Comments on: No Speak English /no-speak-english/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: 夏目そら /no-speak-english/#comment-1000574044 Sun, 03 May 2020 11:47:15 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-1000574044 When i try to read a website in Japanese ( which is slowly but surely getting there ) Whenever any English word pops up i feel drawn to it. In the game Animal Crossing New Horizons whenever i open タヌポート I feel drawn to the word ATM solely because my brain`s like i can read that, i know that language. I guess it’s true the more you restrict something the more drawn to it. However the No Speak English is good for moments like this. i guess I`m breaking that rule though by writing this but my Japanese is not up to that level yet.

By: Julian /no-speak-english/#comment-1000563297 Fri, 26 Oct 2018 09:15:22 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-1000563297 I love playing this game

By: Raphael Barros /no-speak-english/#comment-1000532275 Fri, 18 Sep 2015 05:50:42 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-1000532275 Man, I really want to try this, even if for a week only. But sadly I’d rather not screw some other parts of my life (like learning other important things besides my L3) in order to accomplish this kind environment.

But I agree that this probably does wonders for your language learning, and I’ll try to find some free space in my life to accomplish something as close to this as I can 😛

By: Tausif /no-speak-english/#comment-1000521231 Sun, 05 Apr 2015 15:16:50 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-1000521231 This an awesome way to explain how to use and realize a new language and also very helpful. But it’s annoying as i got the same problem as Kimchi. As whole it’s great to have such sites. Thanks a lot …..

By: Kimchi /no-speak-english/#comment-233103 Fri, 03 Aug 2012 21:01:31 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-233103 Heh, this is great and all but it became annoying when my brain did this to me without my permission today. It just shut off my swedish-english and switched on the little (as in:limited to no) japanese. Doesn’t work when sharing a living with someone who does not know this language!
So It got kinda weird when I couldn’t understand a word of what my mother was saying unless I was looking at her because the sounds were just gibberish.

By: アミール /no-speak-english/#comment-200291 Fri, 06 Apr 2012 14:47:03 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-200291 “you have transcended the unchosen, coincidental circumstances of your original birth and nationality to choose a language of your own free will”
Searching for words of motivation, this statement probably struck me the hardest. Understanding this, made me realize why I’m learning Japanese. Just cause you’re born on another piece of soil, doesn’t mean you can’t do something on that distant patch of grass(:

By: Suisei /no-speak-english/#comment-183103 Sun, 15 Jan 2012 08:07:42 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-183103 Hey guys, what should a beginner do at the beginning? To be honest, I’m not if I should change my computer to japanese because it would be difficult to understand and I’ve been getting frustrated when I watch something that I don’t understand (since I’ve been avoiding watch tv and english videos but been kinda giving in) Any ideas on what to do at first? I need some help and want to learn japanese as soon as I can.

By: Lourens /no-speak-english/#comment-161401 Fri, 18 Nov 2011 15:31:27 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-161401 Sugoi Arigatou =]

By: suzunami /no-speak-english/#comment-122784 Mon, 08 Aug 2011 06:24:16 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-122784 hi hanikas, i saw your blog and i’m impress. your idea sounds fun, but I’m kinda lost to it sometimes.

Playing this game, I wondered how “I finished/completed playing Silent Hill in PS” would sound in japanese. Khatz said we should just copy copy native phrases/sentence coz being too creative is doubtful and will make us sound unnatural

Anyway, I think you also copy your sentences, except from, where do you copy your sentences

By: Ryan /no-speak-english/#comment-100995 Wed, 01 Jun 2011 12:15:29 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-100995 I’ve watched all three movies of Pirates in Japanese…. they’re just awesome!

By: Ness /no-speak-english/#comment-100892 Wed, 01 Jun 2011 03:03:08 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-100892 …I like this game. A lot. I already played it a lot of the time, too! 😀 It’s awesome, because sometimes I realize I figured out a word– without looking it up, just from hearing it in an anime or song or something repeatedly, so when I do look it up just to check and I got it right it’s like… Wow… And it’s like being the japanese-learning baby, it’s just what a word means, there’s no other way to say it… Until I teach it to myself in english when I look it up, and it’s like working backwards… And it confuses me but I luv it! xD ~can’t wait to get my japanese copy of Pirates o.t. Caribbean to eventually recite every line in two languages~
THANK YOU for writing this website, it has made my life that much awesomer and lots of the articles have things in them that help with things other than language. Like, I just *finally* finished an essay because I did it *The African Way* instead of just doing more more and more research on it. 😀 Anyway, I’ve rambled about four or five of the articles in a comment for just one, so I shall shut up naow~ ^^
(Seriously, you’re awesome.)

By: Chiro-kun /no-speak-english/#comment-98576 Thu, 19 May 2011 17:43:26 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-98576 わざわざ指摘するからさwww

By: Areckx /no-speak-english/#comment-98566 Thu, 19 May 2011 17:07:27 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-98566 そしてもう、 英語に大体世界の国語でしょう? 忘れないので、AJATTたち。 英語は面白いなので、日本語もう楽しみに~! うん!

By: N/A /no-speak-english/#comment-78548 Sat, 19 Feb 2011 15:25:09 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-78548 I tried it with my English Teacher.
Needless to say he wasn’t amused…


Is the above correct? I had help from Google Translate and corrected it to the best of my knowledge.

By: Ken /no-speak-english/#comment-61363 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 20:08:22 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-61363 私の心が日本人のだよ!

It’s the first time I understand a sentence in written Japanese…


By: ダンちゃん /no-speak-english/#comment-61303 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 09:43:14 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-61303 あ、チョコじゃなくて、チェコね ^^;

By: ダンちゃん /no-speak-english/#comment-61302 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 09:42:37 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-61302 うん、それはチョコの諺だ。


By: 星空 /no-speak-english/#comment-61256 Tue, 23 Nov 2010 02:03:41 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-61256 私の魂/心が日本人のだよ!って言った方が良かったな、勝元先輩

i remember reading a quote once, somewhere, that was something like this:
“to learn another language is to gain another soul”

(this needs to be on a shirt)

By: d4rk_l1gh7 /no-speak-english/#comment-60980 Sat, 20 Nov 2010 14:25:02 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-60980 So, If i Set my PS3 to Japanese, my OS to Japanese, favorite websites to Japanese (YouTube and stuff), watch Japanese TV (via some streaming app), and Basically Live in Japanese, isolated from the Portuguese and English world i live in. Become a newborn, only in the Japanese environment… it world work?

By: nippyon /no-speak-english/#comment-59168 Sun, 31 Oct 2010 05:14:24 +0000 /no-speak-english#comment-59168 haha i actually did read the flight safety instructions in Japanese last time I traveled by plane.
I did the same thing when I saw a show in New York and the brochure pamphlet thingy was in Japanese. I completely ignored the blatant English description written above it and read about ギャィーズアンドドールズ, not “Guys and Dolls”. It was a great exercise in reading Katakana, which I usually loathe more than anything in the Japanese-speaking world, except Kanji.
One day, while looking up Gackt interviews on youtube, I stumbled across an interview that only had english subtitles halfway through it. I had meant to take it easy that afternoon, and just watch things with english subtitles. Once I hit the no-subtitles point in the video, I was terrified. All of a sudden my precious english subtitles had vanished and I was left all alone and defenseless with Gackt speaking pure Japanese. Scared as I was, I was determined to finish watching that interview. So I did. And after about 5 minutes of scatter-brained confusion, I began to understand it. When the video finished, I watched anoth video, this one also raw Japanese. As I went on, I was less and less intimidated by lack of English subs, and pretty soon it was becoming natural to just watch the comedy unfold in Japanese. And I never again underestimated the power of Japanese subs for comedic effect. If they hadn’t been there, I would have been lost. Thanks to them, I understood almost everything, even the jokes. It was awesome. I love Japanese subs>..<
