Comments on: Won’t Raw Immersion Make Me Mislearn Words? /what-if-immersion-makes-it-so-i-learn-the-words-wrong/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Livonor /what-if-immersion-makes-it-so-i-learn-the-words-wrong/#comment-1000065672 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 06:47:31 +0000 /?p=28531#comment-1000065672 お勧めにどうも!

By: Sleepy /what-if-immersion-makes-it-so-i-learn-the-words-wrong/#comment-1000065623 Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:11:47 +0000 /?p=28531#comment-1000065623 This reminds me of La Mulana. I used a wiki/guide ALOT and beat the game once in English to see how it played out.

Then I beat it many times in Japanese very long ago before quitting for no reason at all. Each of those times I knew what I was doing and furthermore, when I watch someone else play it on Twitch, I know most of what they need to do need.

Point is this(Silly me going on a tangent), playing and then mastering a game in one language WILL definitely help you you play/enjoy it in another language. Hopefully, those seeing this are nothing like me and have games from childhood/years ago that could be in Japanese as well(I know I don’t).

Another thing, is to find something you really love. I am VERY stubborn, at least I think as far as love goes(Trust me, this is NOT a good thing) and tend to stop playing games I liked for zero reason at all(and for some strange reason I forget to play them, at all). Only found a few things I love right now :(.

By: bokusenou /what-if-immersion-makes-it-so-i-learn-the-words-wrong/#comment-1000065595 Mon, 17 Feb 2014 01:35:24 +0000 /?p=28531#comment-1000065595 Great article! You know, I was thinking about something like this when I watched a movie about people who write dictionaries (舟を編む) recently. In the movie, when recruiting they asked people to define “right” (右), just out of nowhere, and the definitions (having to do with things like one’s right hand, the political right, in the number 10 the 0 is on the right, etc) got me thinking. As much as I use dictionaries, I never really thought about where they came from, that there are people who write them.

Then in the movie main character falls in love, and is asked to write the definition of the word “love” (恋) for the dictionary. He comes up with something like “The state when you begin to like someone, and can’t get the thought of them out of your head, day or night. You can’t focus on anything else, and if fulfilled, you feel on top of the world.” He came up with that based on his feelings of the word, as well as his experience being in it. And I realized that we all have knowledge of word definitions inside us in a way, even if they are more general feelings than anything else. I was left in awe at what an amazing thing language was for a moment.

By: Howard Blast /what-if-immersion-makes-it-so-i-learn-the-words-wrong/#comment-1000065584 Sun, 16 Feb 2014 18:11:40 +0000 /?p=28531#comment-1000065584 Anonymous Coward was clearly just desperate for attention.
