OK not everything. But a lot. Dishes have been a perennial problem for me. Wherever I have lived, whomever I have lived with, dishes have been an issue. Some of this was simply a matter of lacking tools for the job – no warm water, not enough dishcloths, etc. But, I had dish issues even…
Mental Tools
Little and Often
by khatzumoto
In high school, I was in the shooting club. That’s right, people. I spout all this peacenik-sounding “why can’t we all just get along” nonsense, but…I used to like guns. Too bad they get used for so much bad stuff. Maybe one day we can load them with software so they can only be used…
Intermediate Goals, Mini-Dreams
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series Intermediate AngstIn a lot of AJATT posts I tend to give the impression, unintentionally, that I’m more courageous than I actually am. It’s what you might call a sin of abbreviation; I cut out most of the parts where I made mistakes and took wrong…
Automated Discipline: How To Stay On Track All The Time
by khatzumoto
It being early January, common practice would dictate that right now I wish you a happy new year, but other people have probably done that already. Plus, it’s not like I would really mean it: because I wouldn’t. I hate holidays. And I hate how people who are usually mood-swingy jerks to you, will hug…
Why Do People Who Have All the Time in the World Get Nothing Done?
by khatzumoto
This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series What It Takes to Be GreatI’m not sure how directly this relates to AJATT. I mean, it relates. But I’m not sure that it relates to everyone doing AJATT. In fact, I know it doesn’t. But, it is an issue that affects me and that…
Quantity Over Quality
by khatzumoto
uberstuber, an AJATTeer whom many of you will know, linked me to this great article at Coding Horror called “Quantity Always Trumps Quality”. It resonates with a lot of things you’ve seen mentioned here before. Namely, that people who become amazing at something — people who become the best in their field — aren’t prolific…