Comments on: Timeboxing Trilogy, Part 6: Q&A /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Timeboxing Trilogy, Part 7: Isn’t Timeboxing Just A Waste of Time? | All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-50499 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 20:48:12 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-50499 […] Oh, go here to read the series from the very beginning, and here to read the previous installment. […]

By: triplez /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-50445 Fri, 30 Jul 2010 05:30:48 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-50445 I just got my first timer today! The nice lady at Yamaga Denki also taught me how to say “timer” in Japanese, it’s タイマー or キッチンタイマー.

I have a few questions: should I make my time boxes and rest time boxes equal lengths, or should I change them? Also, what if I like 2 minute time boxes for resting? Should I not do them because you say I shouldn’t? Also if a I feel like stopping mid-timebox should I continue anyway or should I stop because I want to stop?

That should be all the questions I thought I should ask. I’m sure it shouldn’t be too much trouble for anyone to tell me how I should get started on this. Thanks.: )

By: Jermjus /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-50232 Wed, 28 Jul 2010 06:59:13 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-50232 More and more I find myself really enjoying your philosophical ideas of learning and everything in general. It goes well with what I’ve come to accept in my life and how I found learning and living to be best enjoyed.

When I get a few extra greenbacks I’ll be sure to buy some electronic book goodies from you. Keep up the interesting and inspiring words. I always like reminders that I’m not crazy in a bad way.

(autodidactism ftw)

By: Tony /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-50186 Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:29:29 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-50186 I time-box my breaks from unpleasant activities, otherwise they’d become infinite. I haven’t tried very short time boxes yet. It is probably high time to test them “to let things be too easy.”

By: Dr. Lazy /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-50176 Tue, 27 Jul 2010 19:09:08 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-50176 I would rather have a life long vacation 🙂

By: n /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-50091 Tue, 27 Jul 2010 02:19:00 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-50091 In my experience, I can take infinitely long breaks. If I let myself become distracted, even with an impending deadline I’ll tempt fate and go nuts doing something completely off-topic. For Japanese study perhaps, timed breaks are a poor idea, but things with deadlines seem to reward timed breaks.

Getting tired of breaks happens, but I’ve become quite skilled at not working at all for extended periods of time, and making procrastination the default; while I know work should be more interesting than a lifelong vacation, I still have difficulty getting started.

By: Jon /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49844 Sun, 25 Jul 2010 12:48:56 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49844 P.s. Chronology 1.6.0 is a great app for timeboxing on the iphone. It’s essentially an interval timer with multiple functions that really do help.

By: Jon /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49843 Sun, 25 Jul 2010 12:45:55 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49843 Currently doing 5 minutes active work, 2 minutes rest work and liking it – although by ‘rest’ I mean taking some time to do some reading or enjoying some Manga. I find this breaks up my SRS work nicely and gets me back into it giving me the brain rest I need, but not being seperated from my SRS long enough to fo beyond the forgetting point with new cards. I usually do a max of 30 minutes active all together, but wouldn’t mind doing a build up from 2 minutes to 5 doing 2-2-3-3-4-4-5-2-5-2-5-2… I’ll have to try it sometime.

P.s., I don’t think rest is bad. You just need to rest while still ‘doing’ Japanese – TV is a favourite.

By: Jaybot7 /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49796 Sun, 25 Jul 2010 06:41:02 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49796 Of course, if it helps, more power to you 🙂

Basically, if it helps, add it; If it adds more stress than necessary, drop it (this includes deleting cards).

When your sentence deck gets around 7000, you have all sorts of ways of stressing yourself out. Ignoring it just inflames it more (makes them increase); so finding a good way to balance everything with medium-sized intervals throughout the day is possibly the best way.

By: Experiment: Incremental New Cards « 我輩はブリートである。 /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49785 Sun, 25 Jul 2010 05:04:54 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49785 […] I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been playing around with timeboxing methods, primarily decremental, which has served me quite well. When each successive review session is […]

By: Tyler /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49778 Sun, 25 Jul 2010 04:29:53 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49778 Great series!

Question for you: How do the timeboxes make you feel? No, that’s not a crazy psychoanalytic question…. What I mean is, if I know I will simply set another timebox when the current one finishes, I feel nothing about the time counting down. No pressure. 1 minute timebox? No problem, cause I have infinite 1 minute timeboxes if I need them. So it’s kind of like not using timeboxes at all, since they lose their motivational power if you can just set another one. This is mostly a problem with tasks that I MUST finish (i.e. something due the next day, or finishing ALL my reps), since there can’t be a time deadline (the deadline is “complete”). Any suggestions?

also: I’m learning cantonese and happily making strides thanks to you and SRS software. Would love if you shared some of those resources too sometimes. Thanks for sharing your insights!

By: Don R /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49742 Sat, 24 Jul 2010 22:07:16 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49742 Jaybot7,
I actually do use 1 minute timeboxes. I do incremental timeboxing, because for me the hardest part is just getting started. So I start with 1 min (the timer that comes with iPod touch let’s you set the timer on 1 minute increments). Once I get 1 min done (you can get surprisingly far in 1 min; once you figure out what document to open and what you need to be doing, you’ve already got momentum), and the timer goes off, I set it to 2 mins and keep going. By the time I hit 5 min intervals I’m feeling good about myself for getting stuff done. Whenever I need to get momentum again I start at 1 min.

Dr. Lazy,
What’s up with your cards? The other day I was doing some vocab cards taken from and it was making me hate the process. It was too hard and boring. They were business terms made up of kanji compounds where I could barelyfigure out what the kanji were, didn’t know the readings of those characters, and didn’t understand why the Heisig keywords I knew made up the vocab word. After failing them a few times, I suspended them. I do not want to keep failing the same 100 cards and thus failing to get to the rest of the 2000 vocab words. Lazy, easy, fun, is the name of the game. So my question for you is, are your cards lazy, easy, and fun? Right now I’m using AnkiSRS for my Heisig/RTK kanji deck and its showing me all the cards with like 1.3 year intervals that I have never failed. It is pretty easy to do because the cards are easy. Maybe you should get your delete key handy and when you get a card that makes you want to hit “end session” delete the card instead.

By: Dr. Lazy /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49714 Sat, 24 Jul 2010 16:51:10 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49714 Ah… I think I finally see my problem. I can’t make work fun, at all. SRS isnt fun for me, timeboxing doesnt help, I dread it everyday and for a extra kick to the face I dont feel as if Im learning, and I thought the sentence phase was the holy land :/. I however can spend my entire day playing monster hunter, or some other game. But not if I have to think about anything. Like if I have to look up a whole bunch of fights or have to think at all I cant do it. So I cant even do productive work in a game because I dont find it fun. FML

By: Jaybot7 /timeboxing-trilogy-part-6-qa/#comment-49705 Sat, 24 Jul 2010 15:07:58 +0000 /?p=2091#comment-49705 I don’t know what a Fungible is, but it *sounds* tasty.

I do know that I’ve knocked my normal timeboxes down from 60 to 30 and now down to 10 minutes; and with so much more bliss recently; that I highly recommend it. However, I believe this is a personal path you will have to find on your own; subscribing to 1 minute timeboxes from the get-go could cause ulcers… seriously.

Never make your timebox intervals short enough that they cause panic and/or stress, otherwise you’re defeating the purpose.
