Comments on: Sentence Pack 2 /sentence-pack-2/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Hoodini /sentence-pack-2/#comment-26020 Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:08:46 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-26020 Khatzumoto, you’ve mistakenly written 謙譲語 twice, instead of 尊敬語 for respectful language, in the explanation of the last sentence. Just wanted to post this in case anyone was confused.

By: Macca /sentence-pack-2/#comment-21591 Sun, 28 Jun 2009 11:33:22 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-21591 Never mind 来る occasionally being written in hiragana, when was the last time you saw 此の、此処、 and 迄 written in kanji?

By: HiddenSincerity /sentence-pack-2/#comment-19476 Sat, 02 May 2009 09:13:43 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-19476 @Ryder

The ない has no special meaning as far as I know. It’s just the second half of 危ない. There is no implied だ because 危ない by itself can fuction as the end of a sentence, as with most adjectives that end with い (some adjectives that end in い、though, do need a だ as they are a different type of adjective altogether, like きれい、きらい、or とくい)

That probably makes it as clear as mud, but basically, 危ない functions as the end of sentence: nothing is implied at all. だ is only required when there is a noun-phrase or a なーadjective (like those above) at the end of the sentence.

I hope that helps a little bit. Sorry if I’ve just confused you.

By: Ryder /sentence-pack-2/#comment-19474 Sat, 02 May 2009 08:43:06 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-19474 I don’t know if anyone checks these comments anymore, but I’ve started sentence-picking and I’m a bit confused as to the meaning of( ‘ない ) in 危ない – is there an implied ( だ ) or what?

By: ddddave /sentence-pack-2/#comment-48 Thu, 09 Nov 2006 22:08:50 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-48 Consider yourself flogged… 🙂

Actually, I don’t mind the notes. I get some value out of those tidbits of information that can explain a word’s role in a sentence. It might go against your original theory but for some people it might be quite helpful.

1200 kanji to go…

By: khatzumoto /sentence-pack-2/#comment-44 Thu, 09 Nov 2006 05:18:28 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-44 ddddave, thank you so much for the correction (it’s corrected now). I really should be taken out and flogged, but you have chosen kinder methods :). Perhaps it would be best to write less commentary with the sentences, that way there’s fewer room for error; it’s very important that these things be correct. Any suggestions?

By: ddddave /sentence-pack-2/#comment-43 Thu, 09 Nov 2006 05:02:13 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-43 Q: 日本語を勉強して来ました

来る(くる) by itself means “to come”, but it’s often used as an auxiliary verb (so it’s “helping” the verb 渡る(わたる)

Isn’t it helping する?

By: CharleyGarrett /sentence-pack-2/#comment-42 Mon, 06 Nov 2006 17:18:05 +0000 /sentence-pack-2#comment-42 More continues to be better. Thanks!
