
What Can A Dancer Teach You About Learning Japanese?

What can a dancer teach you about learning languages? As it turns out, just about everything. Twyla Tharp. It’s not a household name. In fact, whenever I hear it, I picture Tilda Swinton — another woman lots of T’s in her name and very little fat on her body. …Just sayin’. Anyway, it turns out…

You Can’t Afford Not To Buy Japanese Books

If you think [books are] expensive, try ignorance Derek Bok, Bastardized by Khatzumoto 😀 “there are golden houses in books and there are beautiful girls in books” Understanding Chinese Culture and Learning Ting Wang University of Canberra, Australia Trying to get used to an L2 without buying books is like trying to go to college…

Book Review: Do It Badly And Ahead Of Time! Three Easy-To-Start Habits That Will Make You Awesome Possum

It’s a book. It’s good. Let me tell you why 😉 . Title/Author/Info 「前倒し」仕事術! ムリなく始められる、3つの習慣 中井 紀之 (著)  Do It Badly And Ahead Of Time! Three Easy-To-Start Habits That Will Make You Awesome Possum Noriyuki NAKAILanguage: Japanese Veracity: Non-fiction Furigana: No Genre: Business book Pros Cons Simple ideas but expressed in an insightful way that…

Book Review / 1-Minute Email-Fu | Quick, Concise, Chronically Awesome Japanese Business Email Examples For People Who Think Too Much

Cult? AJATT. AJATT? Books. Books? Today’s book: 1-Minute Email-Fu. A book that will quite literally turn you into the shogun of Harlem. Or at least of Japanese business email. Anyway, 問答無用!No more preliminary jibber-jabber! Let’s get right to it! Title/Author/Info Pros Cons 考えすぎて書けない人のための1分間メール術 [単行本]神垣あゆみ (著) 1-Minute Email-Fu | Quick, Concise, Chronically Awesome Japanese Business Email…