There’s a shortage in the world today. A shortage of fox. No, not the kind well-bred English people murder for country entertainment. #sports #tradition #plebsgohome So, not canid foxes. Abstract foxes. These are the kind we all have in limited supply in our bodies and minds, yet go around giving all too freely. You can’t…
Focus: The Superpower of the Common Man
by khatzumoto
Cue Aaron Copland. Trying to spread your energy around is like trying to shoot someone by throwing bullets at them by hand. You don’t need to be “smarter” or more “talented” or more “intelligent”. You don’t need more “time”, just more direction. Energy is only really powerful when it’s focussed. Narrowed down over a smaller…
First Language, Best Language
by khatzumoto
We often ask people what their first language is. We often disclaim our inability to speak a language, saying “it’s not my first language”. But we literally don’t do this with anything else. We never hear a pilot say: “sorry, I can’t fly this type of plane; it’s not my first plane”. We never hear…
Awesome Japanese Rap Music from the Past Couple of Years (2019 Edition)
by khatzumoto
This one, in addition to being a nice, chill song, has a music video was filmed in (East) Africa: [(966) EVISBEATS【PV】いい時間 – YouTube] I love how intensely thugging this is (lol): [(976) KINGPINZ – ACE COOK feat. MAC A$$ TIGER [Track by DJ SCRATCH NICE] – YouTube] Here’s an example of deliberately, aggressively uncool…
Don’t Make Nature Your God, Being a Brief Treatise on Overcoming The Last Excuse, Or, “Eff Your Genes”
by khatzumoto
“The whole point of civilization is that we exceed the limits of nature…” – Adrian Tchaikovsky, “Children of Time” Remember how Conan/Ah-nold talked to Crom, his pagan deity, in Conan the Barbarian? “Crom…I ask you to grant me [this] request…And if you do not listen, then the hell with you!” This. This is how you…
You Are a Natural Learning Machine: Wisdom in Weird Places
by khatzumoto
“You wouldn’t expect to get a driver’s license by reciting the rules for building a car; it’s equally absurd to expect people to demonstrate that they know a language by reciting its rules. You prove that you know how to drive a car by driving; you prove that you know how to use the language…