Comments on: Why The Way We Read Sucks and How To Fix It, Part 5: Examples Shown and Questions Answered /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: How Learning a Language is Like Conquering a Country (But Not in the Way You’re Thinking) | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-1000567907 Sun, 18 Aug 2019 12:37:10 +0000 /1189#comment-1000567907 […] I was doing SRS reps in my Japanese STEM deck, and a card based on this paragraph came […]

By: lisbet /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-200290 Fri, 06 Apr 2012 14:43:51 +0000 /1189#comment-200290 You know, I use Evernote for the non-language study stuff (recipes, inspiration etc.)- although lately I’ve been putting recipes on Pinterest because it’s fun to share them with people too.
I am aggressively organized because I deal with so much research data-
Voodoo Pad = organizing book notes before dumping them into DevonThink, works like a WIKI.
Papers = organizing my academic PDFs.
Zotero= organizing my list of sources – rethinking this, may try Bookends
DevonThink = for my dissertation materials- audio, photo, video, book notes, scanned field notes
Scrivener= only for lengthy projects, dump organized materials from DevonThink in there only when actively writing. Otherwise OpenOffice for writing.
Evernote- non research “data” or misc random academic thoughts.
Everything I create or discover anywhere gets filed with these 🙂

By: Khatz, If You’re Fluent, Why Do You Still SRS? | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-144641 Fri, 14 Oct 2011 15:00:51 +0000 /1189#comment-144641 […] lately, I do, but…that’s another story ↩not that it makes practical sense to discuss this […]

By: SPRTFGD /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-43211 Mon, 17 May 2010 05:47:30 +0000 /1189#comment-43211 Oh man Khatz, you always know just what to say to keep me motivated through all kindsa stuffs. It always comes at jus the right time man, jus the right time…

Btw, you had me on the floor wit that 2 stupid dogs reference, hahaha. That used to be my show “back in the day”

By: アメド /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-43195 Mon, 17 May 2010 01:56:14 +0000 /1189#comment-43195 I’ve been currently playing around/adjusting my anki decks to my liking. So far so good. I find that having a few huge decks is way better than having many small ones,easier to organize, easier to do, and less time to do it in. I’ve found what works best for me is doing a good portion of srsing each day(1 hour each day) and rest is passive/reading/writing,etc in japanese. It’s worked really well but nowadays I’ve been finding more ways of making stuff more effective and less time consuming. I’m heading towards the 9 month mark here(8.9 months as stated in my main sentence deck, should be full 9 months within a few days or so). I remember when I started japanese, I wanted to be able to read it understand it,watch dramas,movies,animes,read mangs,play video games in japanese, be able to read transcripts,etc. Now that I can do that, I don’t feel I should stop there even. It’s a never ending journey but it’s not about the results it’s about the process. Making it seamlessly painless is the way to go.

By: Satoshi /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-42014 Wed, 05 May 2010 08:59:25 +0000 /1189#comment-42014 I am recently separating all-kanji decks from strictly nihongo decks.

The improvement is tremendous!

I guess it has something to do with not having the pressure to be able to write the kanji in the sentence or even read it. If I understand it, it’s good enough. And while in the kanji deck, I can go about slowly, burning them as well as I can in my memory, without the pressure to keep going to get to the real “immersion” (yeah, I am inputting sentences without having finished Heisig).

I mean, now everything’s easier. I just got off of a long long period with barely no immersion (constant exposition, yeah, but far, far away from immersion) and this was just the thing to get me back on track.

By: Jean-Paul Setlak /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-41233 Wed, 28 Apr 2010 03:52:28 +0000 /1189#comment-41233 Hey, Khatz.
Very inspiring and highly useful info here. Thank you.
I am a student of Mandarin. I have decent fluency, grammar, comprehension but I need to learn more hánzi big time.
I have perused many of the posts here but could not find the answer to the following:
What is a specific program I can use for SRS to learn Mandarin characters/sentences?

By: Nick /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-41120 Tue, 27 Apr 2010 05:36:51 +0000 /1189#comment-41120 “Do you use one massive deck for all of your SRSing, or switch off between decks?”

I could not help but admire the brevity, clarity, and structure of this question. I mean, it would be gold in any English learner’s SRS deck. Then I realized it was my own question. Verbatim, pasted from the part 4 post. (Except for the omitted hyphen between SRS and ing) My language learning idol/role model/hero/cult leader anonymously quoted me. Sweet. 我好感動!
I think what’s happened to French, will eventually happen to more and more languages as people discover the power of immersion and SRS.

By: Theo /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-41096 Mon, 26 Apr 2010 23:34:23 +0000 /1189#comment-41096 I’m gonna try this on my discourse’s analysis theories studying. Anyway, about a good online bookmark, i’d say that for me so far (I’ive tried google, delicious and go on ) is just perfect….

Thanks about this last post, Khatz…

By: gary /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40936 Sun, 25 Apr 2010 17:13:07 +0000 /1189#comment-40936 great post. its really amazing if you can give cycle between that many decks a day!

By: Brianna /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40898 Sun, 25 Apr 2010 08:15:11 +0000 /1189#comment-40898 めっちゃ長い文も結構入れてるみたいですが、長いやつもちゃんと読むんですか?私だったらきっとめんどくさいと思って飛ばしてしまうだろうな・・・

By: Sarafan /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40696 Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:42:57 +0000 /1189#comment-40696 「Well in’ dat cute…but it’s WRONG! 」 Ancient~! Watched it all the time. ~(^◇^)/ぎゃはは

Aren’t relying too much on SRS? Honestly, I think it’s amazing how far you’ve gone with this memory system. Keep it up.

By: nacest /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40695 Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:08:35 +0000 /1189#comment-40695 Oh, c’mon! Socks and slippers??? ひっでぇwww

By: Matt /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40688 Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:55:26 +0000 /1189#comment-40688 EggTimer is PC only software. For all the Mac users out there, I use Apimac, it’s awesome, and free. You can run dual timers, and use the built-in voice to say things to you when the time’s up (mine says “EXCELSIOR!”).

By: Upaya /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40675 Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:38:05 +0000 /1189#comment-40675 Very insightful. Especially the part about grading — it’s obvious now that you’ve said it aloud but I would’ve regarded it as a huge problem.

I actually once got an idea of making a system in which I would store everything I learn. Sort-of-like SuperMemo’s Incremental Reading, except something that doesn’t make you want to jump out of the window. One that’d allow me to, for example, read scanned manga and easily mine sentences so that it’d preserve the page jpg for context etc. But I never got around trying to figure out how to code something like that.

Now I again realize that all this can be reasonably achieved by Surusu or Anki (listed in reverse alphabetical order to please Khatz 😀 ).

By: Kaiwen /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40555 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:41:48 +0000 /1189#comment-40555 “飛 看大雪紛飛 卻再也找不回”

I spy with my little eye 王力宏 lyrics. Personally, I look up words I don’t know in lyrics when the mood strikes, but I don’t feel the need to SRS them as they come up every time I hear the song.

Also, why do you use Mandarin pinyin pronunciation keys for a Cantonese source?

By: Maya /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40548 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 21:08:37 +0000 /1189#comment-40548 Languages, business, technical material, recipes, humanities… Khatz, you’re like a modern Renaissance man 🙂

By: HDE /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40531 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 19:06:57 +0000 /1189#comment-40531 Khatz,

So do you do these decks everyday? I mean I often find it hard to just do the Japanese decks when I can find the strength!

By: yuzuru /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40529 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:54:00 +0000 /1189#comment-40529 Khatz, the media for the Cantonese example is pointing to surusu. In other words, it’s not working, it just prompts you to download “displaymedia.php”

By: Daniel /why-the-way-we-read-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-part-5-examples-shown-and-questions-answered/#comment-40527 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:15:16 +0000 /1189#comment-40527 Very interesting, nice to get some behind the scenes action. My question though, is how do you grade something like a personal development card?
