Comments on: Pod…Casting? /podcasting/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Rob /podcasting/#comment-10030 Mon, 18 Aug 2008 20:45:38 +0000 /?p=292#comment-10030 @phauna

Thanks for your reply and your site is awesome! I will definitely be adding (with your permission of course) those pics to my srs. 4000 sentences already? That is impressive. I usually do cut and paste sentences (mostly from the Yahoo dictionary).

I’ve kind of tried to stop worrying so much about the actually number of daily additions. The reason being, when I do take a day and go ballistic adding sentences, I’ve discovered that I’ll spend the next couple days in review so it all evens out.

I think a good number for me is about 5-15 sentences daily. I guess it all depends on one’s schedule. I have a full time job so obviously I can’t devote as much time as I’d like to sentence mining.

It would be cool as you’ve suggested for people to pool their SRS collections, but so far I’ve only been able to find Japanese-English examples and no J-J examples. If anyone finds a collection of J-J sentences and definitions, it would be great if it could be shared with everyone.

By: phauna /podcasting/#comment-9965 Wed, 13 Aug 2008 01:28:05 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9965 Rob, you need to find a better source of sentences, pre-typed if possible. I finished RTK in February also and now have 4000 sentences in my SRS, because I didn’t type most of them in. I suggest cruising on over to the Reviewing the Kanji forums and you will find what you seek.

Also I started a sentence blog about signs:

And Albion has started one also, about Japanese small print:

Also Tae Kim has a lot of cut and paste ready sentences on his grammar site:

Us SRSers need to help each other. If you have a source of sentences already typed up, put it on the web, we’ll link each other, noone need type in 10,000 sentences again. Get a blogger account, use a pre made template and throw that stuff on the web.

By: Tony /podcasting/#comment-9947 Sun, 10 Aug 2008 10:24:19 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9947 @Rob

I’m not sure where you are in terms of studying grammar, but I found “Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication” to be a really good starting place for me in terms of knowing where to pick up the next day. I’d say it’s definitely not kanji intense though.
I have a book that lists the joyo kanji and then gives four or five words their appear in with their english translation. Each set of words covers the on/kun yomi. I tried to find it on amazon but I couldn’t. If you look for “kanji dictionary” on amazon there are a lot though. The kanji handbook might be good if you’re having a hard time finding words for the kanji (although I’d suspect you can just put the kanji in yahoo dictionary and find the same words since you don’t have to know the reading.)
That site looks pretty cool, thanks for sharing it.

By: Rob /podcasting/#comment-9944 Sun, 10 Aug 2008 03:16:57 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9944 @Tony

Yeah, I see your point. The inclusion of all the RTK kanji in my SRS sentences was definitely something I wondered about, but really my issue was that random sentence picking just wasn’t working for me. I think the main problem (for me) with finding random stuff is there is really no start point or end point.

Now I’m going to go through each kanji one by one, find 2 or 3 of the most common words using that kanji, find an example sentence (Yahoo dic) of that word, enter it into the SRS and move on. Boring? Some might consider it so. But at least when I finish for a night I’ll know exactly where I need to pick up the next day. Plus I’ll be able to look ahead and make goals. For example I could tell myself, by such and such a day I want to be up to this kanji. I think that is what was slowing me down with the random sentence picking.

Of course that doesn’t mean I still won’t enter things from other sources as I come across them, I will. For example I came across this great site today that I wasn’t familiar with. It describes movies and shows in detail and also has many of the lines from the movies. The actual Japanese dubbed lines not the lines from the subtitles which is a rare cool thing. It’s kind of like the dramanote website but for movies. Here is the one from Batman Begins that I was reading today:

By: Tony /podcasting/#comment-9931 Sat, 09 Aug 2008 11:55:52 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9931 @Rob:

I’m at almost 8000 sentences, and I’d say that I definitely do not have all of the kanji from the first book in my SRS. I mean take for example, 翼, I only recently got it because of the B’z song – 永遠の翼 or something like that. I can’t say I’ve got 農 in my SRS either. I guess it depends on why you want to have all of those. To me, if the kanji don’t show up regularly on the stuff you’re trying to read it’s not that important if it’s not in your SRS because it’ll still be in your daily repetitions for kanji, and when it does come up, you’ll be like, ah now I know why it’s like this.



By: Rob /podcasting/#comment-9915 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 14:37:40 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9915 Thank you everyone for your responses; they are very helpful. I guess I should have clarified my position a bit more clearly in the earlier post. I finished RTK1 in February of this year and started sentences right after that.

The problem I’m facing now is it has been around 6 months since then, but I only have about 450 sentences in my SRS. And it isn’t because I’m not AJATT, I am, but the random sentence mining method is just so time consuming. Even reading itself becomes a lengthy ordeal because I usually have to stop at least once a sentence to look up a word, then to add it to the SRS I’ll either type that sentence into it or find an example from the Yahoo dictionary and put it in. At the end of the day I’m lucky if I have added 10 sentences. Pulling sentences from dramas or movies is definitely my most preferred method, but it usually takes as much or more time to single one out and get it or an example of it into the SRS.

So…..since the real fun for me comes from increased comprehension, I figured if I could find a systematic way to do sentences, like the way we did RTK, my daily additions would increase drastically which in turn would speed up comprehension. Now as I’m going through each kanji starting back from the beginning, I just have to find the most common words or combos that incorporate that kanji. That Kanji Odyssey NukeMarine mentioned sounds good for this.

We’ll see how it pans out. I realize the dictionary/boredom thing is an issue, but since most of my sentences usually end up coming from Yahoo anyway I figure I might as well try it this way and see how much progress I can make. Thanks again for your feedback!

By: JAKE /podcasting/#comment-9914 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:28:28 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9914 omg I’M SO STOKED TO HEAR THIS!

By: Nukemarine /podcasting/#comment-9908 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 02:16:21 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9908 Rob said,

Sorry, quick off topic question about sentence mining. While doing my daily RTK reps today, I wondered – if I just randomly pull sentences from a variety of sources, how can I be sure that in the end I’ll have all of the RTK covered? In other words, when I get to 10,000 sentences will I have examples of all 3000+ kanji?


Probably not, but that’s not too important either. What some at Reviewing the Kanji are doing is first using Kanji.Odyssey.2001 as a source of sentences for the first 1100 most common Kanji. After that, there’s a file from Tanuki Corp which has sample sentences (8000 of them!) covering all 1942 Jouyou Kanji in usage order.

What you’ll find as you begin doing All Japanese All The Time, is you are reading ALOT of Japanese. You find your rare kanji being put to use in various places. Often that means it’ll have Furigana attached. That combined with your base knowledge of that kanji and the contect of what you are reading means you’ll have a meaning and pronunciation for that word/kanji.

Yes, you can systematically learn the kanji (using the sentence method), but don’t get too hung up on it either. You’ll find your harry medium soon.

By: Daniel /podcasting/#comment-9907 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 02:08:27 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9907 @Rob:

I’m doing sentence repetitions in the way you described. I’m not doing the RTK method, I’m using <—these flashcards. After quickly taking a glance at the individual kanji meaning and some example words (on average 3) and doing some quick writing practice, I use Yahoo!辞書 to get some example sentences containing my target words and throw them into the SRS.

Of course I’m entering many many kanji/words that I haven’t covered yet in those sentences. But this is where I let myself “cheat”. I use rikaichan for Firefox and while I’m reading those sentences, highlight anything I don’t know for the pronunciation and a general english idea of the word so I can understand the entire sentence quickly.

I’ve picked up a ton of words so far that I have not covered through the flashcards, and I’m confident that when I’m done with these cards (which are supposed to cover the first half of the daily use kanji) I’ll actually have most all of the daily use kanji memorized, or at least be damn near close.

Anyway, that’s what I use the SRS for, and I can say that its extremely effective for me, in the sense that even if I’m not memorizing 100% of my target words, I’m picking up many more words on the way that more than make up for it and don’t have to dumb down any of the sentences.

Hope this helps. Give it a go and see if it works for you.

By: uberstuber /podcasting/#comment-9906 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 00:18:41 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9906 @Rob
After rtk I did this except in the order Japanese children learn them. It helped a lot I think, but TBH, it got boring really quick (dictionary example sentences generally aren’t the most enthralling…), and I stopped after I finished grade 6.

Do remember that the contents of your SRS is not the extent of your Japanese knowledge. Maybe near the beginning it represents a large majority of your Japanese know-how, but eventually you reach a point where you pick up stuff without thinking about it/putting it in your SRS.

By: dancc /podcasting/#comment-9905 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 00:14:29 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9905 Wow good stuff. LOL at konnichiwa mother lovers. Are you thinking of putting up transcripts?
Also, if there is one thing missing in the world of Japanese podcasts is one that teaches you practical stuff, like understanding anime/manga/Trick/etc. hint hint!

By: ジェームズ /podcasting/#comment-9903 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 23:40:17 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9903 次のポッドキャストのテーマは、 ヤクザであるべし。


By: mjaynec /podcasting/#comment-9901 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 21:32:27 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9901 I retract my statement about needing a script. After playing the podcast on repeat for most of yesterday, I can pick out almost all the words. As for topics to talk about… I am at a loss. Something that deals with pop culture would probably be a good start.

By: Mark /podcasting/#comment-9900 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 21:28:58 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9900 This is excellent!

I’m also looking forward to the Youtube version 😉


By: jubilantia /podcasting/#comment-9899 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 17:55:15 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9899 I second the idea for a transcript. I’m still not through RTK yet, but when I start mining sentences, it will be helpful to have audio and sentences so it can reinforce the listening skills.

Thanks for this, Khatzumoto!

By: Rob /podcasting/#comment-9898 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 15:48:37 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9898 Sorry, quick off topic question about sentence mining. While doing my daily RTK reps today, I wondered – if I just randomly pull sentences from a variety of sources, how can I be sure that in the end I’ll have all of the RTK covered? In other words, when I get to 10,000 sentences will I have examples of all 3000+ kanji?

So my idea is instead of always looking for random sentences, to go through RTK from the beginning and mine for sentences that include that kanji. If I find a couple examples for each kanji, then once I get through the first RTK1, I should have around 4000 sentences or so.

Has anyone else tried doing sentences this way? I’m hoping by doing sentences in this systematic way, I’ll increase my daily additions. When I do it the random look up way, I don’t seem to make as much progress as I want.

By: Quark /podcasting/#comment-9896 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:20:41 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9896 😀


By: Agro Rachmatullah /podcasting/#comment-9895 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 06:20:20 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9895 Ah, listening, still the hardest part of Japanese for me…

Keep on churning those podcasts out! And indeed, カッツ sounded like a 正真正銘の日本人!

By: quendidil /podcasting/#comment-9894 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 04:42:27 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9894 I believe Khatz went through most of his elementary education in the UK?

By: Jamie /podcasting/#comment-9893 Thu, 07 Aug 2008 03:36:16 +0000 /?p=292#comment-9893 Thanks for this.

I enjoyed listening.

I would say you sound more Japanese than American, when you speak English you sound British.
