違ええんだよ!全然違えんだよ!そんなこと毛頭ございません! 実はネ、拙者を含めて多くの外国人がホザいて来た「ニッポンの人種差別」というのは、事実無根の愚痴に過ぎない。「『外人』は差別用語」だの「人に見られている」だの弱音を吐くより、先ずは全面的に自分達の日本語能力をレベルアップした方が遥かに得策。他人の国に住んでるのにその言葉をちゃんと学ぼうともしない我々外人=差別用語を語る資格の無い、迷惑的な存在だけだ。せやから、理不尽な主張を抜かす前に責任を取りましょう。何よりもここは日本で、国の主は日本国民(俺らも税金払ってんだけどね(笑))。そんなに辛い想いをしてるなら、他に200カ国ぐらいの国家がそこら辺に轉がってるし・・・ っちゅう事を、僕とYouTubeのTkyoSamが英語圏の皆さんに、今回のビデオを通して伝えたいと思った譯。殘念ながら内容は英語のみなんだけど、まあ、ターゲット層も英語圏の奴らだから或る程度合理的な選択かと存じまする!因みに、ワイは「植物中心食生活」(←関係ねえだろうがよ!^_^)のお陰で結構減量してるので、興味のある方は是非ご覧あれ!・・・やっぱり無いか・・・ Not really. In fact, not at all. In fact, people need to shut the truck up, learn Japanese (especially reading and writing), and stop overanalyzing every interaction they have in Japan like some kind of sociopathic girlfriend. As much fun as it is to try to demonize Japan, certain highly vocal countries…
勝元’s日本語初ビデオだよコノヤロー/Khatzumoto Japanese Video Debut
by khatzumoto
ほーらアップしたじゃん?!もう「ホンマに日本語できるのかコノヤロー」とか抜かすなよ!こう見えてもオマエ作るにゃ超時間掛かったぞ。撮影だの変換だのWMMの故障だの。まあ、これからも兀々(こつこつ)投稿しながら向上して参りたい所存ですので、4649お願いしまーす! Look…ok?…It was late; we were talking; the camera’s on; I have strange quirks and gestures from my childhood (“Mommy loves you! It’s not your fault!”). Then 龍 is all “come on, dawg…I don’t have any make-up on, don’t put me in the video”, so then I cut him out, and there’s no background music…
KhatzuMoto on Video! But In English :( !
by khatzumoto
YouTube’s TkyoSam very kindly did an ad-hoc interview with me…unfortunately it’s in English. Fear not, I have finally acquired a camera [inherited from TkyoSam, actually], so Japanese stuff shall be forthcoming. Um…this really was ad hoc. TkyoSam walked into my fortress of solitude while I was watching Dragon Ball Z in Cantonese, and turned his…
日本語上等Pod…Cast?: Episode 3
by khatzumoto
お待たせしました!日本語上等ポッドキャスト第3回!フゥー! 今回、スペシャルゲストとして、ユーチューブで超有名のTkyoSamをお迎えしております。ご清聴あれ! Jubilation! After a long wait, the podcast has come to it’s magical third episode! Today, we welcome Youtube’s one and only TkyoSam as our special guest. Rissun! The mp3 file of the podcast that is being referred to in the title of this post. Once again, special thanks to Kevin son of McLeod…
日本語上等Pod…Cast?: Episode 2 Script + Manga
by khatzumoto
OK, so…Tony won that little competition that Keiko announced in the previous podcast. Good job! For your reading pleasure, here’s the script he transcribed. And here’s the manganization by Keiko…It ended up being 5 齣….rejoice!
日本語上等Pod…Cast?: Episode 2
by khatzumoto
齋藤の圭子 (Keiko of the House of Saito) and I return! With more ME speaking 日本語nese! And Keiko, also in, ehh, Japanese! And stuff! Be sure to listen in for the special challenge at the end of the show…send your replies by email. Here’s the cast of pod…. Special thanks to Kevin of the House of…