We’re constantly admonished by others and ourselves to “get outside our comfort zone“…s and “think outside the box” and “think outside the ‘thinking outside the box’ box” and…”innovate”. And that’s stuff’s great. It’s toadly awesome. Go for it. But I think that lost in the fog of good advice and good intentions is the fact that,…
Mental Tools
Practical Tips on What To Do Instead of New Year’s Resolutions
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series New Year’s Is StoopidOK, so, we’ve let down our pants and gone and taken a collective #2 on a New Year’s tradition. So what now? Well, I like to think that every day is New Year’s; I really do; every day is a chance to…
Failing Gracefully
by khatzumoto
Rather than crash, try failing gracefully. If you can’t do 100%, your next option is not 0%. There is (literally, mathematically) an infinite number of numbers, and therefore options, between 0% and 100%. There’s 90%, there’s 70%, there’s 50%, 30%, 25%, 10%, 1%, 0.01%, 0.00001%, 0.0000000001%, 0.0000000000000000001%. And you’re like, “that doesn’t count”. Doesn’t it?…
There Is Only Instant Gratification
by khatzumoto
Instant gratification is the only type of gratification there is. I think. There. I said it. If nothing else, it’s the only type I care to work with. The question, then, is not whether (or not) you’re getting instant gratification, but what you’re going to use as your instant gratification. If the term “instant gratification”…
Nothing Is Hard
by khatzumoto
There are no hard problems, just oversized slices.
Stop With The Resolutions, Start With The Crack
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series New Year’s Is StoopidIt’s New Year’s again. And once again, I am here, my Utah-bred sense of moral superiority on full throttle (hookers and blow notwithstanding) to pour gallons of icy cold, sobering water on all the excitement. New Year’s resolutions are great and all…