Comments on: Success Story: Motivation Brings Results Bring More Motivation Brings More Results /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. » Other People’s Perceptiveness (OPP): What It Takes To Be Great /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11334 Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:12:05 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11334 […] before I go into that, the Gav himself is a pretty amazing guy. Right before the JLPT fiasco, kids were saying things like: Making an [sic] random English penpal sounds like […]

By: Kaba /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11225 Thu, 02 Oct 2008 15:08:53 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11225 Ken,
That’s an really good idea~ Sometimes it takes me a few dictionary look-ups to get to the point where I can read a word in a sentence and identify it. Simply writing it might even be a enough to help with this, let alone seeing it on the whiteboard/wall every once in awhile.

By: Ken /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11156 Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:59:31 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11156 What I am doing with vocabulary in Japan right now is keeping a list of every word that I have to use a dictionary for.

If you start doing this, try posting them on your wall. What I do is take groups of vocabulary words and make sentences out of them as this site with SRS suggests. After you are pretty confident with a vocabulary word you could cross it off or take it off your wall.

Get a white board or make a funky collage. Anything to keep your motivation up!

By: Ben /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11144 Tue, 30 Sep 2008 08:25:55 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11144 Yeah, I’d mark that one down as impossible.

It’s not like the Kanji poster actually represents vocabulary words…

You could just make a goal: Like, 2000 new words and then just mark in a square on a poster everytime you find a new word. But yeah, I don’t think that’d be so effective.

Sorry :/

By: Kaba /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11119 Mon, 29 Sep 2008 19:52:38 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11119 Rose Tyler,
You’re -learning- English?

…you’re doing extremely well then XD

I’m trying to imagine an English version of the kanji picture, and the image is coming out rather interesting… hmm. The Japanese kanji poster is easy to make in that the language has a fixed set of popularly used kanji that form many different words… but English just has an alphabet that forms words. It’s quite hard to picture a method that would work, as listing words from the dictionary or something like that is completely out of the question. I’m really at a loss when it comes to something like that… sorry!

By: Rose Tyler /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11106 Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:07:19 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11106 Hey,

I’m learning English and I wanted to know if any of you guys had an idea of how I could adapt the highlighting-the-kanjis method to English.
I’m in dire need of new vocab, and my motivation levels aren’t that high these days.
However, I didn’t quite get how to make the poster, so if anyone could explain that to me in a few lines, it’d be great 🙂

By: Dazyrue /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11073 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 23:16:29 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11073 Thanks for the advice 🙂 I understand. I guess I feel that if Im not memornizing it completely the first time I think Im being lazy and only half-assin it. Got in my head about learning a language “structure structure” and all that bad stuff. Kinda scary goin it alone, making your own rules. I will try it this way and see.

They dont give refunds, do they? *suck* Oh well, I have learned. Thanks again, Khatz!!

By: QuackingShoe /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11033 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 05:38:00 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11033 Dazyrue;
You’re making it more difficult than it needs to be. It’s important to try to get the kanji in your head as you go, but there isn’t a terrible distinction between ‘learning/memorizing’ and the repetition. Just put it in there and go. And while the latter ones may build on the former ones, it’s not like building a house; piling more on top of a weak frame doesn’t collapse it, it reinforces what came before. So just go.
Although, you seem to talk like you’re learning the readings and vocabulary at the same time you’re progressing through Heisig, which isn’t really the best application of Heisig.

As for the JLPT, if you want to pass it, put whatever you need to into your SRS to do so. It’s a waste of time in the long run, but a lot of things are; everyone has their own goals, and they’re allowed to slow you down if you enjoy them.

By: Dazyrue /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11025 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 04:05:59 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11025 eeeeeek. I posted right before the JLPT one. I didnt say JLPT . . . . Im not taking JLPT *cough* @_@ *waves hand* you did not read my JLPT comment . . .

By: Dazyrue /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11019 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 03:00:14 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11019 Had a question bout Heisig 1. How do you know if you have learned a kanji? Do you just make the story and move on then use the SRS to “learn” it eventually through repetition, or do you completely memorize it when you enter it and use the SRS as a refresh. I find that it is difficult for me to remember it the first time, but I feel I cant progress to the next kanji until I memorize completely, including writing, the one that came before since they build on each other. What worked best for everyone else? Im probably making it more difficult than it needs to be.
Also, Im taking JLPT in December and wanted some advice. Is it ok to use the SRS to learn kanji and vocab for the test if I havent gotten to it in Heisig yet?

By: Ben /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11018 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 01:48:47 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11018 You generally pick up the readings through something like osmosis, I suppose. heh.. once you can recognize the Kanji fairly well, just begin reading things and the readings will begin to stick. It’s a bit scary, as you’re never really sure if you’re learning (because it’s not systematic, and we’ve been taught that learning processes must be systematic).

This new knowledge of the Japanese meanings and readings will begin to replace those hundreds of useless stories in your head from Heisig. They just sort of naturally fall away, though most likely you’ll always resort to them for some problem Kanji that just won’t stick no matter what you do. Everyone has theirs, I think… like I said, I think this process is a bit scary as it actually feels like you’re forgetting things (but that stuff’s useless – as long as you can recognize and write the Kanji you want, don’t worry).

From the end of RTK onwards, there’s really no good way to quantify the knowledge you have.

I find it useful to review my reading comprehension with White Rabbit Press’s Kanji cards… they include several readings, as well as compounds. I just flip through them (when I’m somewhere I can’t be SRS’ing) and rattle off as many readings as I can. Then I look over the card – if I miss an important, I make a note of it somewhere, which is usually enough to make it stick.

I don’t read manga, really, so can’t comment on that – but I think it’s like reading an English comic and one of the guys saying “Whatcha talkin’ ’bout?” As English speakers, we can navigate that and fill in the gaps quite easily. Someone learning the language would be a little confused, I would think. “What’s the significance of this? Why do they need to make it shorter? Why can’t I find ‘Whatcha’ in my dictionary?!?” First you have to understand the basic sentence, then the dialogue-ified (err, yeah…) form.

That said, I think Manga stories are pretty straightforward usually which helps.

I’d say, don’t worry about how long it’ll take. If it’s your goal to read manga, just work at it until you can. I think having a “It takes 1 year” timeframe will probably make you a little lazy, and then disappointed when that 1 year mark rolls around and you’re not as you’d hope.

By: Kaba /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11017 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 01:45:39 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11017 Hello there Randon,
Instead of using Heisig 2 and 3, I went straight into reading manga.
As for being able to read manga at a decent pace, it wasn’t really a question of “how long.” It was more like, “how many volumes.” The manga Marmalade Boy was my first all-in-Japanese manga from start to finish. It was mainly over the course of this 8 volume manga that got me to the point of being able to smoothly and more enjoyably read through one tankouban (at the half-point things felt pretty decent. By volume 8, even better). Prior to Heisig, I was able to read hiragana, though very slowly. You’ll be amazed at how going through just one volume of manga will increase your reading speed.
Keep in mind I still rely on a dictionary while reading. But as you get more reading in, the need to look up a word becomes more few and far between. 🙂

By: Randon /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-11011 Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:07:25 +0000 /?p=307#comment-11011 I’m guessing after you finished Heisig you still couldn’t read Japanese, did you do heisig RTK books 2 and 3 as well? and about how long did it take for you to get to the point you were able to read manga’s decently. My goal is mainly to be able to read/watch untranslated anime/manga. I’ve done some Heisig and I’m working through the Japanese in Mangaland series myself although I’ve “become aware” of a lot of Japanese grammar and how its out there, but not really learned it. I haven’t really made much progress myself considering about 400 in heisig plus just starting book 2 of Japanese in Mangaland. If anyone else is in a similar case feel free to respond ^^. Thanks ahead.

By: Gav /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-10919 Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:28:18 +0000 /?p=307#comment-10919 WC, Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you wait for fear to disappear before you do anything new, you will never do it. Go for it and when you realise you have done it, you will have improved yourself.

By: ren /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-10907 Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:59:55 +0000 /?p=307#comment-10907 Oh egads I botched one of my favorite quotes. This must be amended! 🙁

“Your biggest fear WILL be the rescue of you.”

By: David /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-10905 Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:39:19 +0000 /?p=307#comment-10905 Oh, Khatzumoto mentions something for getting a penpal in this post:

My personal recommendation is using Japan-Guide’s personal ads. There is a place to post for language exchange, and, for the most part, it’s free. (It depends on who you try contacting. Some people will charge for language exchange in the form of tutoring (which you don’t need)). That site is here:

In my experience in getting Japanese pen-pals, I’ve been successful with two people. I made friends with an older woman, around 30, and a friend that’s still in high school, 16. My point is, that there are people of all ages that want to do language exchange. They both have helped me a great deal.

By: ren /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-10903 Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:12:18 +0000 /?p=307#comment-10903 @ WC

I’m in a similar situation: even the prospect of social situations (of any kind) can make me extremely anxious. In DIRECT contrast to that is the simple fact that I love studying Japanese so much that I’m willing to do or try anything to improve upon my own skills and learn more about the language and Japanese culture. That’s the rub with learning a language…if you want to get better, you have to get out there and talk to (Japanese) people.

For someone like me the very idea is terrifying, but I sincerely WANT to do it, so that’s what I’m doing. I found a conversation partner and, even though I suck at speaking, I am getting used to making mistakes and trying to learn from them. As a result I’ve been getting better with the whole social thing in general. It’s great for me, since I love people even though I’m bad at talking to them. “Your biggest fear with be the rescue of you”, to quote Incubus (gasp a non-Japanese band!!).

So, for you, I’d say just go for it. I know, I know, it sounds impossible, but the trick is not to think about it! If you love learning Japanese, then it won’t matter if things somehow go awry with your first penpal – you’ll just get up and try again with another. A good place to start might be Lang-8, where you can practice writing some small things and get feedback. Just send friend invites to whoever shows up to correct your writing and maybe write an entry about looking for a penpal…see what happens from there. There are some really cool people on Lang-8. 🙂

“Pushing a wheelbarrow is easy. Thinking about it is the hard part.” (Gosh I like my quotes today.) 頑張ってくださいね♪

By: WC /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-10885 Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:43:00 +0000 /?p=307#comment-10885 I’m not quite at the point that I think I can converse with anyone, but I’m getting there quickly. My problem is that I’m not a very social person at all… Making an random English penpal sounds like quite a task and scares me more than a little. Making a random Japanese one seems absolutely impossible.

Does anyone have any tips on how someone like me could meet a Japanese penpal? (Email penpal, of course.)

By: David /success-story-motivation-results-more-motivation-more-results/#comment-10880 Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:06:58 +0000 /?p=307#comment-10880 I like the idea to color the Kanji poster with red marker as you learn readings. — I just woke up and was getting ready to start on Kanji 651 in Heisig’s book when I came across this. Most certainly motivating, it being first thing in the morning and all. — I can’t wait to share a success story of my own.
