Comments on: What is it about these MCDs? BONUS: The Easy Button /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: gasg /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-1000508252 Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:10:20 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-1000508252 *torn

By: Tom /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-1000309482 Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:25:57 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-1000309482 I second the last question about separate notes. @cel pintat de vermell – if you have found a solution, let me know!

By: cel pintat de vermell /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-1000067934 Thu, 03 Apr 2014 13:55:06 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-1000067934 I’d like to know if there is a way to set a note for each clozed word, e.g.

“My cat has teared my new shirt.”

Cloze 1: “cat”
Note 1: (dictionary definition) a small domesticated feline mammal

Cloze 2: “teared”
Note 2: to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart.

So, when I’m reading cloze 1 the card should show:

“My #### has teared my new shirt.”
*a small domesticated feline mammal

and cloze 2:

“My cat has #### my new shirt.”
*to cause (material, paper, etc) to come apart or (of material, etc) to come apart.

Can I do this? D:

By: djllap /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-1000062093 Tue, 26 Nov 2013 18:33:15 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-1000062093 I found some installation instructions updated for anki 2.0

By: beneficii /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-1000056141 Mon, 19 Aug 2013 14:30:47 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-1000056141 How do you do this:

Deck Preparation

1. Open your Sentences or MCD deck.

2. Click Settings -> Deck Properties …

3. Click the “Add” button

4. Select “Add: Japanese MCD” and click OK

5. Close the Deck Properties window

How do you do number 1? Everything I try does not allow for me to go to number 2. I cannot find any option in Anki, with mcdsupport installed, that matches number 2, and I have no idea what number 1 refers to.

I know. I’m totally clueless.

By: Jacob /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-233582 Tue, 07 Aug 2012 06:01:11 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-233582 I would just like to clarify i meant “so easy” and that i dont intend to start them until i finish RTK1+3

By: Jacob /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-233581 Tue, 07 Aug 2012 05:57:23 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-233581 So im working on my kanji but im interested in these MCD’s that are so easy but i have nooo idea what they are this series has confused me and im curious if someone can explain it to my like im five or something

By: FarClimb /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-229564 Sun, 22 Jul 2012 16:45:59 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-229564 allow me to change my opinion on this.
i figured out how to set-up the phrases i want clozed… this is the real deal.
this is SRS evolved. this is the next step. you literally just continue reading or listening to what you want, as you input it. it is so much more exciting and satisfying than plowing through an SRS deck filled with 20 kanji in a single sentence.
congrats on this excellent new system, AJATT members!

By: FarClimb /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-229172 Sat, 21 Jul 2012 03:09:02 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-229172 Can’t make Surusu work!! The Clozed stuff is too difficult and the interface too wacky for a non-computer nut like myself!! 😐

By: tokyostyle /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-214702 Tue, 12 Jun 2012 17:09:49 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-214702 The plugin is available for Anki 2 and makes MCDs even faster and easier to create.

Furthermore the plugin will have Mecab support, thanks to a generous GitHub contributor, which will allow you to create insane amounts of MCDs from a single cut and paste.

By: dc0cc /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-199830 Tue, 03 Apr 2012 16:57:23 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-199830 Appreciate the add-on and the articles. I’ve since incorporated MCDs as a way to contextualize the individual kanji’s of compounds, while relying on sentences to contextualize the meaning of the compounds themselves. It has been too early to tell whether or not this is effective, but I certainly feel like it’s going somewhere
Thanks again dude, this site has been the primary catalyst for the path that I started down 6 months ago.

By: zhinxy /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-198864 Wed, 28 Mar 2012 15:08:48 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-198864 I used Michel Thomas along with sentence decks and a sprinkle of this and that I found it fun and a good way to pick up the grammar and get a feel for particle use. I would never rely on it as a primary base for learning your nihongo, tho! 

By: Rob /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-198754 Tue, 27 Mar 2012 22:43:13 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-198754 Hi guys.

Has anyone heard/used Michel Thomas method? I’ve only started learning Japanese and I went for Michel’s course because I had used it before (to learn Spanish) and I must say it worked perfectly for me. After a month or so (to be honest I didn’t study that hard), i was able to hold a simple conversation with a native Spanish person. At the same time I discovered Anki and I’m using “Heidig’s Remembering the Kanji” deck. 

Just wonder if there’s anyone out there who used Michel’s method to learn Japanese…


By: Sholum /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-198716 Tue, 27 Mar 2012 18:24:37 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-198716 Thanks! I’m sure this will help a lot!
After using my batch file for a while, I’ve found it’s intrusive enough to annoy me, but I have yet to do any reps when it pops up. “Next time” I tell myself.
It does work though, so I’ll just have to be more disciplined. I’m not going to whip myself, but telling myself to do my reps before continuing what I was doing will be good enough (I only do thirty cards per session, so it’s not like it’s a lot).

By: Octonion /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-198569 Tue, 27 Mar 2012 00:11:37 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-198569 I wont try to guess what フレヂィー is doing, but take a look at  Anki can import files in a simple format into decks, the question and answer just need to be separated by a tab, semicolon, or other special character.  If it helps you can open a deck, choose “export” from the “file” menu and then choose “cards in tab-separated file” as the format.  This will give you a file in the same format you’d use to import cards. If you’re uploading whole sentences you can then use the “Regenerate Readings” action ( to generate the furigana, assuming you’re using the Japanese plugin.

By: Prin /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-198347 Mon, 26 Mar 2012 04:20:58 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-198347 There’s actually a very useful plugin uploaded to Anki that can add vocab cards from text files, called “Yomichan.” It’s nice due to the fact that you can add multiple different words from a single fragment of text (like the first segment of four-character compounds) and that you can pick up where you left off when reading a text file. I use it for adding vocab from visual novel logs I keep around, or from digitized books. You can even import the sentence the word was in, for extra context.
Hope this helps!

By: irmoony /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-198134 Sun, 25 Mar 2012 13:07:21 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-198134 Hm, that’s actually similar to what I was going to try. But unfortunately, it’ll have to wait, because my computer has broken down yet again, so I’ll just have to stick to reviewing stuff on my iPod.
But I do second the question: do you think you could share the script? I’m sure it’d be a lot of help to other lazy Anki users – or at least ones that don’t have enough knowledge to create such a script themselves xD

By: Sholum /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-197484 Thu, 22 Mar 2012 19:57:12 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-197484 Care to share your script? Or is it Top Secret?
To me, every little thing helps (as I’m quite lazy and tend to procrastinate a lot). I even made a slightly simpler (if you’re a windows user) batch file to open Anki for me every hour. (It’s only simpler because it doesn’t require any outside programs except a tool from Microsoft (free) to give a SLEEP command)
I might rewrite it in Python (’cause I know more of Python and it will work better for anyone).

By: ブライアン /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-197311 Thu, 22 Mar 2012 04:02:49 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-197311 A block of native text on an SRS card with a small piece blocked (clozed) out.  Fill in the blank, get a cookie and pass the card.  Everything outside the blank is only relevant as context to help you find what fits there.

By: フレヂィー /what-is-it-about-these-mcds-bonus-the-easy-button/#comment-197249 Wed, 21 Mar 2012 20:52:40 +0000 /?p=6573#comment-197249 One thing I recommend is to do what I’ve been doing lately. Though this mainly works if you work on a computer all day like me.

I keep a text file and just keep adding things, at end of day I wrote a script that adds the files to Anki automatically. But you can easily just import them manually end of day, or week, what have you.

example of text file.

地図 (ちず);map
地獄 (じごく);hell
成功 (せいこう);success
成長 (せいちゅう);growth
市販 (しはん);commercially available
製品 (せいひん);goods


This helps a little with the issue of adding stuff to anki one at a time, you can do sentences, too. 

