Mental Tools

Just Do More of the Good Stuff You’re Already Doing

We’re constantly admonished by others and ourselves to “get outside our comfort zone“…s and “think outside the box” and “think outside the ‘thinking outside the box’ box” and…”innovate”. And that’s stuff’s great. It’s toadly awesome. Go for it. But I think that lost in the fog of good advice and good intentions is the fact that,…

Failing Gracefully

Rather than crash, try failing gracefully. If you can’t do 100%, your next option is not 0%. There is (literally, mathematically) an infinite number of numbers, and therefore options, between 0% and 100%. There’s 90%, there’s 70%, there’s 50%, 30%, 25%, 10%, 1%, 0.01%, 0.00001%, 0.0000000001%, 0.0000000000000000001%. And you’re like, “that doesn’t count”. Doesn’t it?…

There Is Only Instant Gratification

Instant gratification is the only type of gratification there is. I think. There. I said it. If nothing else, it’s the only type I care to work with. The question, then, is not whether (or not) you’re getting instant gratification, but what you’re going to use as your instant gratification. If the term “instant gratification”…