Kanji Reading Aids

So, you want to read real Japanese websites? You know basic grammar, you know what words are doing, but you don’t yet know that many kanji readings? Have no fear, two tools can come to your rescue. The first, and my favorite, is Hiragane Megane (hiragana.jp). Go there, copy and paste the URL (of the…

Book Review: Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar

The book is Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar by Koichi NISHIGUCHI [基礎日本語文法教本 西口光一(著)]. に・ほん・ご き・そ ぶん・ぽう きょう・ほん ISBN: 475740168X You probably know by now what I think about textbooks and studying grammar. Textbooks are the devil’s spawn; studying grammar is a confusing waste of time in terms of actually teaching you how to use the language. Grammar is a “why”,…

Language Is Acting

This entry is part 6 of 12 in the series Secrets of Speaking

This entry is part 6 of 12 in the series Secrets of SpeakingAt university, I was in a comedy troupe. No, the comedy troupe. The best comedy troupe at my school. The greatest comedy troupe since the previous greatest comedy troupe. And I was in it. And I loved it. By the time I’d gotten…

Podcasts: Simulate Real Japanese Friends

Here at AJATT, we (me? I?) are (am?) all about input. Input, input, input. And that works well for written Japanese. But what about regular spoken Japanese? Well, hang out with Japanese people. But what if there are no people from Japan in your area? Simulate them. One of my favorite ways to simulate having…

Intel Centrino Duo…The Pun is Not Lost in Translation

This ad was posted on a train a while ago, and I’ll be frank…I chuckled. Perhaps you will enjoy it. So here it is with an explanation. Intel Centrino Duo. 世界各国の評価サイトで 大絶賛。 胸を張る代わりに、 シールを 貼って見ました。 The Intel Centrino Duo. Acclaimed on ratings websites worldwide. Rather than stick out our chests, we thought we’d just try…

10,000 Sentences: More on What Sentences to Learn

@Update: 10,000 Sentences is Dead. Let the MCD Revolution Begin! | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time is.gd/AWLzAv OK, so part of the fun of learning Japanese using this method is that the whole Japanese world becomes your textbook, if you will. Anything and everything that are in Japanese are fair game for you…