Comments on: Understanding The News: James’ Success Story /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Immersion Strategy: Your Ears Are Sacred | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-1000059173 Fri, 27 Sep 2013 07:07:24 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-1000059173 […] AJATTeers, both in Japanese and other languages, you’re going to notice a strong aural trend. James (news), Jamie (peeing, German). Errybody. Of course they were visually engaged, too, as was I, but the […]

By: イギリス人 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-30067 Tue, 22 Dec 2009 17:27:52 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-30067 Yo khatz, basically i’ve started to watch news broadcasts on Fuji News Network and copying each sentence into the SRS (Anki), I look up each word of the sentence on Denshi Jisho and write the English sentence for the answer on the SRS, and then write out the kanji’s so I have the perfect stroke order and once in the SRS, I listen to the broadcast many times over. Is this the 正しい way to do it ?

By: RJ /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-20291 Fri, 22 May 2009 04:31:56 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-20291 Hey Khaz, when you said when you listened to the news and didn’t understand a word, or even a phrase, that you “looked it up”. What do you use? I don’t think a monolingual dictionary would help me understand a word, since I know no Kanji…bilingual ok? You say that they havea negative impact though, so I don’t want to look at direct translations, but how am I supposed to know?

By: All Japanese All The Time Dot Com: How to learn Japanese. On your own, having fun and to fluency. » Intermediate Goals, Mini-Dreams /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-16540 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 08:44:49 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-16540 […] 1-3 months, focus your energy on mastering a specific area of your target language, like TV news, or a certain anime, or other topic — whatever interests […]

By: Lauren /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-12850 Sun, 09 Nov 2008 20:42:15 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-12850 what do you think about listening to music/news at same time for the listening aspect.

so the volume would be 50/50 or 70/20 towrads the news, etc.

i think it makes it less boring. anyone know any news podcast where htey talk really fast or something in a less boring way, well it is news but i don’t konw.

By: khatzumoto /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8427 Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:33:30 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8427 分からぬー。


京 = 京都の事?


By: quendidil /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8426 Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:16:10 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8426 >フィクションによく出て来るお爺さんか方言かという印象が強い。


By: khatzumoto /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8425 Sun, 20 Apr 2008 14:33:13 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8425 >Isn’t おる the 謙譲語 of いる?
It is.

>This is really perplexing?!



By: quendidil /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8423 Sun, 20 Apr 2008 13:52:50 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8423 Ah, my formality levels really suck!
After writing “感謝しておる”, I was told
This is really perplexing?! Isn’t おる the 謙譲語 of いる?

By: khatzumoto /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8408 Sat, 19 Apr 2008 16:41:54 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8408 ハハ(笑)。

By: quendidil /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8407 Sat, 19 Apr 2008 16:31:01 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8407 ( 笑)

As for Chinese, we can blame the Republicans and the Communists for most of the destruction of the remnants of 敬語 left in the language. でござるけれど、結局多分慈禧太后の所為じゃろう、中国の現代化を反対したりしたからね。


By: khatzumoto /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8379 Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:47:16 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8379 @quend
>so i figure 「である」 should be alright?
なんか、”Seriously, though, dawg, it is the uncategorical conclusion of this research that this course of action…”って感じ。


By: quendidil /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8355 Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:21:28 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8355 @khatz:
Search for ファインマン物理学 on amazon. The real lectures are the ones with ”ファインマン” as 著者 I believe.

By: khatzumoto /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8336 Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:10:40 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8336 @quend
>Feynman’s lectures in Japanese
They have those? Where did you find them?

By: Forrest /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8319 Sun, 13 Apr 2008 16:07:03 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8319 wheee I learned a word without trying! だいとうりょう = 大統領 = President

from where else? the news. I gave in and got the TV Japan channel… ($25/month ouch!)

By: quendidil /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8318 Sun, 13 Apr 2008 15:19:57 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8318 Feynman’s lectures in Japanese are BLOODY overpriced. Around 3450円 for EACH lecture.

By: bubble /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8302 Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:21:11 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8302 Personally, I feel like I make the most progress when I watch a show I either have never or have not recently seen, as long as it interests me (I can’t be sure though). A fictional show, that is, because those tend to have more visual context and I find them more enjoyable than most other types of show, especially when I can’t completely understand. I basically watch whatever I can find that interests me, often covering subtitles or finding Chinese subtitles, because I can’t read them, not even sound them out the way I could any latin-alphabet subs, so I don’t have to cover them.
As for specific shows, I watched/am watching:
有閑倶楽部(ゆうかんクラブ)- one of the ones I watched with Chinese subs, easy to find because the title is the same except the second character is simplified. Amusing but shallow show about way-too-rich high school students.
ガリレオ About a police detective and a physics professor (“henjin Galileo”) who investigate supposedly supernatural crimes.
モップガール (Mop Girl) about a young woman, rather clumsy, who goes back to the day of a death to prevent it
女系家族(にょけいかぞく)An intense drama, full of infighting, backstabbing, intrigue, about an inheritance. Everyone in this show has issues. The speech is rather hard and formal – I didn’t understand much.
ホタルノヒカリ Cute romantic comedy with characters I can actually root for. I find the speech comparatively easy to understand. Look for it on Chinese sites under the name 螢之光 (the first character will be simplified, but it comes up ok).
エンジン (Engine) – Kinda cute show about a professional racecar driver who goes back to live with his dad (who runs a foster home) after his team fires him for fighting with the other driver.

I also watch anime and tokusatsu, but if I watch them too much I start to use annoying interjections and get all high-pitched (I’m female, but there’s a limit). Sometimes I watch commercials, music videos, or interviews with musicians or actors I like, and if I’m not watching something I usually have on music.

By: AndamanIslander /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8296 Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:03:21 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8296 Hey so, would you post the URLs for your favorite news podcasts?


By: quendidil /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8285 Mon, 07 Apr 2008 16:20:03 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8285 I’ve recently started written correspondence with some Japanese friends, my main errors are mostly using 「である」 for 「です」 and sometimes writing stuff like 「知ってるんですか」 instead of 「知ってますか」. AFAIK, they are perfectly grammatical correct, but according to my friends they are not interchangeable and sound strange? It’s written (typed to be exact) anyway, so i figure 「である」 should be alright?

By: captal /understanding-the-news-james-success-story/#comment-8281 Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:26:48 +0000 /understanding-the-news-james-success-story#comment-8281 Thanks for posting your experience bubble. Over the past few weeks I’ve been watching/listening to a Japanese Drama- Tiger & Dragon – over and over without subs and I don’t feel like I’m making a lot of progress… I’ll keep at it though. Do you have any advice for other shows to watch?

Should I be listening to other things in Japanese besides music and Tiger & Dragon- I really want to improve my understanding more than anything, because that is my biggest weakness right now. Listening to Japanese music over and over doesn’t seem to be helping much either- I get the tune stuck in my head but I usually can’t remember the words unless I’ve spent time translating them from kanji to hiragana.
