Comments on: SRS: If In Doubt, Throw It Out — Ambivalence Is the Greatest Enemy /srs-if-in-doubt-throw-it-out-ambivalence-is-the-greatest-enemy/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Chris /srs-if-in-doubt-throw-it-out-ambivalence-is-the-greatest-enemy/#comment-1000052194 Wed, 26 Jun 2013 18:29:27 +0000 /?p=24484#comment-1000052194 Great article, I really needed to read this. I’ve realized that I’m very reluctant when it comes to deleting sentence cards in my SRS. My attitude is that if I delete a card I’ll never learn that word again. I’ll often see a boring/difficult card and think to myself “I’ll just skip it for now and deal with it later.” In other words, I’ve basically become a sentence hoarder. The results are pretty obvious though; I keep adding more cards but I’m doing less reps. Over time my deck has kept inflating to where it’s becoming too overwhelming.
I’ve been deleting a lot of my older cards lately and I’m only adding ones that I feel are fun and relatively (but not too) simple. I assume that scoring high on reps is a lot less important than the actual amount of exposure….in other words, quantity over quality. I also think it’s important to realize that your ability to pick sentences develops with experience. That’s why it’s important to go back and weed out the older cards. Your SRS decks should evolve with your capability and interest.

By: beneficii /srs-if-in-doubt-throw-it-out-ambivalence-is-the-greatest-enemy/#comment-1000045759 Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:12:26 +0000 /?p=24484#comment-1000045759 As for me, my reps deck has been empty for several months. Every card I found fit to throw out and I’ve yet to find one to replace it I wouldn’t do the same to. So no reps for me. 😀

By: liz /srs-if-in-doubt-throw-it-out-ambivalence-is-the-greatest-enemy/#comment-1000044547 Sun, 16 Jun 2013 03:42:26 +0000 /?p=24484#comment-1000044547 Oh man, I needed to read this one today Khatz, I have been feeling so mediocre about my reps deck that it has to get pruned. It’s like the dead tree on my porch right now (Bob-san was his name, before he met his tragic end).

When did you find time to buy books yesterday? I’ll have to harass you to tell me what you got 🙂

By: Agent J /srs-if-in-doubt-throw-it-out-ambivalence-is-the-greatest-enemy/#comment-1000044364 Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:51:48 +0000 /?p=24484#comment-1000044364 On the contrary can’t this whole “delete delete delete ambivalence ambivalence ambivalence” mentality be used as a band-aid fix to un-attraction to studying in general (and not lack of interest in the language) to the point that there’s, like, nothing to SRS?

I think the biggest reason people dread Anki (or SRS in general) is not because they’re so terrible at picking out content, but simply because SRS feels like a chore to a lot of people.

By: Tom /srs-if-in-doubt-throw-it-out-ambivalence-is-the-greatest-enemy/#comment-1000044344 Sat, 15 Jun 2013 20:14:12 +0000 /?p=24484#comment-1000044344 Oh God, this post just came in good time! 🙂 I’ve been deleting all the cards that are ambivalent lately and I feel just terrific! It is so liberating that I can ‘finally’ get rid of those little bastards! 😀 To cut a long story short: thank you for this post, it was really a great feedback for me.
