"It's not that you don't have time: you just don't have big, wide, open, empty stretches of time. You have time." ~ WU Ya-Ling #timeboxing # "利君雅(Nabela Qoser),印度裔女記者,香港浸會大學傳理學院社會科學學士(主修廣播新聞)畢業,曾於now寬頻電視新聞任職,現任無線新聞港聞組記者,能操流利廣東話。" t.co/zjSgbuwQ # 少數族裔學生在香港 – YouTube t.co/0KoRV9kU # Google (Сергей Михайлович Брин) – YouTube t.co/RZRTn2dV #sergey #brin #russian #interview # Open Fire by Leehom Wang t.co/yuRnCxUL #mandarin #rnb…
Let Go, But Don’t Let Go: The Learning Paradox
by khatzumoto
To get used to language, you have to kind of embrace a paradox, whereby you: Let go of perfectionism, but you Don’t let go of improvement The way you do that is by picking low-hanging fruit. You let go of things that are too hard for you to figure out right now, but you don’t let…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-03-25
"There are only successes and partial successes" t.co/RauIFsmI # TABA(競泳と競馬で勝負!) : レモンを手に入れたらレモネードをつくれ "人生でもっとも大切なことは利益を活用することではない。それならバカにだってできる。真に重要なことは、損失から利益を生み出すことだ。" t.co/LR0oLHvU # "MCD’s are basically the Mcdonalds of SRSing: Quick, cheap, addicting, and makes you fat (with Japanese knowledge" t.co/vab5QDpM # 朝日新聞デジタル:天聲人語 t.co/VhVDXhBP #newspaper #column #via #BD # Make rules you'll actually keep. Rig the game. #cheapwins #timeboxing #immersion # ジェット推進研究所 –…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-03-25
"There are only successes and partial successes" t.co/RauIFsmI # TABA(競泳と競馬で勝負!) : レモンを手に入れたらレモネードをつくれ "人生でもっとも大切なことは利益を活用することではない。それならバカにだってできる。真に重要なことは、損失から利益を生み出すことだ。" t.co/LR0oLHvU # "MCD’s are basically the Mcdonalds of SRSing: Quick, cheap, addicting, and makes you fat (with Japanese knowledge" t.co/vab5QDpM # 朝日新聞デジタル:天聲人語 t.co/VhVDXhBP #newspaper #column #via #BD # Make rules you'll actually keep. Rig the game. #cheapwins #timeboxing #immersion # ジェット推進研究所 –…
What is it about these MCDs? BONUS: The Easy Button
by rigabamboo
This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series Best of AJATT+ ForumThis entry is part 6 of 8 in the series MCD RevolutionEver notice how we like to do things that are easy, and we don’t like to do things that are hard? For example, maybe you aren’t really into this episode of…
AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2012-03-18
I learn Japanese and Chinese by taking SRS tests, but not for the purpose of being tested by my SRS. # The purpose of measurement is improvement by comparison with oneself — with your own previous results. # 異星爭霸戰:尊卡特傳奇 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 t.co/jlIy6sIW # AJATT status report | General | Forum | AJATT Plus "Focus on…