Comments on: Learning Songs Using the SRS: My Current Method /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: jacklien /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-1000558565 Tue, 10 Oct 2017 10:24:26 +0000 /?p=862#comment-1000558565 good information,

there you can use one of best method.

2.Past the url of songs you want to convert it. on convert and download it.

By: Put on a lil’ music – En Route to Fluency /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-1000548184 Sat, 16 Jul 2016 23:24:55 +0000 /?p=862#comment-1000548184 […] coming across this article at AJATT (like, 3 months ago) I finally got around to implementing it into my regular studies! I have to […]

By: Learning a Language with Anki through Music and Movies | Logos Adventures /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-223759 Thu, 05 Jul 2012 00:33:25 +0000 /?p=862#comment-223759 […] It’s learning a song in your target language using Anki. Khatz has a great article on this over here, but I’ll give you my general method. I get a song I like (I mean really like, because you’re […]

By: Learning Languages through songs. | Learn Languages the fast way /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-174692 Fri, 09 Dec 2011 13:06:51 +0000 /?p=862#comment-174692 […] (/learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method) […]

By: Put on a lil’ music « En Route To Fluency /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-64977 Wed, 15 Dec 2010 14:45:00 +0000 /?p=862#comment-64977 […] coming across this article at AJATT (like, 3 months ago) I finally got around to implementing it into my regular studies! I have to […]

By: Drewskie /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-50031 Mon, 26 Jul 2010 16:38:59 +0000 /?p=862#comment-50031 The word you want is 歌詞「かし」. Song name Artist 歌詞 usually does the trick.

By: kokage /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-50022 Mon, 26 Jul 2010 14:00:59 +0000 /?p=862#comment-50022 Does anyone know what keywords I have to search for to get to Japanese websites for lyrics of Japanese Songs?

I would love to learn 素晴らしき日常 by 高橋優, but I cannot catch every word in the song or read/reproduce the respective kanji (although displayed prominently in the 間中-titles, thanks a lot).

So I guess it would be less time-consuming for this and following songs to have the correct lyrics and study from there…

By: walid /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-47498 Sun, 04 Jul 2010 23:18:48 +0000 /?p=862#comment-47498 Microsoft Movie maker does the job of splitting songs perfectly to me… And its easy and simpo

By: slucido /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-38076 Tue, 06 Apr 2010 16:44:06 +0000 /?p=862#comment-38076 I am thinking about using this with soap operas with a lot of dialog.

As you say, it’s possible to use Audacity to trim each part and put audio (L2) in the front card and subtitles (L2) in the back card. Using SRS in this way can be a sort of audio recognition training in your L2.

By: Kia /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-38057 Tue, 06 Apr 2010 14:59:12 +0000 /?p=862#comment-38057 I did this with Singuila’s Ma Nature today. It was actually really fun. But he’s right, if it seems boring to you then stop.
I used Youtube downloader to rip the youtube video, then converted it to a mp3 with the youtube downloader. Then I used audacity to trim each part, and put it into anki with the audio and whatnot with about 3-4 lines per card. It seems like a lot, but really It took me maybe 45 minutes, and I stopped to take a phone call. Once you know the software (which takes 5 minutes) you can knock it out.
Now, I just add the full song to my mp3 with the other things and then when I review, it will be familiar.

By: slucido /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-37824 Mon, 05 Apr 2010 08:57:38 +0000 /?p=862#comment-37824 Has anyone tried this method with audiobooks (or soap operas)?

By: Jes /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-37512 Sat, 03 Apr 2010 15:12:00 +0000 /?p=862#comment-37512 @KREVA my hiphop-rap-syllable-dense-song-learning-method points.

mix, match, etc these two
* sing or hum with, the whole song
* loop small sections 10-30 second bits and match the sounds

always do these two
* do it every day
* leave it when it’s fun

about lyrics:
Me, I can’t read first and sing every yet. So I just sing. Make the sounds of the song a reflex and then I can read and sing. I use the lyrics to help me clarify sounds, but sometimes they’re no help (typos, creative kanji readings).

Also, if you’re struggling please don’t blame the song or yourself…though that’s certainly easy, hehe. It’s the love of the idea inside you that inspires the energy to pursue your dream (like Peter Pan’s happy thought). So rather than struggle, think, feel, use intuition/imagination. Separate your mind from the illusion of reality and find the idea(s) that produces the love.

Happy hummin’ y’all

By: apple__head /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-37093 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 06:48:54 +0000 /?p=862#comment-37093 I use Audio Hijack Pro. I can rip sound from any source on my computer: Firefox, iTunes, DVD Player… it’s pretty awesome! While I watch movies or anime on my computer, it’s automatically recording it and creating new files from it every 5 minutes. You can adjust how much time lapses before it creates new files.

It also has a split feature which is particularly useful for music. From what I understand, Khatz, the way you do it seems like the audio created for your SRS are random 15-30 second clips. Which is why you suggest 5 seconds of overlap. The split feature in Audio Hijack is a lot more convenient, though, I think. Whenever I click “Split”, it creates a new file from that exact point. So as I’m listening to/hijacking a song from my iTunes, I click “Split” right before a lyric starts and right after it ends. This way I can have an audio file of a line (or entire stanza or whatever) in a perfectly packaged form. Now when I SRS with this audio file, I know it’s going to get right to the point of what I want to learn and also end promptly.

I just have the free demo version of Audio Hijack Pro which is all you will ever need if you’re using it for SRSing. The free version seems to give you all the features of the regular version, but it limits your hijacking to ten minutes at a time. Plenty of time for this kind of thing.

By: kendo /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36268 Fri, 26 Mar 2010 03:24:10 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36268 ah, well glad that works well since that’s really all I listen to…I’ve noticed that japanese rappers that really go off are still pretty slow compared to someone like Do or Die, or Twista…

Also, I think khatz was implying that you would have multiple cards per audio clip to focus on short, discrete bits of info…So, even if you are listening to a song with a good bit of lyrics per sec, you can still break up what your focus on per card actually is

By: KREVA /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36263 Fri, 26 Mar 2010 02:37:53 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36263 @kendo

Getting lyrics wasn’t really where I was getting at, just the amount of words a rapper can rap inside of 30 seconds compared to that of a J-POP singer and whether it would be too much for a single SRS card, but all of that is irrelevant now. I experimented with some hip-hop already and even at 30 seconds a clip, its still a relatively small amount of text for each card.

Thanks again for this idea, Khatz. Applying this method to J-Hip-Hop is A-OK. 😀

By: アメド /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36262 Fri, 26 Mar 2010 02:33:37 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36262 Learning Japanese is easy people.
You let the SRS do the work, you let Japanese material do the work. All you do is show up.
Simple isn’t it?
Doesn’t even require thought. You don’t become fluent in Japanese, you become used to it. You become one with the language and the rest works itself out people.

By: kendo /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36255 Fri, 26 Mar 2010 01:04:06 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36255 Hey Kreva, did you see the link to the SEEDA video I posted? There are several of his songs up on youtube with the full lyrics displayed really cleanly which should at least take some of the pain and suffering out of setting up the cards, even if you just use it to check against lyrics you cut and paste form elsewhere

By: kendo /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36253 Fri, 26 Mar 2010 01:01:49 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36253 lol drewskie what’s sad is how true that actually is… They probably walk away mumbling, “He must have gotten to do a student exchange” or “His parents must have lived in Japan during his formative years,” but definitely not, “Wow, he must have worked really hard, I bet if I worked hard I could learn some Japanese too.”

Its like writing a novel. I’ve written four (really, really bad ones) and what I always hear is, “I have a great idea for a novel, if I just had time to write it.” As if the magical time fairy lived in my apartment or something… Its not like I didnt have a full time job, school, social life, etc when I wrote those, and the fourth was much, much much better than the first.

By: Drewskie /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36223 Thu, 25 Mar 2010 23:04:23 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36223
“[You] have to be careful about how much you like Japan. If you know how to speak Japanese, you kind of ruin it for everyone else.”

I think I need to apologize to some people I know. Some of them look longingly at the sheet I use to write missed SRS bits, which is filled with Japanese of varying sizes and arrangements. Every once in a while one asks me what something says, and when I tell them they’re like “Nice,” but now I know what they really meant was “You’ve ruined Japan for me.” My bad.

By: KREVA /learning-songs-using-the-srs-my-current-method/#comment-36213 Thu, 25 Mar 2010 21:59:59 +0000 /?p=862#comment-36213 Khatz, thanks for bringing this interesting idea to our attention, but for us who like hip-hop, have you experimented any with this type of genre of music? I know with J-POP, 30 seconds of music time will get you a line or two in 30 sec., but with hip-hop, rappers can end up with 5-10 verses in 30 seconds, which seems like it could be tough and tiring from the start.

I’m about to try this idea with some hip-hop, so I just wanted to know if you could recommend any advice that would be relevant to this genre of music.
