Comments on: One Kanji Poster to Rule them All, One Kanji Poster to Bind Them, One Kanji Poster to View them All, and into the Mind Grind Them, Or “Shameless Product Placement is Good for the Wallet, and the Lymph” /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Kyle Balmer /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-1000072925 Sun, 04 May 2014 09:16:27 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-1000072925 Khatz mentions a Chinese version in the article above (“HanziPoster?”).

Over at we’re selling a wallchart with the 1500 highest frequency characters as well as wallcharts with the HSK Vocabulary Words. Available in both Simplified and Traditional.

Unlike Japanese it’s not plausible to put EVERY character onto a poster so we’ve gone with the highest impact 1500 characters, which makes up around 95% of the characters used in everyday writing/reading.
I worked out the size of printing 10,000 + characters on a wallchart and the only option would have been to produce it as wallpaper – I kid you not..

Anyway, if anyone is learning their hanzi we’ve got stuff available at and also on Amazon.



By: Max Hodges /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-1000060855 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:12:36 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-1000060855 Hi All, I’m Max, a partner and director here at White Rabbit Press. We purchased and took over Paddy’s poster business. Basically we wanted the domain name to promote our own kanji poster, so now we are making two kanji posters available.

I think we can improve the design of the Heisig posters with better typography and wanted to get your opinions of any other improvements. Could you tell me what kinds of changes you’d like to see? I have a deal with Heisig to license the keywords (but not the primitives), so we can include the keywords on a poster. Would you like them shown side-by-side with the kanji, or in a separate reference section (i.e. for self-testing)? Or perhaps side by side by written backwards or upside down!?

We could also include the White Rabbit Kanji Flashcards reference number, or would the RTK ref number be more useful?

Let share you’re ideas, and we’ll do our best to create the poster YOU want. The design and printing should go pretty quickly, so once we have the design decisions finalized, we can bring it to market in just a couple weeks.


By: Ahmed /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-311553 Sat, 26 Jan 2013 13:55:53 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-311553 Looks like is offline :(?

By: Jan /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-176972 Fri, 16 Dec 2011 17:18:08 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-176972 Turned off my brain and ordered this monstrosity. I think my life is now better. 

By: Ken /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-64545 Mon, 13 Dec 2010 01:31:26 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-64545 According to the googles, “8.5 mm = 24.0944882 PostScript points”.

By: Ken /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-64046 Fri, 10 Dec 2010 06:11:29 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-64046 As for 凹, the top and bottom lines are about 8.5mm apart. The left and right lines are 9mm apart. I don’t know what font size that is.

By: 星空 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-64006 Fri, 10 Dec 2010 02:01:47 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-64006 does anyone know approximatly what size font that poster has?
i don’t want to get something that isn’t at least 12 point font (14+ prefered),
otherwise i can’t read it. 眼鏡をかく者から

By: Liz /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-41473 Fri, 30 Apr 2010 00:38:37 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-41473 “The Mighty Kanji Poster is 23″ wide and 37″ tall and has all 2042 Joyo Kanji in one spot.”

This was stated on Kanjiposter site, but isn’t Joyo Kanji supposed to be 1945 or something?

By: Chris /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-40445 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:49:48 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-40445 Heisig likely adds so much Christian imagery largely because not only is he a Christian, but he is a Catholic theologian.

By: revdrkevind /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-37172 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 19:54:07 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-37172 The Kanji Poster is a miracle! No, seriously. I ordered mine a week ago, and much to my surprise, they were having a special and mailed me two posters instead of one! OMG KAWAII (^_^) (and whatnot).

Every day I look at this poster, and all I can think is, “I can do this”. Not this is hard, or there’s a lot to do, but I can do this. And I can see my accomplishment. I’m just waiting for the day when I’ll wipe the slate clean and only have kanji highlighted because I like them, not because they’re ones I’m having trouble with.

In other words:
If you could pay someone a small fee to feel absolutely motivated, would you? There is a company which will roll up this emotion and mail it to you. You will lose weight. You will eat better food. You will mow the lawn. You will do the dishes. I’ve been doing laundry daily since I got this poster, compared to before, wearing the same pants for a month because I used to be that unmotivated. Your results may vary, in that even khatz is better than me, so you are undoubtedly much better than me, and you can go farther.

Order this now. If you don’t order this, do something else like it, because there are absolutely free alternatives. Read the entry on posting goals where you can see them. I was one of those badass dudes who said posting goals was dumb, and now I would make hot love to my poster if I could. Did I just say that out loud?

By: binzer /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-32833 Tue, 26 Jan 2010 05:51:01 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-32833 Emergency! Emergency! is down! What happened?! Where are they?!

I initially put off buying the poster because I had photocopies from RTK taped together in sad imitation of a poster, but I yesterday walked in to find my dog digging at said pages (which had fallen off the wall) and forming them into an elaborate den.

This poster is still advertised all over this blog, so I’m guessing they just forgot to pay a hosting fee or something, but help!

By: Rempth /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-28717 Fri, 27 Nov 2009 01:43:15 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-28717 After buying this poster I realized a great thing to get with it is a small white board. I’m actually in the one week starting period, breaking into Japanese immersion, and I’m collecting my resources on a fixed budget. I find the starting process the hardest. It’s like i have half the tools, and a third of the plan understood. Yet, I think having a white board next to this poster works well. Now i can write out my stories, the kanji, or the keywords and play a search game. I even bought little sucker darts. There’s nothing as fun as kanji darts, especially with some Kreva playing in the background.

By: RainbowPinku /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-24113 Fri, 21 Aug 2009 11:47:22 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-24113 I did buy one last week.

It’s not expensive if you live in the UK, If i want to print this in a print shop at the corner in this size it costs me around 100$ (yes i did ask them)
Hope it arrives soon. 😀

By: Paula /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-20948 Thu, 11 Jun 2009 18:49:43 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-20948 ^ ^
Never mind, there is no way to put the kanji in the order of Remembering the Kanji just in the page… but there is a cross-reference tool. Sorry to double-post.

By: Paula /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-20942 Thu, 11 Jun 2009 16:30:49 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-20942 I have been wanting to buy one but considering I can make one myself I haven’t… a great tool I found is‘s Paper Maker, which works for making practice paper for writing, or posters for looking at. You can set your Paper Maker up to cross-reference Remembering the Kanji (which I did, even if I have never seen a copy) and I am entering the kanji in order. Might take up a lot of paper (and time) but for a free resource… highly recommended. And the best part… completely customizable =)

By: Surreal /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-20242 Wed, 20 May 2009 18:07:55 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-20242 Heck yes he likes his christian imagery. Also he’s big on fables and roman myths or whatever for making stories. I skipped most of these, they were just bleh. Not a fan of the story method (too many unimportant elements etc.) to begin with and I ain’t religious at all. I’m surprised he didn’t change it in one of the later editions. I also hate how he uses “popular phrases” to make the primitives memorable. It really isn’t helpful if you’re a non-native english speaker/non-british-or-american-english-speaker and doesn’t make sense to use anyway.

Still miles better than any other method I seen so far and it’s only for the early lessons but man C’MON.

By: Daniel /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-19639 Mon, 04 May 2009 15:59:25 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-19639 Hi, I don’t know where else to post this, but am I the only one that feels Heisig sprinkles some Christian imagery in his mnenomics (ie: flesh of my flesh)? I find it a bit unsettling myself, but his book seems to be by and large the method of choice for Westerners to use in their kanji-ing, and certainly I’ve made use of it myself a bit…

By: Seth /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-18224 Sat, 11 Apr 2009 13:20:03 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-18224 I’d love to buy a poster of all the Traditional Hanzi — I’m studying it right now for Korean. . . .

By: All Japanese All The Time Dot Com » Success Story: Motivation Brings Results Bring More Motivation Brings More Results /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-10879 Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:01:15 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-10879 […] The Kanji Poster: This combines both physical evidence of progress and the ability to show off (though more humbly this time).  Here is what I do: Each time I learn a new kanji reading I write the kanji down on an index card.  By the end of the week, the card is filled with kanji that I am now able to fill in with a red marker on the kanji poster.  Once the whole poster is red, I will have accomplished my goal.  This definitely brings on determination to learn more readings, and anyone who passes through my room is bound to say, “Hey, your poster there is lookin’ pretty red if I do say so myself ;)”  Take a picture of your reddening (or greenening or purpling) kanji poster each week and you’ll truly see your progress. […]

By: vgambit /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them/#comment-10330 Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:00:44 +0000 /one-kanji-poster-to-rule-them-all-one-kanji-poster-to-bind-them-one-kanji-poster-to-view-them-all-and-into-the-mind-grind-them#comment-10330 “If you have trouble remembering a kanji, whip out the stack of post-it notes and write it 20 times”

This is totally against the philosophy of spaced repetition. You take the hammer and hit the nail good and hard one time. If you continue to strike the nail with the hammer, you’ll start damaging the area around the nail.
