Comments on: Managing Greed: How To Deal With Your Language Lust /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Language As An Investment | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-1000055079 Thu, 08 Aug 2013 02:37:04 +0000 /?p=458#comment-1000055079 […] Managing Greed: How To Deal With Your Language Lust […]

By: 星空 /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-64698 Tue, 14 Dec 2010 01:38:05 +0000 /?p=458#comment-64698 さっき歴史の先生は黒板に書いた:
“the chief cause of failure & unhappiness is trading
what you want the most for what you want now.”~Zig Ziglar

By: Koneko /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-58223 Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:00:42 +0000 /?p=458#comment-58223 Earlier in the week, my mom asked if I planned on learning any languages after Japanese, and this post immidiately came to mind. I had to try so hard not to accidentally say ‘language lust’ XD And with that, I realized I dont acctually have another language that’s captured my heart, so to speak. Japanese is /my/ language. I may not even be done with RTK, but I already feel the language is as much mine as English, my only task it to decode it and get used to it.

Also, I have a friend who’s been in Japanese classes for 2 years, and I know a good ammount of kanji more than her. She says she can understand Japanese in bits and peices, but cant really understand everything. At hearing this, I (kindly) told her I would pass her up, and went back to doing reviews. She insists I’ll never do it. Im gonna prove her wrong~ ;D

By: Emese /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-56034 Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:32:59 +0000 /?p=458#comment-56034 Wow that helped a bit. Most people say that you’re stupid if you learn from anime/manga etc. at all, and you should go to classes (bleh) or something like that to really learn Japanese. I was a bit suspicious about this since I learned English almost entirely by reading books, watching films and so on, and still native speakers feel an urge to tell me that I’m pretty good at it. (Yeah, I do make sentences that look/sound funny, but that’s just how I am.)
I had this problem for quite a long time… Which language should I learn now? I already have German, Dutch, French and of course, Japanese stuff heaping up in my head. (English is not on the “problems” side, it’s pretty much became something like a habit – I study Japanese almost exclusively in English, as there are really few studying materials in my native language, Hungarian. *sigh*) Now, I feel a bit more relaxed. I’ll just study Japanese for some more years before moving on to something else. Hey, compared to med school, even the worst bits of Japanese feel fun! 😀

By: All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. » Comfort Zone, Growth Zone, Panic Zone /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26625 Sat, 24 Oct 2009 14:43:32 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26625 […] Be your river-like self. Don’t climb up to Japanese. Slide down into it. Don’t know how? Think something up, try something out. That 1300 grams of meat inside your skull isn’t for decoration and it isn’t for slogging; it’s there for making your life simpler, easier and happier . […]

By: Ken /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26475 Thu, 22 Oct 2009 05:40:30 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26475 In retrospect, we can see now that the real problem with the 18th Amendment was that they didn’t have cell phones back then. If they had, they would have realized that the problem of drunken driving (the *other* other D&D) wasn’t unique to alcohol. They should have banned cars.

Just think how many lives could have been saved over the years if our late night city streets had only drunks trying to ride unicycles!

By: Peter /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26457 Wed, 21 Oct 2009 18:54:17 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26457 Hi, just found this blog today, I have to say this article is on the money. I’ve just started learning Japanese, and I’m fully aware of the immense undertaking that is, but it doesn’t stress me at all, mainly because the undertaking in itself is fun. Anyway, glad i found this blog and added to my reader, thanks.

By: アメド /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26433 Wed, 21 Oct 2009 05:01:09 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26433 Hey khatz i got a suggestion although you don’t really have to listen to me at all cuz of you’re site i;m getting good in my japanese skills now. But what if you did some demo video on some parts of the AJATT way. The confusing parts i mean such as monlingual sentences and for beginners kanji itself and what to do exactly. I know everything and all the information is already provided on your site but this could help some people out. And alot of people want to see more of you on speaking japanese and explaining in general so couldn’t hurt i guess?lol anyhow thanks for all the information and the site i’m sure i can easily get fluent like this.

By: Terence /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26422 Wed, 21 Oct 2009 00:07:55 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26422 You have no clue how helpful these last three posts have been.

I don’t think I need to go into to much detail, I can basically some it up by saying, *”Japanese is my cocaine, and Chinese(Mandarin, Cantonese) is my speed”*. And its taking more effort then it should to cut this speed addiction ;_;

By: maaku /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26304 Tue, 20 Oct 2009 05:15:12 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26304 Following on @amelia, I’m somewhat disappointed at the lack of consideration true polyglots get in this article. If your goal is dominating and totally kicking ass truly-native-like in one single language, then Khatz-style immersion is the path for you. But with the polyglot methods a dozen languages in a decade (to near-native level) is not unheard of.

I have a half-dozen language I need to learn and use… but I can’t wait 30 years to reap the benefits. I need something faster.

By: amelia /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26301 Tue, 20 Oct 2009 02:50:06 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26301 So here’s the thing. I’m working on a dissertation on Chinese religious history, and my sources are in modern Chinese, classical Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Japanese. I read all of these but Japanese, which I’m working on (and my classical Chinese sucks, but that’s fixable). So learning languages is not just a frivolous pursuit for me. There are literally scholars around the world, living and dead, who have written on this topic, and I don’t have a phalanx of translators to put them all into English. A few works get translated (luckily the Dutch tend to), but I actually need a lot more than anyone’s willing to hand to me for free.

Sometimes, you just have to be a polyglot to get a job done. Now, my European languages may not be as good as my Chinese, since I only need to read them and I have to do actual fieldwork in China, but I’m really glad I half-assed those languages when I was a teenager to get them to the point where I can read academic papers.

That being said, I love you Khaz and all that you do.

By: Chiro-kun /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26288 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 17:00:03 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26288 Likewise, I’m sure there are people who just don’t see the *point* in learning more than one language to native-like proficiency which just might not give them enough benefits to fuel their motivation.

To cite an example, I believe most Indians are bilingual (if not trilingual). As far as most “big cities” are concerned, everybody can read, write and speak English. Of course they also speak their mother tongue(Bengali/Punjabi/Gujarati/Tamil/Malayalam etc) and the national language (i.e. Hindi) [in most cases]. There are very few people I know from english-medium trained backgrounds who are “literate” (in the native-level sense of the term) in their mother tongue/Hindi.

Well so what? My point is that such people can still have “deep” and “meaningful” friendships with people who speak their language even though they may barely be able to read a newspaper. IMHO I don’t think it’s all about knowing every word of every sentence or “mere” spoken fluency being functionally useless. There are plenty of words I don’t know in my mother tongue (Bengali) but I can communicate in it just fine. In the end, its all upto individual discretion. I still can’t fathom *why* somebody who doesn’t care about moving to Japan would ever *have* to watch Japanese news (unless he enjoys it of course 🙂 ).

Of course, there’s no real point in learning a few well-chosen phrases either. If there does exist a lower limit for proficiency in a given language, I’d certainly like to know about it.

By: Rochella /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26287 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 15:23:04 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26287 I agree with Rob in the sense that everyone’s got a different definition for fun. For one, I’m not a couch potato. I actually don’t own cable as I truly despise commercials/advertisements/most all shows. Watching these things in Japanese is actually only more exciting because of the language, however I’ll burn out really fast, due to my not liking that activity to begin with.
Instead I read, I read a lot of stuff (and cook 🙂 ), and that’s my idea of fun. So if i stuck only to that, I think my learning wouldn’t be all that great. Lets face it, I’d never really hear much of anything and my ability to speak it would suck monkeys too.

I only add SRSs, media, RTK, and that like because I know I want to pwn Japanese just as much! I think however if you make sure to balance a lot of what you enjoy into the activities you don’t, you wont feel burnt out. I think that’s the key.

You know, the whole, spoonful of sugar with your medicine adage. Also, I’ve met a lot of people who claim to speak multiple languages, though they really don’t know how to do much more than communicate on a basic level. That may be useful if you’re traveling all over the place with no real destination, but to me, the whole point of learning a language is to be able to live in the language and evolve. Some people don’t even do that with their native languages anymore (like Grammar Nazism and old folks who say groovy).

By: Daniel /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26285 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 14:56:22 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26285 Thanks Khatz! Even though I’ve since convinced myself to stick to just Japanese (for now), this part 3 in particular has helped me! Especially the turning our flaws into helpful habits thing.

By: Rob /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26282 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:46:18 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26282 I think 5 years is a pretty good estimate to begin with, but what I did is tack on another 1-2 years to each language after that, because while you’re trying to get fluent in L3, you still have to maintain fluency in L2.

One thing I think you might need to be a teeeeny bit careful of Khatz is playing up the couch potato thing. It could be lead to people thinking they can just sit and watch anime all day and the fluency will just magically appear. Of course anyone is welcome to try that, but I bet they’ll be in for a big disappointment later on.

A problem that I don’t think you’ve fully addressed (I could be wrong here) is the definition of fun. The thing that is stressed most on this site is indeed having fun. However, each person’s definition of fun is going to be different, and the resulting activities from this “fun” will invariably differ in terms of how beneficial they are to actual language learning.

For example, in your (Khatz) case, I’m guessing that on top of just watching tv or playing video games, you also enjoy reading and acquiring knowledge. So reading through a manga or book, looking up words, picking out sentences, is a pleasurable thing for you. But what about the people who don’t find that fun at all? How about the kid that only likes to what American movies? Ok, so he finds them dubbed in Japanese. This is his idea of fun. Reading and sentence picking are not anywhere on his list of fun. Where will his Japanese be after a year? This is where trouble arises in blindly following the fun trail. There should be certain core elements (activities?) of language acquisition that can based on what one thinks of as fun, while the elements or activities themselves might not be considered as such.

By: Santiago /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26265 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 04:01:28 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26265 I agree with you… Season 4 of Prison Break should be erased from mankind collective memory. And thanks… now I realize I’m not wasting time in front of the screen watching obscure series instead of studying for my final exams, I’m LEARNING.

By: Jaybot7 /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26256 Sun, 18 Oct 2009 18:48:40 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26256 Darn straight. I only wanted to play Japanese video games earlier (without waiting for all the localization nonsense). That’s why/how I’m learning/learned Japanese. 🙂

Being able to enjoy the awesome movies, dramas, manga, music, and anime was/is just an added bonus. 😉

I never wanted to learn Hungarian. That happened on accident. And I’m still not sure what to do with it 😛

By: Griff /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26252 Sun, 18 Oct 2009 14:56:20 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26252 Diligent couch potato, that’s me!

Most of my Japanese input comes from my laptop (i.e. Japanese radio, music, news podcasts, SRSing, etc) so I sit on the couch till my rear is numb without any guilt of being lazy!

@Chuck. You probably like trying to learn 60 words because it’s a nice, hard earned victory. I think giving yourself small victories is one of the best ways to prevent burn out.

By: Chuck /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26244 Sun, 18 Oct 2009 06:12:21 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26244 The only thing that I’m using Spanish for right now is my addiction to online forum sites. Prior to Spanish I used teenage slang. I’m glad I’ve made the switch.

Outside of school, everything else is Japanese now. Just like you, I’m a diligent couch potato. I hope to someday be able to transition from couch potato to book worm, but I have to learn more kanji first.

Also, for some reason I highly enjoy trying to stuff 60 vocabulary words into my head in a day. Why is that?

By: アメド /managing-greed-how-to-deal-with-your-language-lust/#comment-26243 Sun, 18 Oct 2009 06:08:06 +0000 /?p=458#comment-26243 “Let me elaborate. I personally think that alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, Gilmore Girls and season 4 of Prison Break are things best kept far out of one’s life.” haha i love how you used “Season 4 of Prison Break”. Yea when it comes to languages personally everyone wants to know so much. For me it’s japanese in 1-2 years . Then going onto mandarin then Cantonese. Personally i think this is enough for me. I already got two languages that i know i.e. english and my native language. So if i somehow mange to learn these extra 3 within the next 6 years time then i’ll be set for a long long time lol. By the way i’m 20 years of age. So 26? lol anyhow all depends on dedication i personally think 1 full year of this will get me close to fluent cuz already know i can understand 70% anime/drama’s nowadays and only at 1500 sentences.
