This entry is part of 6 in the series Random LinkageThis is definitely one of those songs where the video does the heavy lifting. If I do end up listening to it on the reg, it’ll definitely be because the audio reminds me of the mood and visuals of the video. Hip-hop videos, Japanese ones included,…
Why Every Reason Other People Have Ever Given You for Learning a Language is Wrong
by khatzumoto
We (English speakers especially) are often exhorted to learn “more”/”other”/”foreign” languages. (In truth, all languages are “foreign” to us, but that’s another story). I’ve said it before, but I’ll said it again because it’s worth saying: this is bad advice. Let’s unpack this. It’s bad but it’s also good. It’s bad because the reasons given…
[Random Linkage] No Speak English
by khatzumoto
This entry is part of 6 in the series Random Linkage [(171) MIYACHI – WAKARIMASEN (PROD. MIYACHI) – YouTube] “No Speak English” is also the name of an awesome AJATT game: [No Speak English | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time]
More Timeboxing Insights: Ramp Scaling and Polar Switching
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 4 of 26 in the series Timeboxing Trilogy“You must always work not just within but below your means. If you can handle three elements, handle only two. If you can handle ten, then handle five. In that way the ones you do handle, you handle with more ease, more mastery and…
Momentum Over Position: How the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Can Help You Learn Faster
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Intermediate AngstPlay the language-learning game long enough, and you will often hear (or read, as the case may be) people explaining — in great detail — what their level of ability in a given language is, what they can and cannot do. They may even…
The A$$y Hole Equation
by khatzumoto
So last night I literally had a dream (whoa, slow down dere, Khatz, yer blowin’ my mind!). In this dream, I was sketching in a hallway, because I’m always an artistic genius in my dreams, when two people from Southern China walked past me and were very rude, and I was mildly pissed off. Later,…