This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series Mediocre ExcellenceDon’t do a good job, do a job. Don’t get it right. Don’t get it done. Get it started. It’s not surgery. Yes, you can be this lax and still win. I did. Nice, huh? Don’t aim for perfection. Don’t even aim for excellence. Just…
Why Seconds And Not Hours?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series A Year Isn’t A Year if It’s Not a Year: Stop Counting Money By Weighing ItEri on September 28, 2011 at 07:38: I think counting things in hours at least is more sensible; seconds can give an impression of more than it actually is (“I’ve…
So Should We Track and Log Every Second of Japanese?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series A Year Isn’t A Year if It’s Not a Year: Stop Counting Money By Weighing Itきのこ on September 19, 2011 at 11:20 “Come on, Khatz — who really keeps track of every single second?” No one does. And I would never suggest you do.…
In Defense of Kanji Tattoo Typos
by khatzumoto
The only bad kanji tattoo is a tattoo that has no kanji in it 🙂
The SilverSpoon VIP Waiting List
by khatzumoto
Hey! If you’re seeing this, it’s probably because SilverSpoon is sold out and/or closed for entries right now. Want me to tell you when you can try to get in? Wanna make sure you don’t miss out on round announcements, new language releases, early access and other SilverSpoon-related awesomeness? Yes? Then get your name onto…
It’s Not The Years, It’s the Seconds: A Stack of Washingtons Is Not Worth The Same As a Stack of Benjamins
by khatzumoto
Measuring language “study” time in years is like trying to count mixed cash by weighing it. Hello? Denominations…