AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-04-01

"It's not that you don't have time: you just don't have big, wide, open, empty stretches of time. You have time." ~ WU Ya-Ling #timeboxing # "利君雅(Nabela Qoser),印度裔女記者,香港浸會大學傳理學院社會科學學士(主修廣播新聞)畢業,曾於now寬頻電視新聞任職,現任無線新聞港聞組記者,能操流利廣東話。" t.co/zjSgbuwQ # 少數族裔學生在香港 – YouTube t.co/0KoRV9kU # Google (Сергей Михайлович Брин) – YouTube t.co/RZRTn2dV #sergey #brin #russian #interview # Open Fire by Leehom Wang t.co/yuRnCxUL #mandarin #rnb…

Let Go, But Don’t Let Go: The Learning Paradox

To get used to language, you have to kind of embrace a paradox, whereby you: Let go of perfectionism, but you Don’t let go of improvement The way you do that is by picking low-hanging fruit. You let go of things that are too hard for you to figure out right now, but you don’t let…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-03-25

"There are only successes and partial successes" t.co/RauIFsmI # TABA(競泳と競馬で勝負!) : レモンを手に入れたらレモネードをつくれ "人生でもっとも大切なことは利益を活用することではない。それならバカにだってできる。真に重要なことは、損失から利益を生み出すことだ。" t.co/LR0oLHvU # "MCD’s are basically the Mcdonalds of SRSing: Quick, cheap, addicting, and makes you fat (with Japanese knowledge" t.co/vab5QDpM # 朝日新聞デジタル:天聲人語 t.co/VhVDXhBP #newspaper #column #via #BD # Make rules you'll actually keep. Rig the game. #cheapwins #timeboxing #immersion # ジェット推進研究所 –…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-03-25

"There are only successes and partial successes" t.co/RauIFsmI # TABA(競泳と競馬で勝負!) : レモンを手に入れたらレモネードをつくれ "人生でもっとも大切なことは利益を活用することではない。それならバカにだってできる。真に重要なことは、損失から利益を生み出すことだ。" t.co/LR0oLHvU # "MCD’s are basically the Mcdonalds of SRSing: Quick, cheap, addicting, and makes you fat (with Japanese knowledge" t.co/vab5QDpM # 朝日新聞デジタル:天聲人語 t.co/VhVDXhBP #newspaper #column #via #BD # Make rules you'll actually keep. Rig the game. #cheapwins #timeboxing #immersion # ジェット推進研究所 –…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-03-18

I learn Japanese and Chinese by taking SRS tests, but not for the purpose of being tested by my SRS. # The purpose of measurement is improvement by comparison with oneself — with your own previous results. # 異星爭霸戰:尊卡特傳奇 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/jlIy6sIW # AJATT status report | General | Forum | AJATT Plus "Focus on…