This ad was posted on a train a while ago, and I’ll be frank…I chuckled. Perhaps you will enjoy it. So here it is with an explanation. Intel Centrino Duo. 世界各国の評価サイトで 大絶賛。 胸を張る代わりに、 シールを 貼って見ました。 The Intel Centrino Duo. Acclaimed on ratings websites worldwide. Rather than stick out our chests, we thought we’d just try…
Slice of Life
Sentence Starter Pack 4
by khatzumoto
Japan, as you might guess, is a bit of a hotbed of the Japanese language. The natural environment is ripe for sentence-mining. With that in mind, I’ve been taking pictures and collecting random everyday objects (advertisements, cereal boxes), with Japanese in them, to use for sentence-learning. You can do this outside of Japan, too, if…