Comments on: You Deserve A Kwanzaa Miracle: The Golden Kwanzaa Key of Uncommercialized Righteousness /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/ You don't know a language, you live it. You don't learn a language, you get used to it. Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:09:19 +0900 hourly 1 By: Santiago Madrigal /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-115625 Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:55:43 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-115625 Vaya, ver a dos bloggers que admiro mucho discutir de esta manera… me entristeció. No les miento, me sentí triste al leer esto 🙁

Bien, yo en lo personal estoy de acuerdo con Benny. Es decir sí, es cierto que Khatz dice que “poder hablar es algo que ocurrirá naturalmente una vez se haya dado suficiente ‘input'”, mientras que Benny dice “es mejor practicar tu ‘speaking’ desde el primer día y encontrar una forma de recibir retroalimentación constante sobre lo que hablas para poder corregirlo rápido y así mejorar rapidamente” (si no me equivoco… estoy en lo correcto Benny?? :().

Si, ambos métodos tienen sus diferencias bien marcadas… y eso que significa? Que cuando tomas ambos métodos, experimentas cosas de ambos, te quedas con lo que más te sirve o te gusta, y desechas lo que no va contigo, entonces creas un método no solo más poderoso que los originales, sino que este nuevo método es perfecto para tí, ya que TU lo forjaste con lo que considerabas mejor de ambos métodos originales.

Es tal cual como dice Khatz: “quédate con una sola fuente de información y te estarás sometiendo a tiranía de información!” y “combina las diferentes perspectivas de dos libros sobre un mismo tema, y multiplicarás su poder!”. Mientras más diversas sean las fuentes de información que uno consulte, más perspectivas y herramientas uno puede tener.

Definitivamente no hay un único-método-mágico, pero uno definitivamente SI debe aferrarse a lo-que-funciona-para-UNO (como dice Ramses)! Hay que tener la mente abierta para decir “hey, vamos a leer esta guía que parece recomendar cosas diferentes a lo que yo de por sí hago”, pero también tener la mente bien cerrada en el sentido de “voy a experimentar con esta herramienta o método, y si definitivamente no funciona conmigo o no se me hace divertido queda AFUERA Y PUNTO!”

*sigh* I wish you guys could read this… and become friends again! xD

By: Kwanzaa Miracle Ends in A Matter of Hours | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-68177 Thu, 30 Dec 2010 18:01:40 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-68177 […] children of the ‘JATT. Let it be known unto thee that the AJATT Golden Kwanzaa Key of Uncommercialized Righteousness offer…or whatever the heck it’s freaking called…ends today. You’ve had time […]

By: god /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66983 Sat, 25 Dec 2010 18:23:28 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66983 Lol, a interestingly worded post. Good luck, Khatz. Christmas was expensive for me too! An beer for all! Merry Christmas!

By: Benny the Irish polyglot /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66930 Sat, 25 Dec 2010 11:23:57 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66930 If all I blogged about was “output good, input bad, ug. Where food?” then I wouldn’t have a blog. Same with Khatz. We talk about a lot, so it’s quite a sweeping statement to say our blogs are “entirely different”!! I’m sorry Ramses, but you are looking at our blogs with tainted vision. Seeing only one small aspect and focusing on that to make our “methods” as polar opposites.

Please read beyond your input gospel and you’ll see quite a bit more to both of our sites…

You’ve proven how little attention you pay to my site when you say I don’t believe in flashcards. I wrote a whole post about flashcards!!! This is why I feel like calling you Mr. Brick Wall. Call I shorten it to Mr. BW for short?

By: Ramses /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66927 Sat, 25 Dec 2010 11:08:40 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66927 If I read both of your blogs, and especially Khatz’s old posts, I see him bash many of the things you promote. So why the sudden change, just to make some money? I’m not saying it is just to make money, but it at least looks like it.

I’d be happy check out your guide and the supposed agreement you have with Khatzumoto, but I don’t have the money to buy one. In other words: I can’t comment on the content of your guide.

Having said that, the content of your blogs is entirely different. I don’t believe in one magic method, but Khatz’s method more or less forbids early output, whereas you encourage people to produce early. Where’s the agreement in that? Also, you don’t believe in flashcards, Khatz does. You think studying grammar is ok, Khatz has said in more than one occasion that you shouldn’t even think about studying grammar.

About talking to a wall: because we disagree and because I stick to my method (and you stick to your method), doesn’t mean I’m like a brick wall. In that case the same could be said of you, but you don’t hear me say you don’t listen, even if I might think that…

By: Benny the Irish polyglot /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66915 Sat, 25 Dec 2010 10:21:33 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66915 Khatzumoto is one of the people I interviewed in the Language Hacking Guide and he’ll tell you that it was almost an entire hour of pure agreement. How do you think that’s possible from people who “don’t truly believe” in the other’s methodology to spend an entire hour just agreeing with one another??

I promote this site all the time to readers who I know it would help and Khatzumoto here is clearly happy for his readers to check out the Language Hacking Guide. When you are stuck in this one magic solution mindset and stop focusing on having the right APPROACH and MENTALITY then you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Khatz isn’t about promoting “only” his method. You’ll find if you read some of his posts and tweets that he says that he doesn’t claim that his “method” is the do-all-end-all, and neither do I. But both of us do have ways of pointing people in the right direction.

The fact that you don’t see the vast amount we talk about that is exactly the same shows you simply are not familiar with one or both enough! If you see me as nothing but “anti input” after all our endless discussions, I might just have to give up arguing with you entirely. I don’t like talking to walls 😉

By: Unclean! Why Would AJATT Do A Tie-in With Other People’s Stuff? | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66859 Sat, 25 Dec 2010 02:26:54 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66859 […] Comments きのこ on Cantonese Mini-Transcript / The Incredibles / I Said I’d Be LateDrack on You Deserve A Kwanzaa Miracle: The Golden Kwanzaa Key of Uncommercialized RighteousnessRamses on You Deserve A Kwanzaa Miracle: The Golden Kwanzaa Key of Uncommercialized […]

By: Drack /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66840 Sat, 25 Dec 2010 00:25:01 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66840 All these articles pimping sales are telling me Khatzumoto really needs the cash.

I was gonna donate, but now AJATT+ looks more likely. This website has really inspired me in my studies, and I’ve got the cash, so I’ll probably take Khatzumoto up on this offer. My only concern is all the time I spend on this website instead of studying!

By: Ramses /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66834 Fri, 24 Dec 2010 23:51:46 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66834 Not to burn either of these guys (John or Benny) down, but why would you promote anything other than your own method?

As a matter of fact: Benny’s method doesn’t line up with your method, or any input-focused method for that matter. If you’re against earning some money at the cost of a method, you shouldn’t promote stuff you don’t truly believe in.

Or your method has changed, that’s also possible. Just saying you should stay true to AJATT…

By: Jonathan /you-deserve-a-kwanzaa-miracle-the-golden-kwanzaa-key-of-uncommercialized-righteousness/#comment-66821 Fri, 24 Dec 2010 22:08:58 +0000 /?p=3667#comment-66821 Hi Khatzumoto

Why would I need “John Fotheringham‘s brand, spanking new comprehensive guide: Master Japanese: Self-Guided Immersion for the Passionate Language Learner” – when I’ve got AJATT?

…….it does sound good though……
