How To Learn Japanese In 1 Second

I’ve figured it out, people. I finally brought a magic bottle of Japanese special sauce from down from the mountain. You can learn Japanese in one second, and I will show you how… Sort of. OK, so I really wrote that title to make you look (Haha! Made you look!), but it actually has a…

Dick and Jane, Episode 12

Dick and Jane continue to learn more about Hansel and Gretel. Who are they, and where have they come from? And what’s Mr. Brown planning? Find out more! 第 十二 話 やで (PL2) Episode 12, Dude! 第 【だい】 ordinal prefix 十二 【じゅう・に】 twelve; 話 【はなし】 episode や[is] this is a regional dialect version of だ. For a more…

Practice: Don’t Beat Yourself Up

You know, I don’t know how much like me you are. But I imagine that there must be some truth to the idea that if I have a particular problem, then you or someone else shares the same problem. By extension, if I have found a solution or mechanism to deal with that problem, then…

What is an SRS?

SRS is short for “spaced repetition system”. Generally speaking, it’s a piece of electronic flashcard-like software that helps you to long-term-memorize large quantities of information by effectively working on only a small subset of the information each day, using spaced repetitions. The idea of spaced repetitions is painfully simple: when you first learn something, you…