AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-08-14

"for #MCDs you literally just plug in whatever's missing correctly. Doesn't matter if you don't read it." j.mp/oitx83 # ホリエモン「國益とか言ってる奴のほとんどは稅金払ってない」‏ – YouTube j.mp/lLJXRZ 笑 # 勝間 x ひろゆき x ホリエモン p2‏ – YouTube j.mp/oQRxgQ # 神聖かまってちゃん – mF247 j.mp/qtx0jX # Bounce: Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham, and the Science of Success (P.S.) by Matthew Syed t.co/eggUNid…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-08-14

"for #MCDs you literally just plug in whatever's missing correctly. Doesn't matter if you don't read it." j.mp/oitx83 # ホリエモン「國益とか言ってる奴のほとんどは稅金払ってない」‏ – YouTube j.mp/lLJXRZ 笑 # 勝間 x ひろゆき x ホリエモン p2‏ – YouTube j.mp/oQRxgQ # 神聖かまってちゃん – mF247 j.mp/qtx0jX # Bounce: Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham, and the Science of Success (P.S.) by Matthew Syed t.co/eggUNid…

Japanese Is Useless And A Waste of Time: Stop Learning It

“In psychology, procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.” Wik The Pedia “No human thing is of serious importance.” Plato The Republic Procrastination is putting off important things. But Japanese isn’t important. Why do you have to know it? You already…

AJATT Twitter Tweets for Week Of 2011-08-07

SilverSpoon Round 10 opens in 20 minutes… ajatt.com # How Children Understand Language j.mp/pLvhlp # How Children Understand Language "suspend analysis" j.mp/pLvhlp # How Children Understand Language "I never *knew* that I didn't know what was going on." j.mp/pLvhlp # SilverSpoon Round 10 opens in 10 minutes… ajatt.com # ★ ノンストップチューブ – NonstopTUBE "勝手に観光協會" j.mp/ocueQ2…

How To Score Lazy Kanji Reps In Surusu

0 = did not write kanji at all / no keyword came to mind 1 = wrong kanji / wrong keyword 2 = partially correct kanji / partially correct keyword 3 = correct kanji and keyword, with great effort 4 = correct kanji and keyword, with some effort 5 = correct kanji and keyword, effortless…

Surusu Stats Definitions

噓には3つの種類がある。噓、真っ赤な噓、そして統計だ。 There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. Today Repcount: Number of reps you have done today Recall: Percentage of reps where you got a score of 3 or more Deletecount: Number of cards deleted today Addcount: Number of cards added today Duecount: (Approximate) number of cards due today Overall: Cardcount:…