
Programming Break

Hello! So…there are a lot of features that need adding on KhatzuMemo, and it’s time at least some of them got added. My time management skills at this point are still at the level of “do one thing at a time” [which, ironically, is about the same level they were at 3 years ago when…

10,000 Hours: Building Listening Comprehension

A lot of people have complained, well, complain is a strong word, but pointed out to me: “Hey, Khatzumoto. What the heck, son?! Your method is too writing-focused!”. To this I must heartily respond: “Um…bollocks”. No it isn’t. But, to be fair, I haven’t discussed listening and speaking as much as I’ve discussed reading and…

How To Speak Like A Native

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Secrets of Speaking

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Secrets of SpeakingThis is another comment that grew so long as to deserve its own article. First, the original question: See, everyone is so discouraging when you learn a new language and say you’ll always ’sound like a foreigner’ and this is a bit depressing.…

A Proposal Towards Reduced Suckage in the Classroom

Classes suck. But could they be made to suck less? Even, *gasp* worthwhile? A reader named Kurojohn asked me that, and I got carried away with the response, so for the purposes of easier discussion, here it is as an article. First, the question: Khatzumoto, I know that language classes are not highly regarded by…

Boiling Water

Um…I guess I’m going to keep this short. I went on a really long walk today, through forests and leafy neighborhoods and narrow streets. Anyway, near the very end of the walk, it occurred to me that learning a language is like boiling water. When the water has boiled, you have reached fluency. Thereafter, you…