Comments on: Secrets to Smoother SRSing, Part 1: The SRS Is a Servant, Not a Master /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Using Anki Effectively for Language Learning | Reducing Anki Reviews | BritVsJapan /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-1000559240 Sun, 10 Dec 2017 12:43:59 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-1000559240 […] Don’t let SRS control you, control SRS. Use Anki as a tool to help you but do not let it frustrate you, anger you or make you dread learning. Use different methods to help get around the issues with SRS, including the tools that they come with. Don’t let it become a chore. If that ever happens, then you’re doing it wrong. […]

By: Kimura /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-145552 Sun, 16 Oct 2011 17:25:41 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-145552 So, the reason I’ve been slacking on my Anki reviews (currently averaging two “Oh くそ I’ve got 300 cards due!” marathons a week) is because I’ve been thinking of it as 勉強/宿題?

By: Ness /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-101562 Sat, 04 Jun 2011 02:36:45 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-101562 Just had to say this:
I was listening to Rip Slyme while reading this (have been pretty much nonstop for a week or two, actually… Rip slyme and AJATT posts :P) and was all “KYAAAAA RIP SLYME!!! IM AN OBSESSIVE NERD!!! AND KHATZ (the amazing average-genius who made life awesomer just by making a website :P) MENTIONED LISTENING TO RIP SLYME IN A POST ON AJATT IT’S TWO AWESOME THINGS IN ONE WHEE KYA!
Except it ended up actually coming out as “…woh, cool :D” but same thing…

By: wordz_5th /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-28450 Sun, 22 Nov 2009 03:27:43 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-28450 Ok, I meant “site” as in “website”… sorry.

By: wordz_5th /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-28449 Sun, 22 Nov 2009 03:25:52 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-28449 Ok, first off I did not read this post, yet.. I will but I have been reading you post all day, except the break I took to go see 2012 and chat with my wife on Windows Live.. but I have read your other posts on SRS and quitle frankly it’s frustrating (did I misspell that?) me. I am still confused on this SRSing thing. I’m sorry I love your website I really do and I love your philosophy, but I have a headache now. Maybe I’m just slow… I just hope that these next posts will clear up my confusion, I really do. On that note, keep up the good work, you are my hero.. and you make me proud to be black-ish (as my friends call me becuse of my lack of “ghetto-ness”… sorry I just think after a cetain age you should pull up your pants and take off that jersey if you are not going or participating in a game or watching it on tv…). Anyway, I’m glad I found your sight, sir. May we converse in the native tongue of Nippon one day.

By: acute /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-21065 Mon, 15 Jun 2009 19:53:53 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-21065 Im curious Khatz. From figures you have shown its shows you where still adding on average 20 sentences per day, which means you would’ve spent considerable time on SRS’ing right? atleast for a few months? Did you always get your deck down to zero at the end of the day?. I just spent 3 hours on 132 reps.. Didnt feel like i slacked off too much during that time.. Is something wrong with what im doing ya think?

By: Bookmarks about Records /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-15058 Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:00:13 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-15058 […] – bookmarked by 6 members originally found by nullwert on 2008-12-18 Secrets to Smoother SRSing, Part 1: The SRS Is a Servant, Not a… […]

By: Yuna /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10167 Thu, 28 Aug 2008 22:31:22 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10167 Hey Khatzumoto! Thank you for your site. It really helps.
And I’m starting to live japanese life as soon as I’ll get all essential materials ;).
I’ve read your “no speak english” (well, for me it would be “no speak polish ;)) entry and I would like to ask you a question; how often did you speak english while using this method?
Because I’ve already decided to do this but I guess my friends and family wouldn’t be happy if I would talk to them in japanese 😉 Maybe that’s a stupid question but you know, sometimes you just have to use your mother tongue ^^’.
Heh and maybe I’ll use this method for brushing up my english because it’s not as good as it could be even if I live in England :D.

By: Homebound /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10142 Tue, 26 Aug 2008 22:43:36 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10142 The whole point of this site is NOT (at least IMO), that the SRS is a super leet Japanese-ifying tool, which if you use you will become fluent. People seem to have reduced the whole method down to “Collect 10000 sentences. Plug in SRS. Repeat ad nauseum for 18 months. Become fluent.”

The point of this site is to stop trying to learn and have fun BEING a Japanese baby. “Calm down and Hurry up” as it were.
People forgot the fun. People forgot to just sit and watch, read and listen to the things they enjoy. For instance, I’m really interested in law and so I read that stuff like yesterday’s pizza. Yep, that fast. But reading it might ONLY be fun for me. And because I enjoy it more of it sticks more easily anyway. And then when the sentences come up in the SRS, I know exactly where they come from and why I picked them. And the SRS isn’t a chore, coz I’m reading sentences about topics I enjoy. It’s fun – but only for so long – eventually I close Anki and go back to the next Death Note/law report. And fluency should begin (or should I say, IS very slowly) flowing out of that.

Quick metaphor: Driving three hours in the car as a kid was boring right? Even now, probably…But it goes so much faster with I-spy, radio, PSP, DS, sing-a-longs, portable DVD players and other things you have fun doing. Only difference with AJATT is that the fun stuff actually helps you get there; the SRS just helps maintain the pace, whatever pace you prefer.

Enough of the self-righteous “I use my SRS for 30 hours a day and have 10000 sentences I am holier than thou who only does it for 30 minutes and has 2000” Everyone works differently. Science now estimates that there are over 6 BILLION kinds of intelligence. That’s right – one for every single person. One person’s Rip Slyme is another person’s Arashi. One person’s Pokemon is another person’s Cowboy Bebop. The roads and the tools (including the SRS) are not important. It’s the goal.

By: Chiro-kun /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10136 Tue, 26 Aug 2008 07:27:00 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10136 “In fact, if you were to leave one in front of the TV enough, he could be at risk for not even learning his mother tongue to his age level.”
That wasn’t my point. I mean, sure, those who read books are obviously able to express themselves better in the language than those who watch TV. More words, more context and natural spaced repetition.

“so many thousands of hours which it would not only be financially impossible for any adult to achieve, but totally impractical for the meager progress made in proportion of hours interacting required.”
You’re you and I’m me. I never said I had anything against an SRS. I’ve (seriously) not had enough audio input (a maximum of 3 hours a day, I could never be Khatzumoto-sensei). I skipped a whole month. But I understand much more than I ever did through regular SRSing.

“Your “perception” that you will not forget that sentence in a year is totally absolutely unreliable.”
“You may feel you can remember a piece of info for the rest of your life no problem at this moment because it comes to the mind with so much ease — but let me tell you after a full YEAR of using the words 誘う and 着く on a daily basis in Japan, and then abandoning the language for 3 years, I managed to forget them utterly.”

I believe we can do better than use the language once in 3 years. If not, why’re we even learning it in the first place? I might as well put my name in my SRS in case I become a drug addict and get life imprisonment.

I forgive myself for forgetting. Simply put, I want to function as a Japanese person who can read, write and speak in Japanese. If I don’t know the word and it hasn’t come up all my life then I don’t need to know it. If I do, it’ll catch my attention again. If Japanese is SO unimportant that I won’t be using it more than once in 3 years….I’ll forgive myself for self-torture in the first place.

Many people seemed to have misunderstood my comment as an attack on SRSing and repetition itself. Sorry if I made it seem that way. It’s just as Alyks says –
“When you have total immersion, sentence mining really becomes the type of thing to happen naturally.”

I wouldn’t have even started learning Japanese if it wasn’t for having fun (by reading manga). Khatzumoto inspired me to actually get on my butt and start doing it. But I became an SRS addict instead of being completely immersed. I won’t make that mistake again. I don’t want to learn isolated sentences and keep them in my memory till the day that I die so I may use the language in my afterlife. I don’t want to make a colloquial expressions deck in Anki, I want to read manga. I don’t want to TTS every page I see to throw into my SRS, I just want to listen to music. I don’t want to analyze, nitpick and learn Japanese, I want to BE Japanese.

I’m not going to be posting anymore on this, I think I’ve made my self clear on this issue. We can spend hours boiling our heads over spaced repetition, sincerity and discipline. Or we can just turn on that TV or read that book or play that game.

By: alyks /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10135 Tue, 26 Aug 2008 05:01:54 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10135 Oh man, excuse the typos in my post.

By: alyks /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10134 Tue, 26 Aug 2008 04:28:33 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10134 I’m with Phauna on this one. But I also think doing the whole sentence “hunting” and studying and reps fun. It’s lots of fun for me. But I also disagree with what people thing the idea of AJATT is.

When you have total immersion, sentence mining really becomes the type of thing to happen naturally. Sentences in an SRS is just a tool. It’s an effective and efficient way to study and retain knowledge as an alternative to vocab/grammar flashcards. Repetition is a necessary evil no matter what path you take. Even total and complete immersion with natives gives intense repetition. SRS is just an effective way to satisfy that need and sentences are the optimal format. The real learning is in the constant Japanese practice you get.

With that said, I also agree with what Nukemarine. One thing he points out is that until you get to a certain point, mass-mined community sentence projects (UBJG, JFE, Handbook of Japanese Verbs) are all perfect for the beginner and necessary to get their feet wet. At that point you don’t know enough grammar to truly benefit from full blown Japanese sources like manga or anime.

By: phauna /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10130 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 23:15:43 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10130 About the ‘fun is bollocks’ comment, I just meant that I could think of about ten other things more important than fun in the AJATT learning method, and indeed many other methods. Here are some; amount of input, repetition / SRS, more listening practice than regular language learning methods, input before output, immersion, intensity/ drive/ motivation. comprehensible input / i+1, variety, etc.

Fun is way down the list, IMHO.

About the cost of fun, I live in Japan so the TV is available. At second hand stores you can buy a DVD for 750 yen which is really cheap, manga and books are also a bargain, and of course I also acquire material through other means. Buy some stuff, acquire some stuff, karma will be appeased.

By: beneficii /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10128 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 20:46:40 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10128 私はkabaに賛成です。漢字の読みの練習以外、SRSに便利がなさそうです。

By: Kaba /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10126 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:50:52 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10126 QuackingShoe-
The deal with phrases popping into your head being un-SRS-derived, I got the same thing going on. (the current one that seems to float around in my head a lot is 「朝っぱらから」probably because the gardeners and their loudness come around pretty early and I’m not such a morning person.) I think it’s because there’s not much “attitude” in just an SRS entry without audio added. And I’m guessing it’s a common thing to be in a “OK done, NEXT!” sort of mindset when doing reps. Occasionally there’s a funny sentence that’s read with laughter as I recall what scene it came from in a drama though.

I think the most useful part of SRSing is the kanji reading acquisition. Over time, the SRS seems to put your mind in a state where you can guess which reading 場 might have in a given word. It becomes easier to automatically pick the reading 「じょう」over 「ば」and vice versa. And you don’t even have to be conscious of whether it’s an onyomi or kunyomi, really.
It’s saving me time since these “guesses” are enabling me to keep away from a dictionary more and more. An example would be the word 微妙。By knowing the readings of each kanji, I found it was the word びみょう,
which I’m quite familiar with hearing-wise. The SRS is, in this sort of way, preparation for the mind. I think the people who are hesitant to try an SRS are the ones who think you’re supposed to completely rely on it for learning, when what it really does is allow the mind to apply knowledge elsewhere.

By: NDN /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10125 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:42:38 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10125 @Phauna
I’m with nacest, too.
By my own experience, I’d say that fun is the key to learning anything UNLESS one is addicted to pain, suffering, boredom, etc. In my university course (computer engineering), in the first year, I became one of the best students, BUT I found it was due to extra-effortful exercises. I love what I do but “extra” doesn’t fit well sometimes and after finding this site, I realized I could put even more fun to what I love thus reducing the amount of exercises. So now, instead of making TOO MANY exercises, I simply play with the themes(once ONLY) using my imagination. When I need to code something, I don’t go anymore for “x becomes y and z goes for b, etc…”, I picture them using “ANIME ULTRA-EXCITING EFFECTS”. This brings REAL FUN to my learning process and the code just gets out naturally. That’s why I trully believe that if one likes fun then fun is the key to his/her learning.

By: hyij /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10124 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:26:33 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10124 @Chiro-kun: “Yeah Pokemon. How is it that EVERY fan of the game remembers 386 (and now a lot more) totally UNRELATED names and their types? Their attacks? The various items and what they do? OMG no SRS! OMG no mnemonics!”

Don’t you realize that a deck of pokemons basically works like an SRS? As you encounter the same 386 cards over and over they will start to stick to your mind.
So that’s a very strange argument.

By: Nuke-Marine /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10121 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 16:09:56 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10121 For me, the SRS is fun. It was typing in that gods damned sentences that wasn’t fun. For others, they got a rush typing in stuff all on their own, getting out the dictionary. For others, SRS is work and watching Tiger & Dragon is fun.

If you haven’t figured it out, we’re each going to have our own reason and take our own way to doing this. I’m not Khatzumoto, so I’m not going to watch Gokusen over and over again nor will I look fetching in a speedo. I’m Charles, and I get a thrill out of learning new things, so for me every new sentence that adds something is a little thrill. Khatzumoto liked Evangelion (did I get that right), so that’s his thrill to improve Japanese. I love to sing Japanese songs at public Karaoke bars, and I’m using that enjoyment to get better at it (practice with printouts, overlisten to the songs, put the verses in an SRS). For someone else that would be idiotic, and they’d be right.

Yeah, I put off studying to go out drinking and Karaoke and hopefully pick up a lady. But at least I did it in Japan and tried to use Japanese when I could. Know what, that flies in the face of advice (given here and at antimoon) to not to try to speak Japanese till you’re ready. Bollocks to that too. If you (as an individual) actually get a thrill of using even the currently rusty Japanese, then go for it. Have some dessert prior to that main course.

So yeah, keep it fun. Don’t degrade how others approach it if it is working for them. Caution them if you think they’re heading in the wrong direction (putting the process as the only purpose being a good sign). Just realize that what may not work for you is the driving force behind another. Yeah, even those guys you think are wasting their time at a Japanese class.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have 70 sentences built up in my SRS and a five hour night watch filled with nothing but free time to get it done.

By: parasitius /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10120 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 14:42:25 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10120 @Chiro-kun: I hate to tell you, but if you actually research the “children watching Pokemon” example, you’ll realize you just made a case for *my* argument, not yours. Children do NOT learn the language by watching TV. In fact, if you were to leave one in front of the TV enough, he could be at risk for not even learning his mother tongue to his age level. The kids learning comes very much through interactions—so many thousands of hours which it would not only be financially impossible for any adult to achieve, but totally impractical for the meager progress made in proportion of hours interacting required.

And for not using SRS? Your “perception” that you will not forget that sentence in a year is totally absolutely unreliable. Dr. Wozniak has shown that memory DURABILITY and memory fluency (can’t remember his exact term) are quite unrelated. Durability can only be proven over time. You may feel you can remember a piece of info for the rest of your life no problem at this moment because it comes to the mind with so much ease — but let me tell you after a full YEAR of using the words 誘う and 着く on a daily basis in Japan, and then abandoning the language for 3 years, I managed to forget them utterly. (Of course there were 1,000 LESS COMMON WORDS I didn’t forget in that time, but that’s exactly my point, almost any item is susceptible to being lost if you aren’t repeating it. Your example is one which you repeat if you use the language at all, regardless if you put it in your SRS or not.)

By: Chiro-kun /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master/#comment-10119 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 14:11:41 +0000 /secrets-to-smoother-srsing-part-1-the-srs-is-a-servant-not-a-master#comment-10119 @Phauna –
Come on tell that to the millions of Japanese kids being born everyday. Stop watching Pokemon! Go do your SRS reps Naoko-tan and mommy will give you a cookie.

“I don’t suppose people doing PhDs consider fun to be a major element in the learning process. I can’t see med students chucking their books and saying to themselves, “You know, I just don’t feel this pharmaceutical effects on physiognomy gig, I think I’ll go watch House MD.”
I second nacest on this one. If researching on your subject is SO bad that you practically want to get away from it to watch House, why’re you even doing it in the first place?!?

@Justin –
I understand 60-70% of most anime (non-shounen) and atleast 40% of comedy shows. Oh yeah, throw Kansaiben into the mix. I have not used an SRS for over 4 months. And I have most certainly not watched 1000 episodes (70ish at best).

Please take note of the fact that hundreds of Japanese children have a basic command of the language after 2 years using the most inefficent, unscientific and ‘dumbest’ method there is. Yet they somehow manage to breeze through Pokemon (intended for ages 3 and up), remember the names of 400+ Pokemon, their strengths, their weaknesses, their attacks, their natures, their abilities, etc. (without using a SRS) which I’m VERY sure MOST SRSholics can’t do, even though its all kana. I’m not trying to criticize the SRS here. Just thinking out loud, why does learning Japanese have to be some SRS cult. Do or be treated as a pansy.

And to all you SRS addicts and lovers, I have a question (I think nacest brought this up a while back):

One of your beginner sentences:
So you’re saying if you don’t review this sentence by next year (or next to next) you’re going to *gasp* forget it? That’s just sad. Really sad. My brain must be made of Spicebush Swallowtail poop.

(Please note that I’m not criticizing SRSing in general. It’s just a question that popped up in my mind. I don’t like how some people convert Khatzumoto’s “All Fun All The Time” to “All BDSM All The Time” with a SRS 跳び箱. I mean sure, it’s great if it works for you but what’s with all the “Ha! You suck! You don’t use THE BEST, THE most l337 learning system on Earth which Einstein and all the little Japanese midgets sucked for not using!” )
