Comments on: Why is Hedonistic Learning Good for You? /why-is-hedonistic-learning-good-for-you/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Ad /why-is-hedonistic-learning-good-for-you/#comment-1000070934 Thu, 24 Apr 2014 11:32:20 +0000 /?p=29171#comment-1000070934 Khatz, thanks for the article.

I’ve got a pretty steep request, (which you can turn down, and I will still love you) but recently I’ve been finding myself at crossroads of a kind.

You know, the easy learning/easy doing process that you teach here definitely works for language. But I’ve been trying to get my head into building some sort of a business. So, I read a bunch of books, entrepreneur forums etc etc. And everywhere I go I see this ‘grind/sleep is for the weak/all work no play is life’ type of mentality. As I am right now, I get really turned off by that. Motivation videos don’t do it for me. Every-time I try it, I three-day-monk.

There’s a certain sort of ‘barrier’ I have towards making other life activities fit the AJATT method of ‘make the process enjoyable, so you won’t have to deal with motivation’. The feeling is akin to ‘guilt’. Like, ‘that’s not real work, that’s you f***ing around.’

My question/request is if you could write a post some-day about how you applied the AJATT method to other aspects of life (if you did). You obviously have a website going, and presumably are at the point in life where you are living on your terms.

IF you did it the AJATT way, I’d love to get your insights on applying it to other aspects of life, where conventional wisdom states that ‘hard work’ (I’m not mocking the original concept, but the connotations that come with it) is the only way.
