
Don’t Do Your Best

Don’t do your best. Do what you can right now with what you have right now. Do the best that you can do right now, not the best possible thing, not the best thing you have ever done, not the right thing, not the thing that will get you the least made fun of, not…

AJATT is Pragma Not Dogma

“Nothing has inflicted more suffering on humanity than its dogmas. It is true that every dogma crumbles sooner or later, because reality will eventually disclose its falseness; however, unless the basic delusion of it is seen for what it is, it will be replaced by others.” Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks Don’t believe in AJATT. Don’t…

Success Story: AJATT Inceptioned Me!

Kelsey Exeter (←not his real name), an AJATTeer, anime fan and professional musician from Murika, shares his success story: Hello, I first found your site 5 years ago when I became interested in Japan, and it was my first introduction to the idea that you could learn a language without taking a class. I didn’t…

The Wrong Ence, The Wrong T (Persistence Beats Intelligence; Tenacity Beats Talent)

Learning (=getting used to) a language doesn’t take intelligence, only persistence. It’s not magic; it’s just maths. Certain quantities of certain inputs will inevitably produce certain outputs. It’s as straightforward as drinking and peeing. People who know a language aren’t “talented”, just tenacious. Eat those persistence flakes for breakfast so you can enjoy victory for…