can I put them into SRS from Heisig’s book; since typing works via pronounciation.

By: Zhiren /lazy-kanji-cards-a-new-srs-card-format/#comment-185500 Mon, 30 Jan 2012 04:14:41 +0000 /?p=753#comment-185500 I am confused, do you put the kanji then guess what the meaning is when creating cards? Or do you put the kanji then look up the definition in a dictionary, then paste it in.  I know about 100 kanji and I cannot read a lot, so the the definitions in the dictionary might be a problem. So is this for beginners or for people who are already pretty far in just looking to increase their knowledge?
