forum – AJATT | All Japanese All The Time You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Fri, 31 Jul 2020 10:17:32 +0900 en-US hourly 1 Flame Less + Journal More = Win /flame-less-journal-more-win/ /flame-less-journal-more-win/#comments Wed, 24 Nov 2010 14:59:04 +0000 /?p=3374 This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Social Resistance

A lot of us could benefit from journaling more. A lot of what we say is actually only for our own personal consumption and satisfaction. It may need to be externalized, but not necessarily to other people.

Next time you see yourself on the precipice of a flame war with someone over whose Japanese method is better — whether in real life or online — open up a text editor write to yourself first. You may find that that will do. No one wants your free wisdom. It may be the best stuff in the world, but no one cares. Stop trying so hard to make swine appreciate your pearls. You’re wasting your life away. Start finding some grateful, paying, human customers 😉 . And, as far as possible, make them ask before you give the advice away.

What does it matter whether people agree or disagree with you? Their opinions are irrelevant either way. You’re not trying to be liked or disliked, you’re trying to acquire a language: the only meaningful way you can prove your correctness…is by actually doing it. I mean, it’s nice to be agreed with by random strangers (although I’ve personally found that having someone who agrees with you on an idea but refuses to act on it can be more annoying than having someone who all-out thinks you’re sick, wrong and crazy)…but it’s not worth fighting for or anything like that.

If in doubt, don’t be a hero. Don’t be eloquent. Just shut up and win already. And if you must talk back…keep it between you and your journal.

I’m not saying to be a “good person”. I’m not saying to be kind. I’m not saying “don’t disagree with people”. Do disagree. Be a jerk. Be abusive. Launch expletive-filled ad hominem attacks and counterattacks. Make those caustic comebacks and witty one liners. Take those idiots to school.

…But do it in your journal.

Be aggressive in private (if you must — and I’ll admit, with all the trolling on these Internets, I do sometimes feel like I must!), so you can focus on being expressive in public. That way, you come out looking golden. You come out thinking clearly. You come out appearing to transcend the feces-flinging forum fauna* 1. In short, you win. All because your feces gets hurled where people can’t see it 😛 . And when you think about it, isn’t that where feces belongs?


  1. *You like that? I made that one up 😉
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