Comments on: The Method: An Overview /overview/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: TIL: Pimsleur Level 1-1, Influent, and Human Japanese Ch 2 | Allegro Digital: /overview/#comment-1000547999 Sat, 09 Jul 2016 07:18:11 +0000 /overview#comment-1000547999 As khatzumoto mentions on that page, […]]]> […] mentioned All Japanese All The Time on Friday, but forgot to add a link. It’s here now 🙂 As khatzumoto mentions on that page, […]

By: arthur /overview/#comment-1000529369 Tue, 04 Aug 2015 07:10:21 +0000 /overview#comment-1000529369 i didn’t get it. i have to learn the kanjis but not the meaning in japanease?
for example. 口 is moth in english. but 口 is “kuchi” as we read.
i only have to learn that 口 is moth and not “kuchi”?
shoud we forget the pronunciation for while?

By: How FluentU Can Help You Learn A New Language Naturally (Giveaway) /overview/#comment-1000066779 Mon, 10 Mar 2014 19:41:06 +0000 /overview#comment-1000066779 […] those of you who follow Khatzumoto (All Japanese All The Time) will be quite familiar with the idea of using an SRS to learn vocabulary.  He mentions it quite […]

By: Ruusi /overview/#comment-42899 Fri, 14 May 2010 15:45:27 +0000 /overview#comment-42899 To answer your question, and I’m not 100% sure on this, but from I’ve gathered from elsewhere on this site, at the sentence-mining stage, you won’t know the readings of the kanji, so when you encounter them, you look them up. The point of studying the kanji that way is so when you do encounter them, they are familiar, you can write them in the correct stroke order, and you can dissect them to guess at their meaning in context. The only thing left is to find out the kun-yomi and on-yomi. Sort of like only having to add new information to an index card, instead of having to make a new index card and figuring out how to file it away. I could be wrong, but as you don’t seem to be getting a response, I thought I’d throw in my two cents and try to help out. If you find something different, post it!

By: Aaron /overview/#comment-42316 Sat, 08 May 2010 06:37:33 +0000 /overview#comment-42316 Please elaborate on phase 4, as Tony requested above.

By: Tony /overview/#comment-40281 Tue, 20 Apr 2010 15:09:06 +0000 /overview#comment-40281 I do not understand what you mean when you talk about sentence mining. You say learn to read aloud 10,000 sentences, but how do I do that since I do not know the readings of the kanji, only the meaning? Do you suggest reading things where the kana is transposed next to the kanji?

P.S. sorry if this is covered somewhere else already, I am new to this site and it has a massive amount of material to go over.


By: khatzumoto /overview/#comment-2312 Fri, 17 Aug 2007 14:48:14 +0000 /overview#comment-2312 I only went keyword–>kanji. The kanji–>keyword recall is slower, but that doesn’t matter. It will take care of itself with reading. Besides, you’re not going to be thinking in English anyhow; the keyword is just giving you a general feel for the core meaning of the kanji.

By: Chris /overview/#comment-2270 Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:36:21 +0000 /overview#comment-2270 Just wondering if you review kanji using keyword to kanji only as recommended by Heisig? I got through 2000 earlier this year and found my keyword to kanji recall was good but kanji to keyword recognition was slower and less consistent. Thanks for your help, Chris
