Mental Tools

On the Value of Learning How NOT to Do Things

So, again, as with many things, Japanese has a specific word for it: 反面教師 (=はんめんきょうし=hanmen kyoushi). Literally, “reverse teacher”. Now, long ago, I read a Japanese nonfiction book that advised against the use of hanmen kyoushis. It argued that we were just as likely to imitate them as to contradict them. And, like a dutiful,…

How Learning a Language is Like Conquering a Country (But Not in the Way You’re Thinking)

This entry is part 13 of 17 in the series The Art of War of Learning

This entry is part 13 of 17 in the series The Art of War of LearningRecently, I was doing SRS reps in my Japanese STEM deck, and a card based on this paragraph came up: “3歳までに教育を開始しないと手遅れという考えは、3歳までの家庭環境が人格を左右するという三歳児神話の一種である。” [早期教育 – Wikipedia] It’s from a section of the article where they talk about critics of early accelerated…

Don’t Learn Grammar, Learn Phrases

So, I was learning some new words in Mandarin the other day. And, as I’ve mentioned in the past, I like to do things like use the materials that Taiwanese people would use to learn English or Japanese. It’s “working backwards” in a way, that is, not quite using books in the way their authors…